Over and Over: 42. Standing Still

Apr 03, 2010 17:33

Title: Over and Over: 42. Standing Still
Characters/Pairing: Ianto, Jack, Gwen, Owen, Toshiko
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Language
Summary: Got 100 word prompts and themes. Therefore, 100 oneshots. This is number 42. Standing Still
Disclaimer: Standard still applies.
A/N: This is based on the children's book Sylvester and the Magic Pebble by William Steig. As all children books there is a moral of the story. This is the moral I learned (which is the wrong one - the correct one is of course 'Careful what you wish for' but whatev). So, my housemate enjoyed it and all.

{Story Time|

42. Standing Still

Gwen kicked the ground as she glanced around. They had split up, looking for whatever came through the rift. Toshiko was sure that it was a device of some sort so Gwen didn't have her gun. She had been at home when she was called in for a device hunt. Glowering about her, she went down an alley and was glad to see something shining in the moonlight.

It was small, easily able to fit in her hand. Burgundy of color; smooth and cool to touch. She picked it up and held it in her palm, "Hey guys."

"Gwen?" She heard Jack's voice over the comm.

"I think I found it." She touched the alien markings on one side, "I'm in an alley - not sure which one."

"I'll give directions." Tosh's voice said cheerily. "Got you on my PDA."

"Sounds good." Jack replied.

Gwen sighed and leaned against the wall, staring at the device in her hands. Only then she heard a growl. Moving her head slowly, Gwen saw a Weevil only a short distance away. After a quick check of her pockets, Gwen cursed. She had nothing to fight the Weevil off with and as it came closer to her, she wished she were something that the Weevil wouldn't attack.


"Weevil!" Ianto's voice sounded over the comms.

The others came running as fast as they could. Between the four of them, they ended up getting it subdued quickly. Ianto had got a cut on his arm from it before they had shown up so while Tosh was looking around for Gwen, Owen told Ianto to sit on the fuck-off rock.

"Where's Gwen?" Tosh voiced when she couldn't find any sign of her.

The others all looked up then, Owen soon looking back down at Ianto's arm. "See a blood trail?"

"No. I looked for one." Tosh frowned, "Gwen's just gone."

Jack furrowed his brow, "Huh. Gwen?" He asked his comm. "Can you hear us? Gwen, come in?" They got no reply.

"Do you think she touched the device?" Ianto asked, "Maybe it did something to-ouch." He glared at Owen.

"Sorry mate." Owen did sound sorry as he poked Ianto's wound again. "I think you may need a few stitches."

Jack looked around, hoping he'd see some clue to where Gwen was when he saw the device. "Ah-ha." He grinned as he picked up the small device and petted it, "Hello there." He all but purred at it.

"If you'd like to get a room with it, just tell us." Owen muttered, doing his best to stop the blood flow from Ianto.

"What is it?" Tosh asked, peering into Jack's hand.

"Wishing device." Jack replied.

"Wha? Give it here." Owen said, all but abandoning his attempt at fixing Ianto. Jack shrugged and gave it to Owen before asking Ianto if he was alright. "It's not working." Owen growled.

"Probably what you're wishing for." Jack informed him, "It's got this thing installed in it. Won't let you wish for certain things. People to fall in love, magical powers, money. You get the drift. It'll do small things. Hair color, nose shape, weight." he paused, "Though if it's a life and death situation it'll more than likely do what you ask for. Supposed to do whatever you wish for it you're about to die or get hurt."

Ianto grabbed it from Owen's hand, "Well then. I wish Gwen were back."

Ianto couldn't help but yelp when the rock he had been sitting on was suddenly Gwen.

"Oh thank God." She muttered, getting back up and breathing deeply. "I thought I'd have to be a rock forever."

"Why were you a rock to begin with?" Tosh asked.

"Well, the Weevil showed up and I wished that I could be something the Weevil wouldn't bother. Like a rock."

"Gwen," Owen said, "the moral you should get from this is to never wish you were a fucking rock."

!christmas!hippo!, torchwoodoctorwho, over and over, fanfreakin'fiction

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