(no subject)

Jan 24, 2011 00:51

Im too considerate for my own good. When i stop caring about people is when ill stop getting hurt. Everyone is so selfish these days, but i cant get it past my head that everyone isnt like me. These people around me are so superficial and i keep falling for their bs. I want to have friends but not at this expense. Shiiit. I need to toughen up n stop carin so much. Basically learn how to be just as selfish as everyone else. Ugh. Theres gotta be a different way....

Or maybe im just too sensitive.
Goddamn fuck this shit. I need a personality overhaul. I wanna be an unfeeling bitch so ill do whatever i want without caring how it affects other people. Thats how everyone seems to operate now these days. Every fucking man for himself. Yup thats real friendship.

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