With VGA in full swing (or possibly concluded, I don't watch television.) there's been a plethora of new trailers released to the public. Some of them have been rather good, like the Diablo 3 Trailer or exceptionally bad, like the movie-tie game to the incoming disaster that is Spectacular Spiderman.
And then you have games that leave you going, "What the hell did I just watch?"
I didn't think anything could beat Transformers: Fall of Cybertron with it's hilariously inappropriate "War is Hell" background music, and the implied homo-eroticism between Optimus Prime and Bumblebee:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnazs2t5Brg (Maybe I've just been on the Internet too long. Also, Grimlock)
But then Hideo Kojima gives me this:
Click to view
I'm not entirely sure what to think. I've never been a fan of the Metal Gear series, but even I did a double-take at the inexplicable shift in tone and game style. It's like...some freakish avatar of 90's Anime and Western Comics just appeared and started masturbating furiously in my face. It has everything! Katanas, Bullshit Warrior Philosophy, Evil Corporations, Cyborgs, giant robots, and a deliberately misspelled title! (In the words of Linkara, "Because Poor Literacy is KOOL!") All it's missing are more ammo pouches, and a buxom 'action-girl' in skimpy attire.
I think what all this boils down to Hideo Kojima being a huge troll.