Over and Over: 82. Can You Hear Me?

Apr 23, 2010 13:22

Title: Over and Over: 82. Can You Hear Me?
Characters/Pairing: Ianto/Jack, Tosh, Owen, Gwen
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Summary: Got 100 word prompts and themes. Therefore, 100 oneshots. This is number 82. Can You Hear Me?
Disclaimer: Standard still applies.
A/N: Hehe. Hope this one goes over well. It amused me and my housemate but then it's pretty easy to amuse us.

{Story Time|

82. Can You Hear Me?

Toshiko sighed and leaned her head against the concrete wall, her knees up to her chest and arms keeping her legs tight against her. Eyes closed, she heard Ianto's cloths rustle slightly. This was the worst part, the waiting.

She and Ianto had been kidnapped. Again. By humans with some alien devices. And this time they were in a cell that they couldn't seem to get out of; they'd tried for a while with no avail and camera in the corner, the red light mocking. They knew they couldn't talk of plans to escape, not with the camera there.

Holding herself tighter she wished that the team would get here soon. She didn't like being a damsel in distress; it never suited her. But she had tried all sorts of ways to get out of the room. They were stuck. It was very clear.

Tosh opened her eyes and quick looked at Ianto, her eyes wide when she heard him talking.

No, not talking. Singing.

"Ma chere Mademoiselle, it is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight. And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair as the dining room proudly presents - your dinner!" Ianto took a breath and continued, his voice was better than Tosh would have thought, "Be our guest! Be our guest! Put our service to the test. Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie, and we'll provide the rest. Soup du jour. Hot hors d'oeuvres. Why, we only live to serve. Try the grey stuff, it's delicious."

"Ianto?" She asked him, hoping he hadn't gone mad.

Ianto stopped singing and turned to her, his face away from the camera and held up three fingers. She felt her brows furrow in confusion. Raising his eyebrows he then changed it to one finger before pointing to the camera followed by his hand moving in a quick horizontal gesture. Holding up two fingers he pointed to the door and then made a fist. Three fingers he shrugged a smiled slightly.

She thought this over as he repeated the actions a second time.

Option one: they sing and the camera gets shut off. Then talk about a way out.

Option two: they sing and the attackers come in to shut them up and they fight their way out.

Option three: they sing and boost their morale, having a grand ol' time.

Toshiko nodded and grinned, "Don't believe me? Ask the dishes!"

At the end of the song Ianto went straight into one from the movie Rent. Following that he belt out a tune from Cats. At the pause between one from Funny Face and Hairspray Tosh asked a question, "Ianto?"

"Hm?" He stopped two lines into the Hairspray song.

"How do you know so many of the songs? And off the top of your head?" She had sang along with him when she could, but his voice never faltered, sure of the lyrics.

He was quiet for a moment before answering, "Lisa like musicals." Tosh felt her mouth form a 'o' shape and she nodded. Clearing his throat Ianto said, "I've been rather rude. Why don't you pick a song?"

Tosh thought for a moment before letting a wicked grin fall on her face, "I feel pretty, oh so pretty. I feel pretty and witty and," Tosh held her breath as Ianto was the only one who sung out 'gay'.

He turned to her and just raised his eyebrow as he continued, she joined in right after, "And I pity any girl who isn't me today. I feel charming, oh so charming. It's alarming how charming I feel."

At the end of that Ianto picked up the Hairspray song he had left unfinished only have the door burst open. Toshiko knew she shouldn't be, but she was surprised at how soon Ianto was upon the man. She knew he was the fastest of the team, but she hadn't been expecting the man who came in be on the ground with Ianto's arms around his throat and almost unconscious by the time she had gotten over to the door. After a few seconds Tosh gave Ianto a nod and he let go of the unconscious man. Ianto picked up the gun the man had and handed it to her. "You're a better shot."

She nodded and took the gun from him. They started down a hallway, unsure on where they were going.

"I'm almost surprised your plan worked." Tosh said, gun out in front of her and Ianto a step behind.

He snorted, "Yeah, I kinda am too."

"Good plan though." Tosh smiled, glancing at him. "You really do have a good voice."

Bowing his head a bit, Ianto said, "Thanks."

The two walked around, hoping they were going the right way. Upon hearing a voice humming one of the songs they had sang, Toshiko moved forward slowly. She edged around the corner and shot the man in the shoulder, he cried out and dropped his gun. They rushed towards him, Ianto getting there first, he took the gun and hit the man over the head with it, knocking him out. Checking how many bullets he had he gave Toshiko a nod and they continued their escape.

They looked around sharply when they heard an undeniable gunshot that did not come from either of their guns. Rushing towards where they heard the sound a grin broke out on each face as a very indisputable American accent yelled, "Where are they?!"

Sharing a smirk outside the room Ianto raised his eyebrow. Toshiko nodded and they put away their guns and then linked arms before Ianto opened the door and they strolled in singing 'We're off to the Wizard'.

Jack turned and mouth open, he was speechless. Owen's eyebrows were so high he looked like he might have any. The man Jack had been questioning was on his knees and he glared at them, "My God! They just won't stop singing! Make them stop!"

Gwen walked in then, "I think I found out where they were being kept, but they weren't-Tosh! Ianto!"

"Are you both alright?" Jack asked after a short pause.

"Yes, we're fine." Tosh answered with a bit of a giggle.

"How did you escape?" Jack said.

"No." Owen said quickly, "I want to know why you both came in here singing."

"That's all the do!" The man who kidnapped them exclaimed in something that could be construed as horror, "They started singing and then they didn't stop and we needed to shut them up but then you appeared as we went looking for them and then they come in here. Singing!"

Very slowly Jack asked, "You escaped by singing?"

"Might done." Ianto replied easily.

"Any show stopping numbers?" The leer Jack had on his face could easily be heard. "And if yes, would you mind giving a private showing?"

"Get a room." Owen growled.

"We've got one. You're just in it with us."

torchwoodoctorwho, over and over, fanfreakin'fiction

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