BBs I went to the Detroit Science center for the Star Trek Exhibit. It was amazing!
Slight warning: this post is a bit pic heavy, only a bit though.
So we left about 11:00 and arrived at I-don't-know-what-the-fuck-time, needless to say I was geeking the entire way here and then we arrived and my brain was shitting itself.
Meet the sign above the entrance of the science center. This was Official Geek Moment (or OGM) #2 and yes even now they are still showing it in imax and I want so bad to see it in imax. I think I may work on getting my parents to go again next week just so I can see it. At any rate, you walk in the door you see this:
Giant movie poster is giant. True it not the most exciting thing but this was OGM #3. Of course it was a given that my dad started teasing me about being a shutter bug by this point I had taken two pictures of the same building and one of a sunflower we saw when walking from the parking lot but the conversation was cut short by a model of the Enterprise that was on display right there in the freakin lobby!
I BRING PICTURES OF OGM #s 3,4, and 5.
I swear I spent all of 10 minutes just plain geeking over this while my parents tried to figure out just what we were all going to do since there was a planitarium show about Star Trek too (which we ended up going to) and whether or not6 we were going to see it in imax (that idea was quickly trounced) and also spent a short amount of time gawking at the Mackinac brige replica and studying the map. So tickets were bought and the family and I got something to eat in the cafe before our adventuring. Roughly 15 minutes later were heading up to the exhibition itself!
On the way they had a motion simulator (something involving Borgs, I'm not sure, it was OGM # 87)
The sign changes colors :B
AHEM! Now onwards! About the exhibit, Photography wasn't actually aloud in the exhibit itself so sadly I wasn't able to shutterbug as much as I'd like to. But they had Uhura's costume and Kirk's costume and Spock's and Mccoy's short sleveved uniform does that have an official name? and Scotty's and Guino's outfit and dozens of others and did y'all know that there's a Chateau Picard? Ok so I'm getting ahead of myself here.
Here: An ofiicial picture of Uhura's uniform
Did y'all know that those badges are practically hand sown on? The Uniform actually look good but you can see the wear when it come to the bands around that wrists and the badges. And Mccoy's shortsleeved sgirt isn't as shiny in person :c
Back in the first room, and OHMIGOD you should have seen the elevator that brought us up to the exhibit it was amazing, anyway the moment you walked into the first room there's another model of the enterpise and in the center of the room:
a giant pyramid with the mission statement thing on it in english, klingon, and vulcan. This is the only picture we got though, I wish my Dad had gotten a picture of the vulcan side though. The next was the bridge from TOS. THE ACTUAL FUCKING BRIDGE! I could have loitered there all day.
A la pictures:
Now as a side note: When you enter the bridge you enter through what would be the turbolift door. And on the console between where Chekov and Sulu sit is the countdown-timer thing and those numbers actually move. I sat there for a minute just swtiching between numbers.
That's me at Uhura's station! Spock's station didn't have a chair :/ OGM #37
That is an ofiicial photo. Even though photography wasn't technically aloud though that didn't stop people from taking pictures once the photographer disappeared they had an official photographer and pictures were bought at the end of the exhibition. This is one of ours, again that's me at Chekov's, my brother, my Dad in the captain's chair and my mom at Uhura's station.
That chair is actually quite comfortable. Personally I like to think that my bro's expression is rather irritated because I won't stop paging Mccoy. ahem right what?
As a treat: another official photo found on the web.
Just off to the side of the bridge they had a holovid type thing. You had to stand 8 feet away to view it properly but still... HOLOVID of the enterpise! In the room after the bridge you walked by a recreation of Picard's quarters complete with his desk, uniform and a bottle of chateau Picard. My Dad and I got a kick out of that.
Here's is an official picture I found online.
In the room next to that they had the transporter. Here have an officail photo:
It was so cool! Up near the ceiling across from the pad they had a screen that showed you getting transported somewhere, it took everything I had not to jump up and down and squeal when I saw it.
The next room contained Guino's outfit, a Borg ship, a Klingon captain's chair, Picard's chair and dozen's of other things. Here are some pictures:
Meet a Borg bust. The ship was cooler imo and UBER intricate. That thing had to have taken forever to make.
They had about three of these display in the room. this one contains the phaser rifle (:D), two different types of phasers, some Microsisks, Mccoy's medical kit (now infamous hypospray included), a tricorder, a communicator, a klingon sash, and a TRIBBLE! I don't think it was an actual tribble from the show though but a "replica". now really how hard is it to replicate a tribble? It's a ball of fur!
And last but far from least:
AND IT TALKED! It's the time portal thing from The City on the Edge of Forever and IT TALKED! You can walk up to it and hop through it (no you will not be sent back to the 1940s-50s) and it was so cool!
The very last room was amazing. OGM #51, 52, and 53
It had various models (yes some of them were used in the shows) of various ships, shuttles and pods including TNGs enterprise
And along the wall they had the complete timeline of Star Trek events from beginging to end, nu!Trek was featured as more of a 'the adventure continues' type thing.
But the single most depressing yet thrilling thing in that last room was hanging from the ceiling.
It was the Mark IV photon torpedo that served as Spock's Casket in WoK.
It is like the first thing you see when you walk in the room because it's hanging from the ceiling and it's there and it's ohmygoddude. I seriously covered my mouth and squeaked when I realized what it was. I was staring at Spock's freakin casket! If staff people weren't right around the corner I would have taken a picture. OGM #I-don't-even-know
So yea souveniors in gift shop. They had a movie boxset, Star Trek Monoploy, a wall clock, a communicator that talked, a phaser that lit up and made noises, action figures, the movie novelization, a book called Star Trek 101, and a pez set. I got the novelization
No it did not cost $15.00, it actually cost $4.97 :D
And I got the Pez set
It comes with lens flare :D
Uhura, Chekov, and Mccoy
Kirk, the Enterpise, and Spock
Scotty and Sulu
Thus concludes my trip to the Science center (at least the portion y'all will care about) I want to go again. Like so bad. I had to many too many OGMs to count!