The main perpetrators are Spencer Clawson and Jeremy McGuire. They are constantly referring to women as "b****es" and "c***s" -- though we haven't heard Jeremy use the c-word, that one is solely on Spencer. They have both also bragged about their sexual activities; Spencer about his hook-ups outside the house and Jeremy about his hook-ups with fellow houseguest Kaitlin.
Just last night on the feeds, Spencer was talking about he dates girls until they sleep with him, then he moves on -- "If a guy asks you out, he's really just saying, 'I want to go through the civil process of f***ing you.'"
He then wanted to detail the sexual exploits between himself and his current girlfriend, but the ladies of the BB house actually told him not to because she wouldn't want that on the live feeds.
Score one for the BB ladies, though we have yet to hear them ask Jeremy or Spencer not to call them derogatory names, which the guys do to their faces all the time. They may not be directing the names at the girls they are actually speaking to, but they are using them to refer to the other women in the house. And nobody ever tells them not to.
Maybe people don't think the sexism is as "bad" as racism or homophobia, but hateful language is hateful language. It's all about marginalizing and putting down a group of people and the attitudes towards women in the house (even from some of the women) are just as awful as the attitudes towards other classes of people.
The racism and homophobic remarks also continue, as Jeremy called Elissa a f***** and Aaryn used an "Asian" accent (think Mickey Rooney as Ping) to say that when Helen evicts someone, she should say, "No happy endings for you" and GinaMarie added that Helen can do her nails.
We know we should stop being surprised by anything like this, but ... wow.