canada holiday

Sep 07, 2007 18:28

i've had a pretty shitty week so i thought i'd post some pictures and stories of all the fun i had while i was home. hopefully this cheers me up.

me. olands. sunshine. perfect.

after an overnight bus to london and a flight to montreal and another [delayed] flight to halifax i finally made it into the city. kristen was a doll and picked me up at the airport. after a quick shower it was off to the moustache patio for sunshine and friends and happy hour and amazing times. then dooley's for pool and then ginger's for some sweet country tunes courtesy of the whiskey kisses.

kristen and jenn

hamburgaler aka sarah

me and nicole

josh wore his lobster shirt just for me!

the next day we went to the beach! i got a sweet sunburn less than 24 hours after arriving in the country.

kat at crystal crescent

pinky trev and kristen

we are getting knocked over by the freezing waves.

that night we went to reflections to see the establishment!! i was so happy to get to see these guys while i was home. pretty much all new songs to me. awesome.

craig meg nicole kat and me on our way to the bar

the only time i got to see jay the entire time i was home was for 2 minutes before going inside the bar. i'm glad i got this picture but i'm so sad i didn't get to spend more time with him.

establishment!! pinky, deon, and treeva.

the next day mom picked me up and i went to antigonish for the night to visit the fam. the day after that jenn picked me up and i went back to halifax for the night.

jenn and me

jeremy made a huge bowl of guacamole. here you can see mike thoroughly enjoying the guacamole.

me and jeremy.

after i left their place i went to gus's to see broken ohms play and visit with my residence roommate from my first year in university, nicole! she just moved to halifax a few weeks earlier so we got to hang out lots while i was visiting.

the next day nicole drove me back to antigonish and spent the night so she could see the ever exciting town i grew up in. thrilling i'm sure.

then the day after that mom and i drove to port hawkesbury to see joel plaskett play a free concert at granville green!

lookie lookie it's chris playing bass! i think this is the first time i got to see him playing with joel. weird seeing a friend of mine up on stage where ian mcgettigan used to be.

i spent the next few days in one place [shocking] doing lots of swimming and beaching and visiting family all over antigonish. then it was back up to halifax to see brian borcherdt.

crystal opened for him and it was the first time i ever got to see her play so that was awesome.

brian with basically wintersleep as his band.

the next night it was off to sackville, new brunswick for the weekend for the sappy music festival. i saw the following fabulous bands over the next 3 days and nights:

shotgun jimmie
baby eagle
julie doiron
calvin johnson
the got to get got
they shoot horses don't they
the superfantastics
100 dollars
the paramedics
mt. eerie
rick white
chad vangaalen
woolly leaves
ba johnston [holy hilarious. i hadn't seen him in years. i've been missing out!]
the stance
memories attack
dog day
the monoxides

the superfantastics

the got to get got - holy crap were they ever fucking amazing. i had their ep on my computer and listened to it maybe once and wasn't all that wowed but the minute they started playing i was converted to megafan. if you get the chance, go see them. just do it.

they shoot horses don't they



julie doiron got up and played a song with the cons during their encore.

what an amazing weekend of music.

steph and me at george's roadhouse for the big eric's trip show. steph if you see this, i never did get a copy of pop-up book from you. if you still have any left please save one for me!!!!!!!

back to antigonish after sappy for a few more days. went out to a bar in town for the first time in i think 6 years. last time i do that for at least another 6 years. after we were thoroughly drunk we walked down to the wheel, which was of course closed as it was like 3am on a tuesday night. i went around back and demanded dad make me a pizza anyway. he of course said no. i argued. he laughed in my face. we took a picture instead of making pizza.

ginny, dad, and me.

wednesday was essentially 'family day' at my aunt and uncle's cottage followed by my second joel plaskett show of my holiday.

a bunch of the cousins on the water trampoline thing.

a bunch of us after the joel plaskett show. i am the oldest grandchild on this side of the family by quite a few years. i am starting to not look it [there are actually about three times this many grandchildren]. argh. maybe that's not such a bad thing?

this joel plaskett show was a solo acoustic show, which was nice as i had a full band rock show the week before, playing mostly stuff from the new album. this show i got to hear lots more older songs and it was awesome. he played a new song that he wrote while in GLASGOW called new scotland blues. if i had a copy of this song it would be my theme song this week.

thursday meant yet another return to halifax for some more rocknroll, but first wedding dress shopping with lisa!

smurfy-blue lisa eating a truck.

vikings! first time i actually got to see them play. awesome awesome show.

the next day renee and i spent a beautiful afternoon on citadel hill with a yummy picnic, great tunes, and beer. what could be better? that night i was supposed to go 'dancing' with my cousin mariam who was flying in from calgary that morning but she was exhausted so i got to skip the dancing. i wasn't too particularly sad.

the next night was supposed to involve me going to a super bike competition that my friends' bands were playing at, but they were lacking on guestlist space and i wasn't spending $40 to see my friends play in a muddy field, so nicole, maggie, and i went camping at grand lake.

the lake

nicole having issues in the tent

me with my very first smore!!

it was back to antigonish for a few more days before flying to ottawa for the last 2 segments of my holiday in canada. i was in ottawa for 2 days and i think i saw just about every single person i wanted to see, which NEVER happens when i go to ottawa so i was quite pleased.

i hung out with some dinosaurs.

brian was just getting back from being a camp counsellor in the states for the summer and was randomly in ottawa on the same days i was. i took him to zaphod's and he danced with a balloon.

amy got engaged!!

bestest wifeys ever!

chillin at babylon's ROCKNROLL PIZZA PARTY.

ilana and jess

me and steve

i went to toronto for my last 4 days in canada to visit my sister. i didn't take a single photograph. friday night was super nice. so many of the halifax ladies [sarah, kristen, allyson, and i] were all in toronto at the same time so we all went for dinner, along with jess and tara. we had the most random run in with dave at shopper's drug mart.
saturday jess and i hung out and she had her first h&m experience. marissa met up with us and we wandered around the city for a bit. that evening jess, tara, joe and i went for dinner and basically sat on the patio while various others came and went for visits. i got to see marissa and gavin and matt and ben. then we went to meet up with dave at whatever bar he was drinking at and discovered he had broken his ankle earlier that day playing tennis. bizarre. all the patio drinking had done me in and i stupidly ordered a super dark beer which after one sip made me feel ill enough to turn down a shot of jager. i think that was a first ever moment. i continued drinking normal beer and all was well.
sunday we went for lunch with shawn and sarah and then i saw jess off at the bus station. back to tara and joe's place. we bought huge bottles of wine and went to visit some of their friends.
monday was relaxed. we went for an amazing lunch and picked up some things tara needed to get from her old workplace. her coworkers asked which one of us was the older sister. do i seriously look like i am under 22?!? again, i should probably appreciate this... that evening i met up with ben for a couple drinks and then we went to see superbad. good times.
tuesday i hung out and then met up with kristen and she took me to the airport in hamilton. she was the first person i saw when i landed in halifax and last person i saw when i was leaving in hamilton. bizarre and awesome.

and now i am back in scotland. i've been here for 16 days and i've been sick for about 12 of them. last night i went out with my flatmate anyway and had an awesome time. i'm disappointed she's only going to be my flatmate for 2 more weeks then i have to have a new one, cause she's awesome and we have so much in common. ah well. at least i got to meet her now so i will have one more friend in the city!
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