Argh, I said stoppit already!

Apr 12, 2007 19:44

So after my last post, what happens? I have more freakishly creepy dreams babbling about my internal mental state.

There was one where I was some type of ancient king who was about to die. I was leading a large group of my countrymen to somewhere far away, and by the end of the dream there were only 5 of us left (maybe the others got lost, I dunno). And somehow I knew that there was another country sending its ppl out, and that they survived to make it into this history books and we didn't. Said king actually died from some physical condition that wasn't treatable in primitive travel conditions though. At least he waited to die until after I wasn't him anymore. :P

Then there was this weird complex one that I can only remember the fringes of. I'm sure there was more plot there than I'm remembering. Anyway, I'm not sure if I was me or not, but I was part of a group of several couples (some of whom were official and some of whom had just shown up) and I was wandering around looking for a certain guy. (I'm not sure if it was supposed to be Jason or not. Wouldn't have made any difference if I wasn't me anyway. :P) But whenever I went into a room, all I found was couples already in them, starting to get undressed, and I was like oops better get outta here. This went on for a while.

I eventually retreated into the main room, where we were supposed to be watching a Harry Potter movie that didn't have Harry Potter in it. One of the couples I'd seen earlier filtered back in, kinda embarrassed because they hadn't expected to end up doing the nasty. The guy said "well I guess we're sort of related now so we'd better find somewhere we can sit together". I ended up focusing on preparations for the movie, which was weird. It had everything in it that Harry Potter has, *except* the hero was just some guy. No scar, not necessarily dead parents, that kinda thing. I was telling whoever was gonna be showing the movie that it was really kinda pointless to watch it because after the first one we'd hafta go back to regular Harry Potter movies since no one had made alternate versions of the other movies. For a while I think I ended up being Harry Potter, in the house on Locust being hunted by Voldemort and trying to say random magical sounding words and hoping they'd do something. Meanwhile a guy and a girl were snickering at me and wondering if I'd ever realize what was going on.

After the movie, we entertained ourselves with this weird fortunetelling game that involved traipsing around with cards and dice and necklaces. We were still inside I think, but there were places where grass and stuff was definitely growing. Each person would roll their dice every so often, and then pick some of them up and put them away, but if they couldn't find one they left it for the next person who came along. Some of the participants had little pouches to put their dice in, which made different beeps depending on what number was on top as they dumped them in.

After a while of this, we all went to a table and did readings involving cards and the necklaces too. I rolled my dice, and a pendant on the end of one of my necklaces (a silverish diamond shaped thingy) ended up impaling one of my cards and sticking into the table. Whoever had organized this thing thought that was a really horrible omen, but I just thought their materials had fucked up my reading. After we got done I took them back to my house and did the same thing with MY dice and didn't end up having any impaled cards. (Don't ask me why I thought it was the dice's fault, heh.)

Just...really weird and creepy.


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