
May 20, 2022 20:34

FO Banner Made by the lovely pink_cupcake @ frostiing - Please do not steal this!

So, I've decided to go the 'Friends Only' route. All people currently on my flist will remain there.

Please either add me first, or comment to be added.

A Few Things To Know:

-I will not add anyone who is homophobic, racist, chauvinistic, closed minded, prejudice, etc.

-I tend to lurk, and I'm not much of a commenter. Please keep that in mind when you friend me, because I hate it when people ask to be friended and then de-friend me a couple of weeks later because I didn't comment much.

-QaF fans are more than welcome to friend me. (Be warned, I'm an avid B/J fan and Justin apologist.)

-Feel free to friend me if we know each other from communities.

-Do not promote in this entry.

-Please do not bring community business to my journal, unless I'm a maker for your community.

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