Jul 17, 2012 02:47
Do we know how it's going to work when a Coach loses all of their Players?
I really don't know if it will happen before a split/Coaches entering the game occurs (I don't know if any team has the wherewithal to get it done in a set amount of weeks), but if and when it DOES, what are we expecting?
Does the Coach get evicted alongside the Player?
Does that Coach AUTOMATICALLY enter the game?
Does that Coach have to win a challenge against the evicted Player, and winner gets to Stay & Play (Ala Lawon Vs. Brennan sort of sitcheeachun.
I dunno...I just don't think that GRODHOG/BB/CBS would allow an All-Star, or a returning Champion/Player go THAT easy.
If Kara goes this week, and Dan loses Danielle in a week, or 2, or 3, etc, and no change has been made (Coaches enter) I just don't see him LEAVING the house. They wouldn't have brought him in to lose him THAT easy. Look at last season.