Feb 11, 2006 16:35
you know, nikki's latest lj post has inspired me. most of the things she has been feelikng guilty about go for me too with of course a few adjustments. but still, the kid at lunch, I feel like crap about, that was really jerky. I mean he dosne't seem to have that many friends and it might make a big difference to him if we're nice to him, and us, we're not losing anything. So why not just be nice to him and make him feel welcome? I can't exactly say we were mean, but we didn't go out of our way to be nice either, and that was jerky. And most of the other stuff she mentioned too.
also I've been thinking like, there's alot of things I'd like to do for myself that I just sit around and think about doing, but I never do. For example: I think I want to get back into the piano. I was at Sam Ash today and I was kind of sitting there playing and this woman came up to me and said that I should never stop playing because I'll regret it, and it's a really nice thing to know how to play music. She said she used to play when she was little and then she stopped and now she's trying to get back into it. She then showed me this book that she was buying. It was like a teach-yourself kind of book. She was asking me some questions and I could help her. And it made me feel smart, like I actually knew something that takes skill to learn and I could help other people learn it. It sounds kind of dumb, but it was nice.
Another thing is I want to learn more about what's going on in the world. In school we've been learning about the genocide in rwanda in 1994, and the stuff going on now in darfur. I read up alot on it for the oprah essay contest and so I knew alot about it when we watched "Hotel Rwanda" in school the other day, (that's a really good movie by the way, everyone should see it). The movie is kind of hard to follow, and most people were confused, like I was the first time I saw it, and so I got to try and help other people understand it better, and that's just another thing I like being able to do. I just hope I dind't come across as like an annoying know it all or what ever. but yea, this teacher in our school is trying to start a highschool chapter of this organization where collge kids try and help in darfur, and I think I'm going to ask her if I can help run it and stuff. I'd really like to do taht, if I can get over being lazy and not wanting to work for anything.
The third big thing I want to do is work on expanding my vocabulary. I don't like when people use words that I only vaguely have heard of and I don't really understand what they're saying. and also the bigger your vocabulary is, the smarter you sound, and I guess I just think it's a nice thing to have.
anyway, I guess those are just some things I'm going to try and work on over the next few months, and posting it here so that everyone knows will hopefully give me more incentive and/or motivation to do them.
<3 becci