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affliction April 6 2015, 16:58:30 UTC
i feel like she does have a good heart beneath all the bullshit she spreads but she's just too much for me. the insults, the hypocrisy, the racism, the nasty language.... etc etc i could go on for years. she's changed in the worst way. it was so refreshing to have her on the show when she first joined and now i just want her gone (girl).


a_files06 April 6 2015, 17:06:40 UTC
She was perfection in S2/3. 4&5 she has had her moments but let her emotions/alcohol get the best of her.


affliction April 6 2015, 17:11:35 UTC
since you like her, do you think she has an alcohol problem or it's editing etc? i honestly don't know what to think. i think shannon might have one too ngl. i love her so much but


a_files06 April 6 2015, 17:17:05 UTC
I don't think she does, she just likes her alcohol. She doesn't seem to be as big of a mess outside the show and Celebrity Apprentice showed she can be sober and not get drunk. She just doesn't have enough to do on RHOBH so she just drinks drinks drinks at every event.


fight4thislove April 6 2015, 18:16:38 UTC
Not the OP but a fellow stan.

I don't think she is an alcoholic at all (like Kim who you can tell is an alcoholic). As OP also pointed out, Brandi was sober the entire time on Celebrity Apprentice and she proved she's the same/fully competent.

I truly think when she gets around these women she had high anxiety/panic attacks and just self medicates with the alcohol. The fact that she's on Lexapro and Xanax don't gelp things either when she drinks. I don't think she's an alcoholic but I do think she has a problem where she uses it as a crutch.

I rewatched the reunions this past weekend and I find it hilarious of all the women, Brandi is the only one who has consistently stayed the same person. Kyle and Lisa V have flip flopped so damn much I got whiplash keeping up.

I also think it's just the show that makes her look bad because she seems to always have her kids and she said herself when she has her kids, she doesn't drink at all:


rosebid April 6 2015, 18:18:04 UTC
alcohol problem but not an alcoholic. more a behaviour problem that alcohol triggers.


kapuki234 April 7 2015, 00:09:00 UTC


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