This is what I like to see in Kurosagi II. How Kurosaki finally gets his revenge.
Kochi! Kochi! OOPS! Wrong door, HONEY! J
might as well try the other door? Or maybe her dressing room.
yeah, that would be good! Lots of people will be happy.
I actually consulted the
Advice Bunny. It knows everything! I asked this one question, and wasn't satisfied with its answer so I asked the same question again. And after three trials, I believed the bunny. Mwahahaha!
Your question was:
would there be a Kurosagi II?
#1 The Advice Bunny's response is:
¡Creo que si! ¡Es Verdad! (I think it's a YES)
#2 The Advice Bunny's response is:
Yes. Now can I get back to eating my yummy leaves?
#3 The Advice Bunny's response is:
Yes. Yes yes yes. Wanna order a pizza?
Kurosagi the Movie didn't actually reached my expectation when it comes to the Romance thing between Tsurara and Kurosaki. What a cliff hanger! Neko-chan, their pet, wasn't there too, bummer! I don't want to talk about this anymore.
because I have got nothing to do with my time.
Kurosagi II COMING SOON...
starring Yamashita Tomohisa, Jin Akani- WAIT!!!
EEEEK!!! No, not you Jin!
sorry wrong picture.
this picture/drawing is from Baidu. one happy family!
there's Tsurara, Kurosaki, and Neko-chan...
LOL, i just made this up!
i demand for this ^ up here ^