Sara....I am sorry you think I shoved anything in your face... You and I had a discussion one night about Obama. I said I was going to vote for him but had changed my mind for a number of reasons. You then began pointing out flaws about the other party and I counter-acted that with the reasons why I was changing my mind. You told me that you honestly didn't know anything about politics and that you were going to vote for him "just because". You then said you didn't care about politics at all anyway. Later, after I left your house, the discussion started up again via text message. You, once again, began pointing out the other party's flaws and I, once again, explained to you Obama's flaws. I also began to ask you questions to try to understand why you were going to vote for a man that you stated you knew nothing about. Things began getting heated at this point because you did not like what I was asking you or what I was trying to explain. It was at this point that you said you didn't want to talk about it....which would of been fine except you continued to say things about it, so I did as well until eventually we both got mad at each other and the conversation came to an end. I will be the first to admit that it should of stopped well before that happened and I do believe we both apologized the next morning for our actions and agreed to just not talk politics with each other anymore. From that point on, politics were never discussed between either of us.
Nov. 4th I posted a video on myspace and asked that everyone who believed they were sure they knew everything about Obama please watch before voting. Even if you weren't interested in the information, some of my friends were. If you didn't want to read my bulletins you could've either removed me from your friends list or simply not read them... In regards to the bulletin on Nov. 4th, you decided to reply back and say that the video clips were taken out of context. I then wrote back to you and told you that it was not taken out of context and that if you wanted the proof you could youtube both Obama's speeches as well as Wright's speeches to see for yourself that it wasn't just bullshit.
Later that night...You and a few others ASSUMED that because I wasn't voting for Obama I automatically must of voted for McCain. Though I fully admit I felt more safe with McCain as my President for numerous reasons, I did not vote for him and by that point I had already begun to accept the fact that Obama was more than likely going to become the 44th President. I was deeply disturbed by this. Now, had McCain beat Obama, I probably would of posted a bulletin that I was happy for his victory but I wouldn't of personally sent out messages to each and every one of your cell phones. However, you and about a million other people decided to patronize me on election night after hearing that Obama had won. Yes Sara, it pissed me off because it was very obvious that you did it on purpose... you knew I'd be upset. You knew what you were doing when you chose to pour fuel on that fire. If you truly weren't interested in an argument, you never would of bothered sending anything (me as well). You were also not the only person I had a bad reaction with...I pretty much told everyone to fuck off. I have done and said things that I am not proud of (that being one). We all say hurtful things when we feel attacked. You have your opinions and I have mine. You have your beliefs and I have mine. I have insulted you, you have insulted me. But when it comes down to it, I am no better than you just as you are no better than me and therefore I am sorry for both my actions and reactions as well as any hurtful words I have thrown your way. Politics become very personal for many..I think we've all figured that out by now.
It's been made very clear that neither of us are interested in continuing a friendship with one another at this point in time. So, let's show each other a little respect (since we haven't in the past) and end all of this nonsense. Lets both be adults and respectfully let it be, without firing anymore insults back and forth. Being as though we have been friends for over 5 years...I think that's a very small amount of respect we can give each other.
I'm not going to read all this blabber, but I'll tell you why I said those things to you.. I just wanted to piss you off and get you off my ass about it. But it didn't work, obviously. I have my own reasons as to why I voted for Obama and everything else. Okay, bye.
Nov. 4th I posted a video on myspace and asked that everyone who believed they were sure they knew everything about Obama please watch before voting. Even if you weren't interested in the information, some of my friends were. If you didn't want to read my bulletins you could've either removed me from your friends list or simply not read them... In regards to the bulletin on Nov. 4th, you decided to reply back and say that the video clips were taken out of context. I then wrote back to you and told you that it was not taken out of context and that if you wanted the proof you could youtube both Obama's speeches as well as Wright's speeches to see for yourself that it wasn't just bullshit.
Later that night...You and a few others ASSUMED that because I wasn't voting for Obama I automatically must of voted for McCain. Though I fully admit I felt more safe with McCain as my President for numerous reasons, I did not vote for him and by that point I had already begun to accept the fact that Obama was more than likely going to become the 44th President. I was deeply disturbed by this. Now, had McCain beat Obama, I probably would of posted a bulletin that I was happy for his victory but I wouldn't of personally sent out messages to each and every one of your cell phones. However, you and about a million other people decided to patronize me on election night after hearing that Obama had won. Yes Sara, it pissed me off because it was very obvious that you did it on purpose... you knew I'd be upset. You knew what you were doing when you chose to pour fuel on that fire. If you truly weren't interested in an argument, you never would of bothered sending anything (me as well). You were also not the only person I had a bad reaction with...I pretty much told everyone to fuck off. I have done and said things that I am not proud of (that being one). We all say hurtful things when we feel attacked. You have your opinions and I have mine. You have your beliefs and I have mine. I have insulted you, you have insulted me. But when it comes down to it, I am no better than you just as you are no better than me and therefore I am sorry for both my actions and reactions as well as any hurtful words I have thrown your way. Politics become very personal for many..I think we've all figured that out by now.
It's been made very clear that neither of us are interested in continuing a friendship with one another at this point in time. So, let's show each other a little respect (since we haven't in the past) and end all of this nonsense. Lets both be adults and respectfully let it be, without firing anymore insults back and forth. Being as though we have been friends for over 5 years...I think that's a very small amount of respect we can give each other.
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