Jun 15, 2011 15:49
You know what? Fuck it. ^_^
I have been feeling a bit blue off and on for a while now. I wanted to cheer myself up, but thought, I shouldn't spend any money. After all, I have no income and I want to be careful with my savings. And then, I said to hell with it. I need some Happy. Nothing makes me as happy on a steady basis as That Guy With The Glasses. Last year, I ordered the first DVD (the only one at the time I believe) and I love that thing so much! It's like an illegal drug: I just pop it in and get the giggles within minutes. I even share it with people, and I am not one for sharing either books or DVDs due to past douchebaggery.
Long story short, I took myself to The Awesome Store, bought the second TGWTG DVD, as well as the Kickassia DVD, and a new Benzaie t-shirt. Also, signed art.
Now, let's hope it shows up sooner than the last time I ordered. Slow shipping was slow.
spending spree