The Boy is Mine.

Jan 16, 2009 21:59

I'll be the headmaster.
DISCLAIMER: No, I am not homophobic, and nor is this post supposed to be. It's not meant to sound angry, either. And I mean absolutely no disrespect. These are merely the thoughts of a disgruntled biological female who has been frustrated with all kinds of biological males for way too long.

Ever since Eve was supposedly created from Adam's rib and flesh, women have never been given the same regard as men. Never. Ever. It is ridiculously uncool as eons have come and gone, and there are people who still think they - we - are less than (hu)man. Now, that isn't really the problem I would like to address right now because Lord knows because, let's face it, we could grab men by the balls, drive them to the ground and beat them while they're down if we wanted to - no problem. Ask all the girls who have left their men for another guy, who have pulled the rug out from underneath them as they plummeted into love, and who have left them with blue balls. I'll admit to that last bit and I enjoyed the fuck out of it (no pun intended) -- Oh, the control. That's the one thing I know that tastes sweeter than Revenge Served Cold.

But I digress. Like I said, that is not the issue that's got my riled up.

I saw the piece TV Patrol did on Rustom Padilla about an hour ago. He just arrived from New York, where he studied modelling for a few months. If you didn't see the Zsa Zsa Zaturnnah movie (I did), or that season of Pinoy Big Brother that he was in (I didn't), you would know that he has come out of the closet of manhood, and ooohhh did he come out. He now calls himself "BB" (as in binibini), sports red lipstick brighter than both my Viva Glam and Chanel shades combined, dresses like a matron (sorry, scarf + sunglasses + bouquet of roses is just very lola to me), and is, I think, preparing for a complete sex change if he hasn't undergone one already while he was abroad.

I also saw La Mala Educacion last night. It was much more disturbing than your usual Pedro Almodovar film, but I liked it anyway because Gael Garcia Bernal is (1) gorgeous, (2) delicious, and (3) packing some serious heat. Teeheehee!

But allow me to reiterate just one more time, just in case you have already forgotten, that neither I nor this entry are either homophobic or angry. I know many homosexuals, of different degrees. I have an uncle, who is very near and dear to my heart, undergoing his transition. I partied with them on Castro Street, on Halloween. I see many of them in school (whut up, Dollhouse), and those of them that I do know are wonderful people. So please do not take this personally, as an attack to your incredible personhood, because you are wonderful human beings, and I just really want to voice my frustrations not against you, but about the way things are.

It's not like girls aren't already so oppressed the way it is. Do you (people in general) have any idea how difficult it is to find a decent man in the world? Mount Everest has nothing on the shit we have to go through. We have to compete with each other, with God, with basketball, with money, with DoTA. Now we have to compete with other men, too. There are men who just want to schtupp other men, and as if competing with other men for manhood (yes, pun intended) wasn't bad enough for us women to deal with, we have to compete with other men for womanhood, also?


The way I feel about this is the same way I feel about people from the straight-up science colleges (SOM and SOSS, holla) who, come Registration time, all flock to the Communication classes for "light" classes. As a Comm major, I'm supposed to have top priority to take the Comm classes because, duh, that is my major after all. But nooooooooooooooo - we get bumped off because people of who are just looking for an easy way out of their boring, deadening academic lives. I was supposed to take Philippine Cinema this sem, but since that class is now filled with I dunno... Management majors, I'm stuck with Latin American Music. Ugh.

Same goes with women, men, and wannabe women. We have to compete with everyone else in school for everything else, and we're apparently not safe even in what are supposedly our own classes.

Long story short, I guess all I'm trying to say is -- stop trying to bump us off the world! Stick to your own course, keep playing for the other team, and give us poor girls a chance. Haha!

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