War For Cybertron AND new show!!!!

May 17, 2010 18:58

 Holy shit! What epicness is this 8DDDD A brand-spanking new video game with RIDICULOUS levels of awesomeness! The graphics! THE GRAPHICS! My god, I worship whoever spawned this brilliant idea XD Must. Play!!!!

Yayz! Peter Cullen returns as OP <3333 And wow.... Megs' voice actor does a real chilling job too O_O Like, he's in permanent raeg mode or something. ALSO! Seems like Arcee and Slipstream will be in it as well :333 I'm always happy where there's at least some kickass female bots in it!

ANNNNNNNND word's out that there will be a new show to follow up the events of the game XDDDDDD *is hopeful that this will be the first version without an annoying  token-human ... though is still very sceptical >_>;*

new show, transformers: war for cybertron, transformers: prime, new game, non-fic

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