I Will Go Down with this 'Ship

Jul 15, 2011 17:25

For the gleeverse challenge.

Five Icons

1 Drabble
Puck and Kurt wake up at the same time every morning. Kurt rolls off bed and trudges into the kitchen, hands on the walls guiding him to the coffee. Puck just sits up and walks calmly to the bathroom. He turns the plugs the tub and turns the tap on, shaking his hips a bit as he hums whatever song he has in his head.

Kurt always takes his shower or bath before he goes to sleep, claiming he hates feeling dirty when he goes to bed. Puck feels like he might have sweated at night, so he always takes a bath in the morning. After he shuts the water off, he steps in and relaxes into the hold of the liquid. Dunking his head some, with a tilt, he makes sure his ears and eyes are below the water, but his nose and mouth out of. He lays like that, relaxing.

After a certain length of time, Kurt comes in, having had a few cups of coffee and talks to Puck. Puck can’t hear most of what he’s saying, everything is muffled. Of course, Kurt knows that Puck can’t hear him, but that doesn’t deter him. Puck isn’t ever sure what Kurt talks about, he hears a few words here and there, but none of it makes sense.

Then Puck sits up suddenly, some water splashing out of the tub. Without stopping his monologue, Kurt hands him a towel and finishes his morning routine as Puck washes his hair and body. Kurt’s always done when Puck steps out of the bath. It’s then that Puck chases Kurt around trying to get him wet.

It’s what they do.

1 mini-fanmix

{terminally ambivalent over you|
|the real tuesday weld}
I never thought I'd meet somebody
who makes me feel the way you do.
So someone tell me why,
I find that I'm
terminally ambivalent over you.

{Undisclosed Desires|
I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognize your beauty is not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart

|Nine Inch Nails}
You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you

{Roll Um Easy|
|Little Feat}
But darlin', oh darlin'
You're the best thing I've ever seen
Won't you roll me easy

{Slow, Hot, & Sweaty|
|JJ Grey and Mofro}
Its getting too fast now, a little too brash now
Got to slow down baby, one thing at a time
Make a little friction, while we get the slick on
Breathing nice and heavy, you’re drawing me out

1 mini-picspam

Your Choice (1 Drabble)
Puck woke up and watched Kurt for a moment. It’s what he does, every morning. After a second or two, after gathering his thoughts, after wiping the sleep from his eyes, Puck leaned close to Kurt’s ear. He knew Kurt wakes up as soon as he hears him, so he doesn’t shake Kurt awake before speaking. “Want to hear a joke about pizza? …never mind, it’s too cheesy.” Grinning at the quiet noise of amusement, Puck continued. “What’s brown and sticky? A stick.” Kurt let out a chuckle. “How do you describe a fire at a circus? In tents.” he knows that the ‘In tents’ sounds like ‘intense’ and that Kurt caught the joke as his eyes started to struggle to open and he let out a laugh. “What happened at the carrot’s funeral? There was a large turnip.” Again, a play on words. ‘Turnip’ and ‘turn up’.

After a few more horribly lame jokes, Kurt turned to him. “Brown sticker.”

Puck knew that it takes some coffee get Kurt’s brain running a hundred percent, so he asked “What?”

“Instead of a stick. What’s brown and sticky? A brown sticker.”

Puck laughed and knew that later in the day he’d be getting online to search for more lame jokes.

gleetastic, gleeverse, graphics galore and icon whore, fanfreakin'fiction

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