As promised, today we'll be discussing 2005's Extremis, written by Warren Ellis. (Missed the original post/haven't read the arc?
Fear not!) We can even throw in a little Iron Man 3 speculation, if you'd like!
Also, sorry it's a little late in the day. I've been busy.
As previously mentioned, Extremis was a real game-changer because it changed Iron Man's armor from this:
To this.
Which of course, heavily inspired the first movie:
Pragmatism seemed to be the order of the day, as Tony's armor was not only cosmetically upgraded, but his ability to put it on was also made more expedient. The skin-tight gold under-armor remained, but now came from within Tony's own body, and he was able to control the suit with his mind.
The villain was equally as interesting, because he was no more than a simple man. No mutant powers, no armoured suit of his own, just hyper-jacked up on the same serum Tony would later inject himself with.
And we've all seen this bit of concept art from Iron Man 3: What could be happening here?
So what did you think of Extremis? Any jaw-dropping moments stand out to you? What elements of the story do you think will show up in Iron Man 3? What elements do you want/not want to be in the movie? Do you think Tony's Extremis armor will stay around for Avengers 2 and beyond?