ONTDBB Big Brother ~ Season Two ~ Noms + Veto Comp. Week One

Jul 05, 2013 14:13

Who was nominated?
Who won MVP?
Come play in the Veto Comp!

iamglory is the HoH this week.

He has decided to nominate...

whitegirlthin & alicel

“I have thought long and hard about these nominations. Being the first HoH is a very humbling experience to say the least. I thought of these nominations long and hard. It was a difficult choice but I have decided to nominate:

1. whitegirlthin
2. alicel

I hope you understand and if you have any questions please feel free to talk to me.

This ends the Nomination Ceremony!"

exlenne won MVP this week! Congrats

He has decided to nominate....


-------VETO COMPETITION-------

This is the first veto competition of season 2! iamglory, junemeaugust, whitegirlthin, and alicel are all guaranteed to play in today's competition. All other participants were chosen from random.org, just like last season. divadutchess, fruitariyun, and hollywoodhits were all chosen by random.org to participate in today's Veto Competition as well. Today's veto competition is called "Here's To All My Friends."

This is a game I played at summer camp when I was in like 2nd grade so it should be relatively easy for everyone to understand how to participate.

You will be paying close attention to everyone's memory wall icons. Use this picture as your main reference. Do not use any other memory wall pic:

I will give all of you a statement like: "Here's to all my friends that have blonde hair."

You will then list every houseguest that has a picture of someone with blonde hair in their memory wall icon.

SO yea, the comp is really, really, really easy. Expect the difficulty to ramp up in the coming weeks.

The answers to each statement are the Houseguest's usernames, not the name of the person in the icon.

1. Here's to all my friends that have the same person in their icon.
2. Here's to all my friends that are looking over their shoulders into the camera in their icons. (HINT: there's only 3)
3. Here's to all my friends that have PAST U.S. Big Brother houseguests in their icons.
4. Here's to all my friends that are purposely covering their mouths in their icons.
5. Here's to all my friends that were jury members in their respected U.S. Big Brother seasons.
6. Here's to all my friends that actually have .gif icons but stopped moving because they were put on the memory wall. (HINT: look at the comment sections and people's profiles!)
7. Here's to all my friends that are staring down the Dani Donato Season 8 icon in their memory wall icon.

Whoever sends me the most correct answers wins! If there is a tie, whoever sent it in the fastest will win the veto.

Your deadline for this competition is Saturday, July 6th at 4:00pm EST.

Memory Wall thus far: ( do not use this one for the veto comp.)

ontdbb game

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