Oct 12, 2009 11:13
Wow I have not written in here since June...I have slacked off but probably because I really did not do anything that exciting all summer and then well when school started, its been crazy with work and so on.
for the fact that I only have class twice I week, I am very busy. Having three online classes with lots of reading keeps one busy. i'm working my way through second semester of nursing school. Its nice to back in school and with people who are having the doubts about nursing as me and have the same feelings about graduating late and wanting to get going with life and all. It helps with the anxiety to be able to talk about with people feeling the same way. Its scary to think after spending all this time working towards getting into nursing school and then actually going to nursing school, I could get out and hate it. but really I can not see myself doing anything else and I guess thats what matters. I just have to keep reminding myself that I will not a bed side nurse forever and that where the job can get sucky. There are so many things and places to go with nursing. I just need to keep searching for these and all my options that are in front of me.
I am still a sitter which can be frustrating a lot. I hate having a one 12 hour shift a week and having that whole day shot. I also hate being stressed out about nursing school and health and stuff and then going to work and having that relate to school. I know its good experience for me to be working at a hospital, but it would be nice to go to work and have it do with nothing about health care or a hospital or what not. but the economy sucks and no one is hiring and since I don't go to U of A, I don't have those jobs as an option, which stinks. I also feels lost at work b/c although I have a supervisor I have never met her and don't really report to anyone. This makes it hard to see how I am doing and how I can improve at my work. I feel lost at work sometimes b/c I don't know who to go to to ask questions and such.
Well we are still together...duh. Although I did move in with Maria, I am still always at his place. I sleep there most of the time, since I sleep there over the weekends and his place is closer to work and to clinical which means I can wake up later for these things. I feel bad about never being at the apartment b/c I never see Maria, but she is always at her boyfriends too. We have opposite schedules, I am at the apartment all day doing hw and such and then I leave and she comes. I am kind of getting tired of the back and forth stuff. I love being with ryan and spending time with him and all, but i miss having my stuff with me. For example over the week if i forgot a book I needed for school or want to wear something else, I have to drive to my apart to get it. Its very annoying, especially now that I live further away from his place. But i have to deal with it because well I don't want to move in with him and we can't get married yet, so blah. I wish marriage was an option. It'd be so nice to have a home with him that is ours and have all our stuff together and go home to him and it be my place too, and not have to hide that I spend the night and stuff from his family and such. He is busy with school also. Although he could grad this semester, he is waiting still spring to bring up his gpa and to get more research experience for grad school. Which means I have him in Tucson for 6 more months!
Well I don't really have that much of a social life. Most of my friends grad and moved back to phoenix. those that are here are equally busy as I am with school and work. Plus I've been bad about making plans and hanging out. I just have so mush reading to do and stuff. I hardly have seen Maria and we live together. We see each other less now that we moved in together then before. She works all weekend though and then has school, so she is super busy. I forgot about ryan's cousin and roommates sometimes now that they don't live right below ryan and i dont pass they apart to remind me to go say hi. I need to hang out with them more, b/c I really do enjoy them. Carrie just makes me laugh and molly and I have so much in common and have similar taste. I am really trying hard to make friends with the people in nursing school. I get along with everyone in my clinical and we are all very close at school, but its so hard to break out of that just at school thing. Maria is always hanging out with her nursing school people, and I am jealous b/c I want that. I've started going to a study group with a few people, but it was kind of their thing and I just invited myself. I hope soon they will start including me with out me having to ask. that'd make me happy! I need to try to hang out with people more, I would be much happier if I got to see my friends more.
well i think thats it. so exciting...not really...well no more time for silly things such as journals for today...back to school work...