[Intentional or not, there seemed to be a Revya comfortably napping under a large palm tree one afternoon. Which is something rarely seen, which is why it's hard to say it was intentional or not. Probably wore himself out training or something
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" . . Revya. . . This likely isn't a good place to sleep."
..A--? [He couldn't even finish that since his first reaction to you being there and also that close was to shy up. ... howcute]
". . . I think something is about to happen here. We might want to get inside."
[He is curious how you managed to get it back too, or what was going on, but..] Ah.. r-right.
[He looked up as a couple of snowflakes started to drift down towards them, one landing on the tip of his nose.]
It's... snowing. [That usually was pretty harmless. At least the other times it's done it before anyway]
" . . . We need to get inside quickly."
[He'll be sudden;y grabbing your hand.]
" . . Something isn't right at all about this snow."
[. . . and seeing as you're able to see him. . You might have noticed those little frozen spots where the flakes had touched him.]
[... Oh damn]
He gave a start at the voice that came from behind them-]
[He had started to greet these 'customers', but noticed that something was clearly not right.]
" . . .Did something happen?"
[The owner of the ship had stood from where he'd been smoking at a table to move closer to the two. He eyed the snow outside as well, but wasn't really too bothered with the weather. Not with it being quite warm and cozy in here anyways.]
" . . I take it you're not here on so much of a date by the looks of it."
... The snow out there isn't normal. [He was gonna take that shield back but.. well, the whole top of it had a thick layer of ice on it by now. Changing the shape now would probably get the ice everywhere inside. Assuming he even could, it might be so frozen it was stuck like that]
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