ninja rape

Nov 17, 2005 19:23

As tiresome as i am i am wanting to write here so here i go..

Afterschool i went to go eat with Wilson i came back to schoool and soon we drama kiddos were headed to hialeah ((our fav place))

This is what i thought on the plays at One ACts and by the way i love their auditorium

1st play- i thought it was cute.. it had its fair share of comedic diolouge =)
2nd- i didnt not get it at all except the fight i am suprised i did not fall asleep
3rd-It was alright. brought back Middle School Mania memories
4th- hah i liked it but theway they all "died" was horrible but the text was hilarious. cool music aswell.

We perform tomorow.. i just hope people did not lose their voices. Break A Leg guys

Harry Potter comes out in lesss than 3 hrs oh my!

I'd also like to say that my boyfriend is the best person ever. I love you Wilson

Kay I have to get up earlly tomorow for i have to arrive at school by 6




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