(no subject)

Aug 27, 2011 14:10

Some Big Brother Fans Go Off the Deep End

By Kasey Olmstead - August 27, 2011Posted in: Big Brother

I write this article in utter disgust. Absolute, total, UTTER DISGUST.

I, along with many people here, are huge fans of Big Brother, the
reality show on CBS. Most recently, many fans lost the captain of their
“team” on Big Brother, Jeff Schroeder. The blame of this loss is
projected on Big Brother Houseguest, Shelly Moore, who turned on what
was her alliance, and friends, Jeff and Jordan.

Jeff and Jordan have many, many fans. In fact, between the two of
them, probably the largest fan base of any Houseguests on Big Brother.
The only other Houseguest that comes close in un-official Big Brother 13
only polls, like the one on this page, is Daniele.

Recently in the news, we have been hearing about the violence between
fans at Football and Baseball games, leading to some beatings,
shootings and sadly, deaths, and we thought that was vile. Some Big
Brother fans have taken it to whole new level, and the Yak couldn’t hold
his tongue on this any longer. It’s sickening, not funny, and is
literally psychopathic behavior.

Today, a Facebook page has creeped up entitled “America Hates Shelly
Moore.” Fair enough, the fans of Jeff and Jordan want to “vent” on
Facebook, so be it. However, it has been taken to such a sick level that
I am just in awe of the lunacy in people. I will not be posting the
link to this Facebook Page here. If you want to see it, if you want to
join it, look it up, or, go to Jokers where they are touting this
hateful speech on their front page. **See Picture above** (Not that it’s a surprise, this place is known for rather dubious enterprises that I won’t get into here.) I however reluctantly digress…

The hate speech has gone to a whole new level. People are posting phone
numbers and e-mails to Shelly’s work, urging others to call to get her
fired from her job. They are urging people to help get Josie, Shelly’s
young daughter, kicked out from her school. They are posting Child
Social Service numbers, and asking that everyone call them to report
Shelly as a child molester to have her daughter taken from her, and they
are wishing violence on her and their family. Why? Because she helped
to evict someone they like on a Reality Game Show. It is a reality game
show right? I mean, I am starting to think it isn’t anymore. I am
beginning to think this is real life… like Shelly just killed these
lunatics mother or child. It’s sick, and so wrong on so many levels, I
just don’t understand it. Is Shelly the new Casey Anthony? This is
crazy, sick and wrong.

I am not a Shelly fan. I have not been a Shelly fan since day one. Her
style of gameplay, her style of manipulation, the way she has gone about
getting as far in the game as she has rubs me wrong. That’s an opinion.
If you feel like you want to get her fired from her job, her child
kicked from school, or you want her dead, then the Yak seriously
suggests that you seek some mental help because it is truly, TRULY
unhealthy. Even Jeff and Jordan would not only be very much against what
you are doing, but they will HATE YOU for it. Know that.

This is giving Jeff and Jordan fans a really bad rap right now, and I
really hope they will stand together, and “dislike” that page on
Facebook, urge your BB friends to dislike that page as well, and try and
keep the vitriol to a minimum as it is ONLY A GAME. IT IS NOT LIFE.
Liking that page and posting hate there only incites these crazy people,
giving them fodder to do more damage to a person, who at the end of the
day, is a character/contestant we may not like on a reality show and
will not affect us personally once the show is done. She will be
forgotten along the likes of others we couldn’t stand. One should also
ask that favorite site of theirs, if it is such, to take it off their
front page, as promoting that hate is just wrong on any level.

Please, help to make it stop. We all love this show, and are avid, passionate fans. Don’t let that passion turn this ugly.

UPDATE: An article on TVGrapevine is now endorsing this behavior as well, and jokers promoting the article. When will it end?


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