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Comments 4

ex_vampirew765 October 25 2012, 19:18:49 UTC
omg watching beverly hills s1 reunion rn

she is GLOWING in it


musicnextdoor October 25 2012, 20:55:39 UTC

I hope we see a lot of her p0wning Taylor/Adrienne and maybe Kyle (would rather not see her at all) next season.


ex_vampirew765 October 25 2012, 21:06:25 UTC
ugh i hope she's back full blast next season

i want brandi/camille (and hopefully lisa) to tear bitches up


musicnextdoor October 25 2012, 21:20:25 UTC
YES. Me too.

The producers must know who we like/root for, fingers crossed that's who will get the most screen time. Getting Brandi as a full-fledged HW bodes well for the season, so does no Dana (though I heard she's making an appearance, ugh, I hope it's just in the background, for a millisecond).


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