
Sep 21, 2006 10:31

I always find history fascinating. In my school years my brain has been filled up with information, names, dates about the history of the mediterranean, and of Italy of course. I do remember that the empire of Venezia, La Serenissima, was based on trade, and that the "art" of diplomacy, as we intend it today, was sort of born with the venetians in that period. Obviously the military fleet was a key element as well.

A brief story that I find amazing for its beauty: a friend of my father, from Venezia, went to Albania with a sailboat (I think it was in the 80's). Albania is below Montenegro, ex Yugoslavia. On a boat you have to show both the flag of your nation (Italy in this case) and the flag of the nation you are visiting (Albania). Now, even today it is custom for people from venezia to display also the flag of Venezia on the boat. I think partly because it is a gorgeous flag. Anyway. This guy arrives in a bay in Albania. People looked at his boat and they had no clue what the italian flag was, but they immediately recognized the venetian flag.
I think it is just great.

From Venice, a Lesson on Empire

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