Ian Terry's Saga

Aug 28, 2012 10:15

Ian rocking back and forth in the kitchen chair and slapping his fingers on the table making a beat and continues to repeat phrases to himself. He is whispering most of them so its hard to make out exactly what he is saying.

1:24 AM Ian sitting at KT table, staring at Memory wall, rocking back & forth, muttering "I'll go down with the ship, I will take a sword for them." Mostly unintelligible. Now repeating out loud "Honey Badger don't care, Honey Badger don't give a sh*t". Says he won't be working with Frank now. "If I have any say in it, he's next."

1:23 AM Ian sitting alone repeating to him over and over again "Honey Badger don't care, Honey badger don't give a sh* t".

1:23 AM Ian rocking in dining chair muttering "big brother seppuku" & "going down w/ the ship." hard to make out most of his words.

serious discussion, ian, dan sucks, bb14

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