Title: Ichi, ni san Author: onthethruway01 Genre: smut Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Yoomin Length: one shot Summary: inspired by Yoomin sexy counting from the T Tour.
fuck this was osm! osm osm osm osm!!!!! I had a similar idea but shit you rocked it hard! That was so fast and raw, fucking loved it!! Have you tasted natto? I have, it does taste like pussy.... chun is such a pimp
Nope, never had it and have never had ANYTHING to compare it to and I think you just made my brain snap....my husband would really like you......and I think after your statement, Yoochun would like you too!
...reminder to self..get really drunk and learn to like pussy so you can get Yoochun ( shit, shit, shit...I am so not into girls but if that's what it takes...she better be Asian and really hot, that's all I'm saying).
LOL the thing is that the first time I read chunnies statement about the natto, I fucking understood what he meant. When I tasted it, well chun is a sick pervert cus he likes a certain type of pussy hahahahah But milfy, the thing about natto is that sure it tastes like pussy, but! but! depending on what you add to it and the stickiness it reminds me more of semen.....yeah so what does chunnie think of when he eats natto??
ok, i thought you meant something like Asian pussy vs white pussy...I'm so stupid sometimes....
that boy has a lot of nerve getting all that pussy and it's not mine....lol!!! (oh you too...he doesn't know what he's missing...I say we double team him, huh?)
Comments 18
That was amazing.
Glad you liked it. No angst, see?
(The comment has been removed)
(demanding lot aren't we?! XD)
that was well done, btw
I just realized I've written the ultimate Yoomin line:
"I'm always hard for you, Changmin."
that my friends, is a classic ( Unnie kisses herself for being a Yaoi genius).
Ok, so Yoosu and Hochun next...hmmmmmm........
this was osm! osm osm osm osm!!!!!
I had a similar idea but shit you rocked it hard!
That was so fast and raw, fucking loved it!!
Have you tasted natto? I have, it does taste like pussy.... chun is such a pimp
...reminder to self..get really drunk and learn to like pussy so you can get Yoochun ( shit, shit, shit...I am so not into girls but if that's what it takes...she better be Asian and really hot, that's all I'm saying).
But milfy, the thing about natto is that sure it tastes like pussy, but! but! depending on what you add to it and the stickiness it reminds me more of semen.....yeah so what does chunnie think of when he eats natto??
but if one is too think of it as pussy, a very wet one with a thick juice if u get my drift....
that boy has a lot of nerve getting all that pussy and it's not mine....lol!!! (oh you too...he doesn't know what he's missing...I say we double team him, huh?)
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