Oct 09, 2007 11:31
So tomorrow is opening night and im PUUUMPED.
This has been so much fun that it makes me want to die and I hate the idea of it being over.
The people in this cast and crew are amazing. I was totally unprepared for the ridiculous emotional attachment.
ALSO-our show is beautiful soooo....(plug time)
Purple Breasts will be performed on the following dates at the McKay Auditorium at Fitchburg State College:
Oct 10 - 7:30pm (opening night)
Oct. 11, 12, 13, 17, 19, and 20 - 7:30pm
Oct. 18 - 6:30pm (special commuter performance)
Oct. 14 - 2:00pm (sunday matinee)
tickets are $5 for students/seniors, $7 for the general public. call the box office for more information 978-665-3347.
PLEASE come if you can.
IN other news: I have something(one) new.
SO refreshing.
SO unexpected.
I didn't go to sociology. I ate a sandwich instead. Now im off to take a nap. God knows I need one.