Blarg :P

Jun 10, 2011 19:16

Urk. Honestly, I'm beginning to wonder whether I should even be looking for a part time job waitressing. XD Today at the free meals centre I volunteer at, I was exceptionally awkward and klutzy all day. It was ridiculous! In the morning I dropped a mug (to which everyone applauded and I curtseyed), and I almost broke the dishwasher by dropping some utensils in where they most definitely WERE NOT supposed to go. Then at dinner, I spilled some water on the floor, and almost scalded myself with hot water in the staff kitchen while making tea. =S It didn't help that the whole day I was pretty 'out of it'. No idea why. I just don't think my mind agrees with the combination of going to bed late and getting up early anymore. xD

Ah, that aside. I saw X-Men: First Class with my friends recently. It was... okay. :| I don't know. For some reason, I expected more. I think I was largely put off by the amount of time they spent on the Cuban Missile Crises (I'm not big into it when movies bring real life historical events into their main storyline >.<). Then there was the fact that I found the majority of characters (with the exception of Prof X, Magneto, and Mystique) extremely dull and forgettable. And the main villain was just so blah in in my opinion. =/ I found that the plot driving the movie was completely overshadowed by the relationship between Charles and Erik; the rest just seemed like pointless padding in comparison to it.

And I know this was a pretty minor aspect of the movie, but gods am I sick of the bland and extremely forced love-interests they throw into movies like this now a days. The kiss scene with Charles and Moira at the end was completely pointless. Before that, there wasn't even the slightest indication that they had any romantic feelings towards each other (not counting the one very short scene from the bar early on - after that it was completely profesh between them.) And in all honesty, I love that couple. They're ridiculously cute in both comics and cartoons. But I didn't really see them as Charles and Moira in this movie. I saw them as Charles and some American secret-agent with a personality as bland as a rice-cake and a strangely Celtic sounding name - but hey, at least she got that one scene to show off her black lace undies. >.>; So very necessary.

Also, (and I'm not just saying this out of slashy love for the pair), the amount of chemistry between Charles and Erik meant that regardless of what alternative love interests the movie were to throw in, they would be completely left in the dark by the bromance between those two. And to be fair, if any man and woman in a movie had half the amount of chemistry those two did, they'd be getting it on before the second act.

Oh. And two last notes? HUGH JACKMAN'S CAMEO!!!! AJXBDBSJWBC9I2WHJD!!!!! <33333333 *sails off to happy land* I also found it endlessly entertaining the amount of times Michael Fassbender slipped back into an Irish accent XD Especially near the end.

But just to serve as a counterbalance to that rant (which I apologise for if it sounded a bit obsessive and snooty :<) Thor was freaking awesome!! 8D Mmmm, Loki~ x333 Cannot wait to see him in Avengers. I think I preferred Thor to X-Men mainly because it was just far more entertaining. That, and I felt X-Men had the blehness of X1, X2 and X3 already hanging over it, whereas Thor was new and shiny. :3

Arrrgh, anywho. XD Apologies for the rantness. When I get type happy, I get really type happy. =S Now for something completely different. Meme! 'Cause artemis10002000 tagged me with her evil tags of doom. :P


1) Tagga otto persone. Non rifiutarti di farlo. Non taggare chi ti ha taggato.
Tag eight people. Do not run away screaming from this meme and do it. Do not tag who tagged you. Do not hate who tagged you.

Long day. Too lazy. xS Just... you. Yeah, you there. You do it! D:<

2) La gente che è stata taggata deve scrivere le risposte nel proprio journal e rimpiazzare una domanda che non gli piace con una nuova.
Tagged people have to write the answers in their journals and replace one answer they don't like with a new one.

1. Hai un peluche preferito? Do you have a favorite plushie?

I've got two! XD One is a stuffed baby seal I've had since I was two - she's had a sizeable tear in her stomach since an unfortunate incident with a dog when I was seven. Also, a TY husky dog named Nanook - got him when I was around eight or nine I think. :3

2. Cosa significa il tuo username? What does you username mean?

I first came up it for my username. I was 17 at the time and loved the gemstone onyx (even though mine's sapphire xD). Plus I wanted a short and sweet name. I used the same name when making my LJ because I was feeling uninventive and lazy at the time. :P

3. Che tipo di vestiario indosseresti sempre? What kind of clothes would you wear all the time?

Outside of the house: comfy tops and jeans with converse or trainers. Inside the house: large comfy T-shirts/hoodies and tracksuit bottoms. And woolly socks with bee-slippers. :3

4. Cosa progetti di fare dopo questo meme? What are you planning to do after this meme?

Answer a RP tag!! XD And maybe get some tea.

5. Cosa ascolti in questo momento? What are you listening to in this moment?

The clackedy-clack-clack of me typing this. =/ Don't feel like music right now.

6. Chi è l'ultima persona che hai abbracciato? Who's the last person you hugged?

I think my little brother... Though I'm sure sure. XD Could've been my mam.

7. L'ultimo manga/anime letto? Last manga/anime you read/saw?

Hmm, probably just under a year ago I ended up re-reading one of my old Fruits Basket novels while cleaning my room. :P

8. Che genere narrativo di piace di più? What's your favorite narrative genre?

It could be anything really. I'm always more obsessive about the characters than the setting or genre. If they're unappealing or dull, I instantly loose interest. But if I had to pick a genre, right now I'd probably say drama/mystery.

9. Qual è il tuo gelato preferito? What's your favorite gelato flavor?

=| ....Strawberry.

10. Quali siti visiti sempre quando sei online? What are the websites you always check when you're online?

LiveJournal, DeviantArt,, Youtube, and usually Wikipedia for whatever reason =/

11. Cosa ti irrita quasi quotidianamente? What irritates you daily?

Internet being slow or not working. Though luckily it doesn't happen daily. xD Other than that, I can't think of anything in particular that annoys me daily.

12. Se potessi andare dovunque, dove andresti? If you could go anywhere, where would you go?

Hmm, this generally changes depending on new places I think of that I want to travel to next. But right now, the Galapagos Islands. <333

13. Cosa volevi diventare quando eri piccola? What did you want to become when you were a child?

TV presenter/singer/actress/vet/princess/kangaroo/superhuman, and so forth. :P

14. Hai mai fatto un sogno strano? Di che si trattava? Have you ever had a weird dream? What was it about?

I never remember my dreams! XD *lol* The last weird one I can kind of recall was back in my Naruto phase. It was a dream where I was in some kind of a resort...on a strange mountain/beach set-up (o__O idk) All the character's from the manga were there and it was just like one of those poorly written RP scenarios where you have the option to hang out with the characters and such... but for whatever reason, all I wanted to do was meander around the resort by myself. XD I don't know, I think there was something I needed to get in one of the shops... A souvenir for a friend or something.

15. Cosa stai facendo questa settimana? What are you up to this week?

Feck all! XD Week's almost over anywho. All imma do is chill. /has no life

16. L'ultimo libro che hai letto? The last book you read?

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

17. Qual è la cosa di cui hai più bisogno in questo momento? What's the thing you need the most in this moment?

Some eats. >_< And tea.

18. Il tuo piatto preferito? Your favourite food?

Sweet: ice-cream. Savory: Pizza. =D

19. Qual è l'ultima cosa che hai mangiato? What's the last thing you ate?

A pear. FTW.

20. Nomina una cosa di te stessa che ti piace. Name one thing that you like about yourself.

I like the fact that I'm capable of being pretty sensible. It's served me well over the years :P 

fail, real life, bleh, meme, movies

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