Aug 22, 2008 17:40
Work is existing, and paying me, so I guess it's good. Possibly there longer than I thought, maybe a few months more (which may or may not include moving to the new head office with them) which at over $21 an hour is awesome to the extreme. Only thing that would be better than that would be a perm job that paid that much. :) Also, yesterday, rather attractive guy showed up while I was doing overtime (will probably never say this again, but thank the gods for dreary overtime!) and started wandering around. Dark hair, dark eyes..... And then he pulls out a camera! Me however, instead of walking up and going, "Hi, I'm Amanda, how 'bout a drink sometime?", I just scamper up the back out of sight and out of the way. Seems I still need to find me that back bone at some point. *shrugs* As one door closes another opens.
Tafe. Am starting to think about leaving. I'm just really not coping with the long nights. But then that magical part of my brain that has "optimism" written on it in neon lights (and is gradually getting better again [I think!]) goes 'Come on! You've only got blah amount of time left and once you've got the piece of paper you can tell the system to shove it where it belongs". So I think for now at least I'm staying.
Not so sure about going to Melbourne at the minute now. Still haven't booked, the people up here that can give me information that would assist greatly in the booking of things seem rather reluctant to give out said information, and it appears Terry doesn't have access to his phone. So I'm informationless, and starting to think of all the things I have to spend money on soon (seriously, I have a few grand worth of expenses coming up in the rest of this year), and beginning to think I might just ask for photos from those who are going, and send a card and try a phone call. Essentially, it's time and money I really don't have to spare, despite working back. *shrugs*
In the line of money, am also looking at trying to outlast Hades in the hoeps of maybe buying a unit/appartment in a couple of years. If I stay as a temp, that's continual casual rates. I might not get leave, but I get money. And if I finish a job and want a break, I can just say I'm unavailable to work for a week or two. Two years of temp rates and I'm thinking I would have a fairly decent deposit. Three years would look even more awesome. Housing prices are tipped to drop again in a few years, even if not by much it might make it affordable if I work things right now. And if things become unbearable here, then I start looking for the perm job and a rental to go with it. But ultimately, I think the stubborn streak will win out. Apart from the family, here is comfy, and I like comfy, and it's cheap, and I would much prefer to have my own place than pay for someone else's.
Do I sound happier by any chance? I don't feel quite happy yet, but not quite as shite as I have of late. Still incredibly tired too, but hopefully can squeeze some extra sleep in over the weekend. Fingers crossed!