Title: Destiny Characters (Pairings): Arthur, Merlin (Preslash), Dragon Ratings/Warnings: Cannon!AU Word Count: 937 Summary: Arthur finds out about Merlin's magic right after meeting the dragon
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LMAO. This was fantastic, and had me giggling through out it. Hee. Fav line by far was: ""I think you'll find that I don't like him." Arthur muttered. Merlin just nodded and pointed at him in a 'See? I was right.' motion. Although there are so many more that are up there.
You've gotta love the sneaky slash!dragon. Great fic. Loved it :).
I'm glad you liked it. :D And yeah. You can picture that 'See? I was right.' motion clearly, right? I know I can. Sneaky slash!dragon is the best isn't it?
I had thought about a sequel. Going through some episodes of season one with this change in mind and seeing how it could effect how the story went. Not sure if I'll write it. But I'm glad you liked this story. :D
"You moved in front of me." Arthur stated, stepping around to the other side of Merlin and putting away his sword, "You wanted to make sure your shield did cover me."
Aww, I know there was more than just the desire to save a "puppy". Well done. :)
Why thank you. I'm pleased that you liked this alternative version. And would we ever question the fact that there was more desire than to save a "puppy"?
Comments 28
"Yes." Merlin said, "I guess."
BWA-Hahahahaha!!!! I don't know why that just killed me, but it did.
You've gotta love the sneaky slash!dragon. Great fic. Loved it :).
And yeah. You can picture that 'See? I was right.' motion clearly, right? I know I can.
Sneaky slash!dragon is the best isn't it?
"You moved in front of me." Arthur stated, stepping around to the other side of Merlin and putting away his sword, "You wanted to make sure your shield did cover me."
Aww, I know there was more than just the desire to save a "puppy". Well done. :)
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