Wherein I try not to get accused of libel

Jul 25, 2007 12:50

Now there's a title I thought I'd never write. :P We'll get to the libel part later.

Anyway, had a kind of neat dream last night. I was living with my mom in a house that appeared to be located where one of our old houses was, but I don't think it was actually that house. Then a girl that looked like Tori from high school but wasn't came walking by, and we were like oh hi we haven't seen you in ages. She says she's in the neighborhood to visit her aunt, and we decided to tag along. Her aunt lived on the corner across the street, in a big gray house that isn't actually on that street. We knock, and the aunt comes out on the porch and tries to get her cats to go inside so they won't get run over or something.

Inside, the front room was big and had a couple of couches and an end table that was enclosed so you could prop a pillow against it for a backrest. We lounged around talking and playing with the kitties, one of whom seemed to like getting tangled in headphones. Then there was a knock and a married couple that I have no idea who they were came in and went in another room with the aunt and my mom. I stayed in the front room playing with the kitten while wondering how we were all gonna find places to sit, when this thing came on the news. This is where the libel part comes in. :P

Apparently on the news, there was this thing about how Mr. T was accused of violently sodomizing a young boy, and then threatening him with worse if he didn't claim that he wanted it. (As if the boy claiming he wanted it would make any difference in a court of law, heh.) Hopefully Mr. T doesn't read this and think I really think he did such a thing. :P

Anyway, I decided to inform the others of this news report by writing it on a piece of paper and tying it to the kitten, who'd deliver the message. Then I thought it'd be neat if we had the kitten deliver messages between our house and the aunt's house regularly, nevermind the fact that the aunt had just been afraid of him getting run over. :P

And err...that's really all of it, given I got woke up somewhere around then.


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