Dec 23, 2008 14:11
My mother just called me wanting me to appologize to the Brides mother for being a bitch on Saturday. WTFE
Lets go down the list here as to why I am NOT going to:
She didn't want to have anything to do with planning this damned thing until 2 months ago when all of the hard parts were over
Her oldest daughter (not the bride) decided that her oldest daughter wasn't going to be the flower girl, but a bridesmaid, did I mention this was as we were lining up to go into the Chapel?
Finding out FRIDAY night that no one from our side of the family was included in the bridal hair appointment. FRIDAY, when there was no way in hell I was going to be able to fenagal an appointment for 3 people for a Wedding on SATURDAY afternoon.
She was giving as good as she was getting.
I am 28 damned years old, if you have a problem with me, call ME, don't call my mother like you are tattling on some 12 year old.
She can kiss my rosey red ass. (The brides mother)