Update-ish thingy

May 17, 2015 23:31

I rather doubt I'll be posting here again, as very few of my friends are still here to read it, but just in case anyone wanders across this, I didn't want to leave them hanging. :P

(And FYI, I didn't stop posting because Facebook ate my soul or something. Our internet died and the phone company disn't want to fix anything, and we couldn't really afford it anyway. We still don't have internet of our own, but we've kinda sorta been stealing my aunt's wifi ever since she gave us tablets for Christmas. :P)

Anyway...the whole thing with Jason crashed & burned, as many of you probably suspected. It got harder & harder to get ahold of him, and eventually his grandma informed me that he was with some chick who had a kid. He never even bothered to dump me officially. The only time he's really talked to me recently was when she decided to leave him for some unknown reason, and I was like ugh, let's not start that again. Yeah it was cool while it lasted, but I'm not interested in trauma drama.

Also, the cat I used to bitch about constantly died a few years ago. He became diabetic and we had to learn how to give him kitty shots. The vet had him on a higher than average dose of insulin, which we suspect contributed to his death. At one point, his blood sugar crashed and we discovered this was because he was no longer diabetic. But by then, his kidneys were so screwed up that we eventually had to put him to sleep. :(

To keep the depressing news rolling, my mom lost her job last year for something she didn't even do. She's trying to get on disability, but you know how that works.

Everyone is still alive and as ok as ever, not that that's saying much.

I've actually been writing fairly regularly since I got the tablet, though I haven't finished anything as of yet. Am pondering starting up a worldbuilding blog, once I figure out what to name it and whether to use wordpress or something else.

Yeah...catching up on 8 years in a few paragraphs. This shows you how boring my life is. :P


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