the april update

Apr 30, 2007 20:23

i like[d] april. the days are long and [mostly] warm. i'm working lots at a job that i don't hate at all [and very little at a job that i don't like at all]. i'm having fun times with awesome people. summer is coming and i'm excited.

one night claire and i went to see o.b.e., a band we had seen in january and i loved. they were lots of fun again. after i was talking to the singer and when he realized i was from canada he got talking about the trailer park boys. EVERYONE KNOWS THE TRAILER PARK BOYS HERE. i'm ashamed.

after they were done playing we went to another bar and i ran into my friend charlotte from work. i was drunk so it was picture time!

sometime early in the month i decided 4 months was a long enough wait and i made the kraft dinner i brought back here with me after christmas. it was DELICIOUS. i want more. now.

it was so great it really deserves 2 photos. mmmmmm..

on the night of my birthday my flatmates claire and petr, petr's friends christoph and maya and i went out for birthday beer!

petr, claire, me, maya, and christoph.

will the wife or husband drink the fastest?

the canadian girls [and some polish fingers]. YES ANOTHER CANADIAN! maya is from quebec city!

the ladies.

no birthday would be complete in scotland without a round of scotch.


after the beer we went to another bar to see some bands but they were balls so we went to another bar and met some fun guys. then went back to the crappy band bar. then went to find the fun guys at another bar they were going to but they weren't there anymore so claire and i danced around in the street and went to mcdonalds.

our dance moves must have been pretty hot because this random dude came up and apparently gave me a birthday kiss? claire looks about ready to call it a night. hehehe.

the following thursday alex and scott had me over for a birthday dinner!

alex made me birthday cake!

not just one, but two!! [this was a heart before they delivered a slice to their friend ian working down the street].

the lovely chef alex! [ ms_elusive ]

sunday was FREE CASTLE DAY. alex, scott and i hit that up along with about 908083549089035 others in the afternoon.

the northern part of edinburgh from the castle.

northeast edinburgh. you can see the scott monument and calton here in this.

halifax has the noon gun; edinburgh has the 1:00pm gun. and this is it.

me, scott, alex, and a cannon.

another pic with the cannon.

some castle pics...

it was really hard to take any pictures without 7876243 extra people in them.

after the castle we went to the princes street gardens to smoke a joint.




me and alex looking tough.

fountain in the gardens.

we saw these crazy upsidedown flowers that look kind of like a pineapple on top.

close up of the flower. anyone know what it is?

fountain and castle.

this guy's expression says it all...

then last week i went to manchester to see RISKY BUSINESS!!!!!

JESS!! on the way there the train stopped in BOLTON.

my hostel had a music theme. i was on the new order floor.

new order photos and articles in the stairway.


risky biz were touring with a band from the uk called nervous wreck. this is the best photo of them i got. :/

RISKY BUSINESS! the crowd was going crazy for them! i couldn't believe it!

manchester loves risky business.

mike and ian at the bar after the show.

while at the bar i was having lady issues and needed to get a tampon. the girls we were with didn't have any so i went to the bathroom but the machine was broken. there was a guy and 2 girls sitting on the counter in the bathroom so i tried to get the girls' attention. the girl in the middle was like oh sorry i'm in the same situation as you. then the other girl was like huh what do you want? i said a tampon and she said okay sure what kind do you want. her friend was all uhhh no.. and all kinds of sketchiness ensued. since when is tampon a code word for buying drugs??!

after bolting from the bathroom i tried my luck with the bartenders but they couldn't help me either so i decided to brave the bathroom again where i met this girl. she couldn't help me but she loved my accent and put all kinds of makeup on me and then bought me a double vodka and redbull. manchester is one strange town.

the guy on the left reminded me of horseface so much. he was great!

ian and me at some chippy.

the drummer from nervous wreck looked SO MUCH like sid from this show called skins that's on here. this picture doesn't show the resemblance at all and pretty much none of you will know the show but yeah.

i can not explain how awesome it was to get to visit with friends from home. it makes me so excited for karley and aaron's visit in june!! AND. they are trying to cut hours at work, so i thought, MAYBE I COULD SEE KARLEY AND AARON EVEN LONGER. so i checked with them and i checked with work and i'm heading to amsterdam with them after they come here to edinburgh!!!!!! june 14th to 18th will be amazing. WATCH OUT EUROPE TEAM AWESOME IS BACK. and this time with aaron!!


PS. the girls at work showed me this sweet video today. i love it. nicole. kristen. treeva. sarah. others? i think you will too.
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