Yay :)

Apr 14, 2007 13:12

Last night was sooo good. We talked about random stuff on the phone and I didn't want it to end. I love how we can go from discussing my theories of God to trying to figure out how the lj mojo meme calculates results, with occasional side-trips into whether we have universes in our big toes or not. :P

And we must not forget the nekkid piccage. Jason needs to find that charger thingy for his new laptop (yay) so he can use a better camera though. :P

It snowed last night. A lot. When it first started, the flakes were freakin HUGE. They looked almost as big as one of my fingernails. O.o It's mostly all melted now though, given that today's deciding to be in the 50's. I woke up this morning and even in this place where it's hard to smell anything other than cat pee and cigarette smoke, I caught just the tiniest whiff of how it smelled in Colorado.

Last night was the closest I've been to how it felt when we were living together in a loooong time. We used to have a rule that we'd never let each other go to bed in a bad mood if we could help it, but we've been kinda slacking on that lately since it's hard to do from this far away. Methinks we need to try harder to concentrate on the good more than the bad. There may be a lot of things going wrong, now and in the future, but as long as we love each other there'll always be at least one thing that's *right*. :)


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