I'm not gonna explain y I have no respect for girls like Jesse on twitter,so if u want the whole truth n only the truth be sure 2 listen
- JoJo Spatafora (@JoJoDoll1)
September 30, 2013 I was just asked to do an interview with
@RealityCheckADR so for any1 who wants to hear my truth,more details soon on time/date
- JoJo Spatafora (@JoJoDoll1)
September 30, 2013 Ok u know what I'm sick of all these stupid tweets from people who have NO IDEA what they r talkin about &think they know me or Jessie so...
- JoJo Spatafora (@JoJoDoll1)
September 30, 2013 I hate to give JoJo attention because this is ridiculous but apparently according to JoJo Jessie made JoJo sleep on the chair/floor when she had sex with Alex. LMFAO. I doubt this is true but hilarious as fuck if it is.