IC: Not great! Not terrible, but bad. Still dealing with a bit of fallout from the card event and still coming to terms with his newfound knowledge that his brother is off destroying the world via a terrorist organization his at-home cop force has been fighting for ages. He's angry; he wants to go home; he wants to stay in camp forever; he wants to punch Isaak's face off. Albert is sick. He is somewhat losing sight of his sense of purpose outside of going home and killing Cain.
OOC: STILL MINE. That said, he hasn't met strangers in ages and so the only aspects of him I've played lately are the unhappy ones that he reveals around his nearest and dearest. :X He's still a dynamic character with a lot of potential, though, possibly my most dynamic character. Hence.
PLANS: I really want to get him some new relationships so he can rediscover his footing and be a dweeb again! Play with me, guys.
DROP POSSIBILITY: 3/10. If Albert or Shigure leave, likelihood crawls up to 6/10. If both of them leave, 8/10. Because CRAP.
IC: AROUND. Not involved enough in the plot. Err. He's happy Cheryl is here to keep an eye on Rayfell and he's still worried about Johnny's flightiness.
OOC: Eh. I'm not really feeling the motivation to treat him as he needs to be treated as a protagonist of a fantastic series. I love his canon so much, but--my schedule is pretty crappy nowadays and when I hop on I just play other people and . . . the amount of joy I feel is getting a bit disproportionate to the joy I SHOULD feel while playing this magnificent bastard. That said, whenever a new chapter comes out I'm like OMGOMGOMG CHARLEY CHARLEY MINE.
PLANS: Play with Barry, Rayfell, and Cheryl more! TAG PIE MORE. Post about puncture wounds. Fight vampires. Make friends who top.
DROP POSSIBILITY: I am a bit weirdly possessive of him but I am pretty sure either I need to shape up this summer or let him go 'cause it feels RUDE by now. 6/10, but I will be taking pains to drag this number down over the course of the next two months. 10/10 if Pie ain't feelin' it anymore.
IC: AROUND. Keeping an eye out for Laura. Killing things. Keeping people safe from the shadows?
OOC: I love Wolverine SO MUCH but playing from a Marvel canon is so goddamn taxing! What a shocker. Uh. I never feel the need to write essays for him and shit because he is just--he's Wolverine. Even in his brief cameos and shit it's easy to get an idea of what he's all about. I have a lot of trouble tossing him at strangers for whatever reason--? He is just stoic and I fear people may find him uninteresting.
PLANS: Words cannot express my delight at having Emma and Jubilee in camp and I have every intention of bouncing off of them more. UH. Find teenage girl fanclub. Pimp for a Kurt. Wagner. Kurt Wagner. I don't think he's much of a poster, but I should jump posts at random more often. Hang out in the Marvel channel more often :B
DROP POSSIBILITY: 4/10. Like, he could go if I needed space--? I do not need space. If I did need space either he or Charley would be the first to go, but I would do so with the utmost reluctance and the decision would be agonizing to make. No relationships that would warrant a climbing possibility if the other person left.
IC: OH, GOD. Um. I. He was actually kind of stoked about camp! Not quite as much anymore. Quinn is here, which makes him confused and a little bit upset--he's terrified something could happen to her and the baby because, oh god, zombie camp. Puck is also here, which he--for the most part is disregarding fairly successfully, but Puck was his best friend for most of his life and sometimes he knows Puck would be the best person with whom to discuss the why and how of zombie camp but he still kind of wants to strangle Puck every time he sees him. So there's that. Kurt and Mercedes are here--which, cool, okay.
And then there is Jesse, whom he likes. And then there is Jesse's girl, whom he loves. Issues! ISSUES EVERYWHERE. But Finn is gritting his teeth and getting by. Musical interludes make him feel better. He thinks life is much harder than it is, I assure you.
YOU GUYS. SOUL ANIMAL! I just--I am so excited, I have the best cast ever, every week is a treat, Kurt feeds my obsession, he is such a teenage boy and his reactions to things are new and refreshing--it's all awesome! I am glad I made an exception to my usual counselor-only rule for this dweeb.
PLANS: Thread with more non-canon people :B Video games with Kurt! Duets with Rachel! Friendly bro antics with Jesse! Talking to Jesse about Babygate! :E PUCK. DICKING AROUND. MORE SINGING.
DROP POSSIBILITY: 1/10. He is mine and you can't have him. FINN HUDSON, you guys. FINN HUDSON!