I was out, walking around with the boyfriend last night and a bird shit on his head. Mhmm you read me correctly xD Anyway, after i stopped laughing hysterically, I managed to get off my knees and offered this: "Well, some people consider that good luck". Of course, this lead to a heated debate on whether it was good luck or bad, leading to superstitions, in general. This, in turn, made me think of you guys so I put this little list together....
-If three people are photographed together, the one in the middle will die first...just :(
-If a candle blows out, evil spirits are nearby...or that there's a draft
-A knife as a gift from a lover means that the love will soon end...ooooh the temptation
-Place a hand in front of your mouth when sneezing so that your soul cannot escape...that's right. give your soul a concussion to keep it in line.
-A horseshoe hung in the bedroom will keep nightmares away...take note, creepies!
-If 13 people sit down to eat together, one of them will die before the year is over...that's what you get for having an uneven dinner party.
-Hold your breath while going past a cemetery otherwise you will breathe in the spirit of someone who has recently died...mmmm soul donut.
-If a dead person’s eyes are left open he will find someone to take along with him...and that's why we sew those fuckers shut.
-Entering a frog into the house brings good luck...pardon?
-Keep a spider in a walnut shell and place it around the neck acts as a repellent against plague...or infestation, whichever.
-If cows lift their tails it is an indication of the coming rain...that's not what I heard.
- Dropping scissors on the floor means your lover is unfaithful to you...or that you just lost a toe.
-When a black cat ran across the road in front of you, you would say BREAD & BUTTER ON MY TABLE, CUT IT WITH A BUTTER KNIFE if you could not turn around and go another way, or bad luck would come to you...damn, calm down!
-Don't kill spiders they are good luck...we're all screwed.
So, do you guys adhere to any superstitions? What do you think of them; silly or better safe than sorry?