Too Bad I Can't Name People Like Valentine Wolfe. But He's A Dude.

Sep 03, 2010 18:57


I just have to say, I love my lord and master iceshade . She's given me the perfect opportunity to praise some kickass females.

She did a post where you Name Five Kickass Female Characters. I though I'd give it a go. Just to gush at how awesome Simon R. Green is (look, he's a TV Trope!) they are.

One hands down, no questions asked is a character from a number of Simon R. Green's books. She debuted as Princess Julia of Hillsdown in Blue Moon Rising where when her dad sacrificed her to a dragon to be eaten, she instead lives with him as his friend. She then is "rescued" and precedes to fight off monsters with a sword and when back at a castle she keeps daggers about her person to throw them at portraits of other stuffy royals when she's being made to wait. Then when a war against monsters (notably the Demon Prince) she takes the women about the castle and teaches them how to fight and survives the ordeal.

One thing that makes her extra kickass is that she chooses to run away with her love.

In which she changes her name into Isobel Fisher so that no one knows she is a princess. Her and her love (now named Hawk by the by) are in the most corrupt city in the lower kingdoms and are in the city guard. They are about the only honest guards in the city and are pretty badass. Here are some examples. Because she is totally kickass.

"That was a nice punch of yours, Isobel."
"My strength is as the strength of ten, because my heart is pure."
"And because you wear a knuckle-duster under your glove."
Fisher shrugged. "On the whole, I thought we handled that very diplomatically."
Hawk raised an eyebrow. "Diplomatically?"
"Of course. We didn't kill anyone, did we?"
--Winner Takes All by Simon R. Green

"I used to know who I was," said Hawk quietly. "I was an honorable man, and I led and inspired other men, through my own good example. But that was a long time ago."
"No," said Fisher. "That was yesterday."
They looked at each other for a while, remembering. Finally Fisher sighed and looked away. "We were younger then. Idealistic. Maybe . . . we just grew up."
At that point someone was dumb enough to try and steal Fisher's purse. had to be someone new to the city. He'd barely gotten his hand around her purse before Fisher punched him out without even looking around. This would-be cutpurse hit the ground hard, his eyes unfocused. Some how he got his feet under him, and staggered away. Fisher was so surprised, she let him go.
"Damn. I must be getting old. They never used to get up after I hit them."
--Beyond the Blue Moon by Simon R. Green

"We saw heaven once," said Fisher, pulling on a pair of scruffy boots that looked to Chance entirely identical to the ones she'd just taken off. "Or at least, something very like it."
"You mean you died?" asked Chance, uncertainly.
"Yes," said Hawk. "but we got over it."
--Beyond the Blue Moon by Simon R. Green

Two is probably Shotgun Suzie or Suzie Shooter or Oh God, it's her, run!. And yes, that is how she's introduced. She's a badass bounty hunter who works in the Nightside. She is, of course, from the Nightside Series by Simon R. Green. I don't have an examples of her being awesome though. That was just for Julia/Fisher. But trust me (or maybe ask kausingkayn because she's read some of the series) she is someone who isn't to be messed with.

Three is someone named Hazel d'Ark from the Deathstalker Saga by Simon R. Green. With her red hair and attitude she can take care of herself. Hazel is an ex-space pirate who turns into a tour-guide for an ex-Aristo (Aristocrat) and then she somehow becomes a rebel leader and then a war hero. And no matter what form she takes, she is always pretty awesome. She always is herself and doesn't try and think that her humanity is slipping away from her. She's rather secure in it through out all books. She's overcome addiction, embarrassment, war, traitors, deaths, torture and through it all stays herself without changing much.

Four is, I guess, The Matriarch; Martha Drood. From the Secret Histories Novels by Simon R. Green. Okay, so she isn't always the good guy and let a lot of bad shit go down but she still not only fought for humanity but knows how to run the Drood family (which trust me, is difficult). She won't take no for an answer and demands respect. She's a hard character who, to me, is completely believable.

Five has to be Stevie Blues from the Deathstalker Saga by Simon R. Green. Clones, Espers (have powers) and are "Born to Burn". These 'sisters' care deeply for each other and for freedom which is denied to not only clones, but espers as well. The rock what they do and they'll do anything for one another. And when one of them dies they miss her greatly. A powerful group of women who shouldn't be denied.

Honorable Mention
Molly Metcalf - Secret Histories Novels by Simon R. Green
Ruby Journey - Deathstalker Saga by Simon R. Green
Evangeline Shreck - Deathstalker Saga by Simon R. Green
Lilith - Nightside Series by Simon R. Green
Jessica Sorrow - Nightside Series by Simon R. Green
Investigator Topaz - Deathstalker Saga by Simon R. Green
... okay. so take most any female character from any of his books.

Other than his characters you can take your pick from basically any female from any Joss Whedon show.

Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Rodger Rabbit?
Miss Parker from The Pretender
Fiona Glennane from Burn Notice
Donna Noble from Doctor Who
Princess Ann from Roman Holiday
Rita Bennett from Dexter Series by Jeff Lindsay (and the TV show Dexter)
...and I'm gonna stop now. Yeah.
Wow, this list is completely different than my list of female characters I hate Day 23 - Most annoying character

simon r green is my favorite like whoa

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