
Mar 29, 2011 20:14

I'm kind of reeling right now @_@ Not just in disgust, but amazement. I mean... I know Ireland is a freaking backwater country for an endless number of reasons. And I'm speaking as a gal from Dublin (a damn well developed city) - can't even begin to image how much worse it must be in the more rural districts of the country. Yeah, the people can be intolerant as hell, no doubt about it. But freaking heck. The constitution, laws, and policies are just as bad. We still haven't legalized abortion here for frack's sake! =|

But ho boy, do I have a big'un for yee today. Apparently, and I had absolutely no knowledge of this before today, so apologies if there's a similar situation in your guys' homes. But yeah, apparently it's not legal here for "any man who has ever had sex with another man" to give blood. And the Irish Blood Transfusion Service has acknowledged that this policy causes "considerable offence" and is "clearly discriminatory" against gay men, but claim that it preserves the safety of the blood supply.

What. The flying. Fuck.

I mean... My god. I can't even .___. Obviously there's been several campaigns launched throughout the country to get rid of the ban, but why the heck hasn't it been abolished already?! URK!! It really just makes me sad that this is place I call home >_<

And the only reason I actually found out about this today was because of a beyond epic poster put up in my college by the LGBT society. Completely hand-drawn and all it said was:

Apparantly my blood is gay too!

*troll face*

u mad?

It was awesome :D A friend also linked me this. Can't stop watching the second panel xDDD

college, real life, bleh, urk, suckish tiems

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