Title: The Unholy Trio chapter 43: Courage, and shuffle the cards...
Author: onthethruway01
Genre: het, smut, fantasy, horror, angst
Pairings: JYJ, Yoochun x female oc, various pairings
Length: chaptered
Summary: The unholy trio and friends head off to the gypsy camp, but stopping on the way to wrap up some unfinished business.
“Hello Ivy.”
The succubus hissed at the demons who caught her by surprise. There were five of them; their leader well known to her.
“Jiyong you insolent pup! How dare you invade my territory.”
G dragon’s fingers fiddled with a strand of Ivy’s hair.”
“You’ve been a naughty girl, Ivy. You and your whores should be punished, but I’m feeling rather benevolent.”
Daesung and Taeyang gathered up the rest of Ivy’s girls, the female demons growling in protest at their male counterparts.
“Gather up your belongings and leave town before I change my mind.”
T.O.P. puffed on a fat cigar while Seungri sported a wicked grin.
“I hear Paris is nice,” T.O.P. mentioned. “Why don’t you try there?”
Ivy frowned.
“What makes you think I am frightened of you,” she said while pointing a finger in Jiyong’s face.
The demon laughed.
“It’s not me you should be afraid of. There’s a Necromancer after you and she wants you and your girls dead. I’m doing you a favor. Heed my warning and leave London before you wind up in a ditch somewhere. Oh, and by the way, you have to do us a favor in return.”
Ivy frowned.
“What is it?”
A human voice interrupted the demons.
“Where is Buck?”
The human tracker named Taecyeon had accompanied the demons. Unafraid of the infernal beings, he had earned their respect.
Ivy reluctantly gave Taecyeon the whereabouts of her human plaything. He left the company of his demon associates and hurried to find his long, lost friend.
Jiyong and his band shuffled Ivy and her girls off to their lair. They packed their things and awaited G Dragon’s next move. From his pockets he produced tickets for a steamer that was leaving that night for France.
“Courtesy of Park Yoochun, the vampire. Have a nice trip ladies.”
They watched from the docks as the succubi boarded the boat; waving and shouting bon voyage as it sailed off into the distance.
“So sad,” Seungri said while blowing into his handkerchief.
His friends laughed hysterically and patted his back. They headed off towards Yoochun’s home while Taecyeon followed Ivy’s instructions. He found the scholar amongst his books in the tiny room he had rented. Startled, he didn’t try to run; his friend being bigger and stronger than he was. Tears fell from Buck’s eyes as he mumbled under his breath.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered to the tracker.
Taecyeon nodded his head.
“I know. Let’s go home.”
The scholar gathered up his things and they made their way back to the safety of JYP’s establishment. There he was examined by Eunjung; the necromancer using her power to rid Buck of his enchantment. She nodded her head and they bowed to their boss; JYP giving them permission to leave on their mission. He regretted letting them go; they were heading into dangerous territory and he wondered if they would come back alive.
The rendezvous at Yoochun’s home went as planned. The vampire and the two gargoyles hid in the back of the covered wagon; Jaejoong driving the horses while Taecyeon took the reins of the carriage; the two ladies safely within. Invisible to all, the demon’s took up the rear; ever watchful for things that go bump in the night. When they reached the outskirts of town, they were joined by the Empire Alley boys; the gypsy waifs who would lead them through the countryside to the secluded camp of The Gypsy King.
They travelled by night; the demons never revealing themselves. They remained incorporeal; ever watchful for intruders. By day, the nocturnal creatures slept; Yoochun buried within the coffin Jaejoong had procured for him. It had been ages since he slept in dirt, and he remembered why. But he shrugged his shoulders as the top was closed; he had more important things to worry about.
A day passed when the Empire Alley boys signalled that they had arrived. They made bird sounds to alert the gypsies to their presence. They were met by The Rainmaker’s henchmen, the Mblaq brothers; five youths known for their skills with weapons. They lead the rag tag group of misfits through the forest until they reached a small copse of trees. There, hidden from all, was the camp of Jung Ji-Hoon, King of the gypsies.
Brightly colored wagons outlined a circle; campfires burned; some roasting wild boar and deer. A large fire pit lay in the center; young girls dancing around it while musicians played. But the music stopped as the strangers entered. An eerie silence fell upon the camp as the Gypsy King stared them down. The gypsies whispered and pointed at the strange visitors; some crossed themselves and grasped the holy symbols from around their necks. The Rainmaker smiled as he recognized Noelle.
“Greetings cousin,” he told her; he planted a gentle peck across her cheek.
“You’ve grown, in more ways than one.” he said while staring at her pregnant belly.
Noelle blushed and she turned to look at Yoochun. The vampire fidgeted nervously.
“I know why you have come,” he spoke loudly in a booming voice.
“You want to know how the curse can be broken. That is not for me to decide. It’s up to the Gypsy Queen to pronounce your fate.”
A lithe figure moved gracefully across the meadow; her long, dark hair cascading down her back. She wore a simple, white shirt and layers of skirts; colorful scarves tied at her hips.
“This is Hyori. She will use her magic to tell you what must be done.”
Hiyori went into a trance; the rest of the gypsies gathering in a circle around her. They chanted a haunting tune until Hiyori raised her hand to call for silence. She pointed a slender finger at the vampire.
“You’ve committed grave crimes, nosferatu.”
Yoochun swallowed hard.
“You have sinned. You have raped. You have murdered.”
Yoochun looked at Noelle, his pregnant “wife” holding back her tears.
“You have been cursed. You will change and become an abomination. You have three choices. Either you accept your fate and become the creature of your dreams, or you answer for your crimes, here and now. It can only be mended by blood.”
Lee Joon, the leader of the Mblaq brothers, drew his blade; Junsu and Eunhyuk stepping in front of the vampire to protect him.
Jaejoong raised his hand.
“Excuse me. You said three things.”
Hyori smiled.
“The tragedy that befell our people the night Noelle ran away was not entirely Yoochun’s fault.”
Junsu scratched his head.
“He was drugged, you see; high on the blood of a special, magical creature. It’s blood was given to Yoochun in secret. It changed him; made him violent and brutally cruel; just like the old days when he was a soldier.”
The vampire found himself trembling.
“Do I have permission to speak?”
The Gypsy King nodded while motioning Joon to sheathe his blade.
“How do you know these things?”
The Queen of the gypsies dared to approach him.
“There are many dark secrets that we possess. That’s how the old grandmother was able to curse you. She used what was left of her power to put the spell on you. Only you can break it. Only you have the power to free yourself.”
Noelle kneeled before The Rainmaker.
“Cousin, I beg you; for my sake, and the sake of my baby, that is, Yoochun’s baby...”
The crowd gasped.
“Please tell us what to do.”
The King looked at his Queen. Hiyori licked her lips.
“You must storm the vampire strong hold and kill their leader. He was the one that drugged you. Without the blood of the magical creature, you would have refused to do his grisly bidding. Despite what you are, nosferatu, you have a good heart; a rare thing for your kind.”
Tears streamed down Noelle’s face.
“He’ll be killed.”
Junsu and Eunhyuk stood by Yoochun’s side.
“We’ll go with you!”
Yoochun grabbed Junsu’s hand and nuzzled his neck; the Rainmaker raising an eyebrow in surprise.
“We’ll all go of course,” Jaejoong interjected; the genie grinning from ear to ear.
“It’s suicide!” Noelle cried out.
Jaejoong hugged her.
“We won’t be alone. Our “friends” will come along too.”
The djinn winked at Noelle; He turned his head to the forest and nodded; the demons, invisible to all but themselves, looked to their leader for guidance.
“I’ve been itching for a fight boss,” Seungri exclaimed.
G Dragon gathered his minions to him.
“Are we agreed? Will we help these misfits?”
They all nodded their heads. The demons had been bored of late; they had remained neutral and lived peacefully among the humans for many years. They had managed to keep their chaotic nature in check, but now they were given a chance to let loose. Besides, they really liked Yoochun’s money.
Someone in the crowd cleared his voice. It was Taecyeon, the human tracker.
“I’ll go too, and so will Eunjung.”
Yoochun shook his head.
“That’s preposterous. We are not going to a garden party. A battle is no place for a woman.”
A green flame sprouted from Eunjung’s hand; the crowd staggering backwards.
“You will need my magic, vampire. Ask the genie.”
Jaejoong looked at the slender nosferatu who scowled in return. He threw his hands up and gave in.
“There is something else you must do inside the vampire stronghold, “ Hyori told them.
Yoochun took a deep breath.
“You mean if I survive, don’t you?”
The gypsy queen laughed.
“You must survive for the sake of your wife and unborn child.”
The nosferatu looked at Noelle; the girl obviously shaken.
“Very well, what is it?”
Hyori sat on a stump and lit a pipe. She blew a smoke ring and spoke softly.
“The gypsies were not the only one’s wronged that night. There were others. You must appease them as well. Their blood was spilled that night too. It was their blood you drank; their blood which fuelled your madness. The vampire’s hold one of their kind in chains. Free her and all will be forgiven.”
Yoochun felt his skin crawl.
“Who is this creature?”
Hyori blew another smoke ring.
“Fey,” she whispered.
Yoochun fell to his knees...
Deep within a dungeon dark, a fragile creature grasped the metal bars of her cell and stared out at the silvery moon, her delicate wings cut from her body. Her back itched and she scratched her skin.
“Soon,” she told herself, as she felt the burgeoning power within her ready to break free...