Challenge 12: Cast Me

Feb 08, 2011 17:00

Over at gleeverse they have challenges. Challenge 12 is to create up to three original supporting characters for Glee. I have thought and in a short time came up with a lot of ideas. Which isn't surprising. Once in school we had to create a character for a class and basically if you thought up ten facts about them, you got a C; twenty a B; and thirty an A. Easy grade. Well, I kinda created seven characters with histories and paragraphs and full on description of appearances and their personality. I didn't go that crazy this time (I could've, easily). Instead I came up with a number of possible characters and I choose only three. Of course at the end of this post I shall also be mentioning the others I came up with, but they aren't any of the three.

I had my housemate help me pick which three to choose. She loved all three I ended up expanding on.

Shall we get to it then?

Click on the image to see it bigger.

Dulè Hill plays John Jones.
John is Mercedes' uncle. He comes into the show because he has taken over the local tap dance class. A fantastic dancer, he ends up teaching Tina and Mike. Mercedes knows a bit about tap so she joins in the classes sometimes, and when she does, she usually drags Kurt with her. Rachel had quit tap when she was younger but when he friends start taking it, she picks it back up. He's there for the kids if they need to talk or if they need some help.

Dylan Moran plays Patches: the homeless man.
Patches had been in glee when he was in school and ended up being homeless. No one is sure how that came about; least of all him. But he's cut back on his drinking and he wants to be able to afford a place to live so he has taken to singing in the street with a hat on the ground for people to give him money if they feel the need (this is after he tried to keep a job, but it's best if that was all forgotten. One day when he was performing on the street, the some of the glee kids joined in and they all had a blast.

Stephen Fry plays Grayson Blithe.
Grayson had lived in London most of his life with his partner, but when Arthur got promoted and ended up moving to Ohio, Grayson came with him. Grayson's not sure how moving to Lima is a promotion, but he likes it so he's not going to ask. When the librarian at William McKinley had some health problems, he stepped in and took over. He is involved with the kids, often stopping the bullies before they slushie and doesn't put up with Sue's antics - he gives as good as he gets. It also helps that Grayson knows how to play the piano, so when Brad calls in sick to work, he takes over.


Okay. So, those where the three I choose to fill the challenge (let me know if this doesn't work). But I want to share some of the other ideas I had for characters. Just a sentence explaining the basics of them. (Click on their name for a picture.)

Russell Brand would play himself and he is a motivational speaker who speaks out against drug abuse.
Brittany Snow is Becky's older sister. She's been away at uni and has come to visit, when she picks Becky up she talks to Sue and thanks her for looking after her sister.
Helena Bonham Carter is an eccentric rich woman who buys things on whims. She buys the school because she 'fancied it'.
Dan Byrd is a student who joins New Directions; the only music he listens to on his free-time is from the 40's and 50's and he hates Journey with a passion.
Jake Shears (how the hell did I find a picture of him with so much clothes on?) is a director of a rival glee club.
Christoph Waltz is a love interest to Coach Beiste. They meet at the local laundry mat.
I wanted to make someone as Sue's rival from high school or her cheerleading rival, or someone who had thought she and Sue were best friends in school but Sue always thought they were enemies. But I can't think of someone to play that.

ETA: I apologize. I forgot one. And I want to make it clear that I only forgot him because I didn't write him down in my list because i fingured that I wouldn't forget him. Because, I mean. Exactly.
John Barrowman (yeah, he gets a video because I forgot him - here's one where he's incredibly camp) is one of Rachel's dads. Of course.

That is all.

gleetastic, gleeverse

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