My Insanely EPIC Star Trek Picspam

Jun 21, 2009 18:56

Hey guys! It's me again :)

This almost took me a month to complete. But my love for the movie is what made me pull through. If you want to use any of the following images as banners/headers, let me know in a comment and be sure to credit me. THIS IS DEFINITELY NOT DIAL-UP FRIENDLY.

But I couldn't help myself, there was so much from this movie that I loved.


I probably should have mentioned this ealier. PLEASE DON'T USE THESE TO MAKE YOUR OWN ICONS

Download the original caps from ariane179254.

The first 10 mins. of the movie was pretty sad, but this opening sequence was pretty epic. I freaking loved the score for this movie.

This part in the movie didn't make a lot of sense until I listened to audio book. But I liked these shots a lot.

I freaking loved younger Spock. This kid did a really good job. And the learning centers were awesome.

[Spock] : I've presumed you've prepared new insults for today.
[Bullies] : Affirmative.
[Spock] : This is your 35th attempt to ellicit an emotional response from me.

[Sarek] : Spock you are fully capable of deciding your own destiny. The question you face is: which path will you choose? This is something that only you can decide.

This is what made me become a fan of Zachary Quinto, at the end when he says live long and prosper, you can totally tell he was like kiss my ass. LMAO. And I really liked the transitional music they played from this scene to the next.

[Vulcan Council President] : You have surpassed the expectations of your instructors. Your final record is flawless, with one exception: I see that you have applied to Starfleet as well.
[Spock] : It was logical to cultivate multiple options.
[Vulcan Council President] : Logical, but unnecessary. You are hereby accepted to the Vulcan Science Academy. It is truly remarkable, Spock, that you have achieved so much. Despite your disadvantage. All rise.
[Spock] : If you would clarify, Minister. To what disadvantage are you referring?
[Vulcan Council President] : Your human mother.
[Spock] : Council... Ministers, I must decline.
[Vulcan Council President] : No Vulcan has ever declined admission to this academy!
[Spock] : Then as I am half-human, your record remains untarnished.
[Sarek] : Spock, you have made a commitment to honor the Vulcan way.
[Vulcan Council President] : Why did you come before this council today? Was it to satisfy your emotional need to rebel?
[Spock] : The only emotion I wish to convey is gratitude. Thank you, Ministers, for your consideration. Live long and prosper.

I had to include my animation here, it's only appropriate.

[Kirk] : Don't you at least wanna know my name before you completely reject me?
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : I'm fine without it.
[Kirk] : You are fine without it. It's Jim, Jim Kirk.

[Kirk] : If you don't tell me your name I'm gonna have to make one up.
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : It's Uhura.
[Kirk] : Uhura? No way! That's the name I was gonna make up for you! Uhura what?...
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : Just Uhura.
[Kirk] : They don't have last names in your world?
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : Uhura is my last name.
[Kirk] : Then they don't have... uh first names in your world?

This movie in general had a lot of good dialogue, definitely one of my favorites here.

So fast forwarding a bit, because the caps from the fight weren't that great. Although I'm sure we all remember Kirk laying all over that table with blood all over his face, which led to this.

Of course this is where the big life changing moment comes for our hero and whether or not he decides to make something out of himself.

They better put this scene in the bloopers, where apparently they had to do this shot a couple of times because he would either fall off the bike or go off camera. Either way, it's a really nice shot.

A very pretty close up here. If you listened to the audio book or read the book, lol, then you know what he's thinking about during this scene. Chris did a really good job portraying that.


Awww, look at him being all excited LOL. And then he does this...

LMAO. Nice going.


[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : I may throw up on ya.
[Kirk] : I think these things are pretty safe.
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : Don't pander to me, kid. One tiny crack in the hull and our blood boils in thirteen seconds. Solar flare might crop up, cook us in our seats. And wait till you're sitting pretty with a case of Andorian shingles, see if you're so relaxed when your eyeballs are bleeding. Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence.
[Kirk] : Well, I hate to break this to you, but Starfleet operates in space.
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : Yeah. Well, I got nowhere else to go, the ex-wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce. All I got left is my bones.

So three years pass, and what is Kirk doing instead of studying? LOL.

[Kirk] : Hey, if I pass, will you tell me your first name?
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : *No!* Get out!

LOL again, dialogue here was awesome.

[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : We are receiving a distress signal from the USS Kobayashi Maru. The ship has lost power and is stranded. Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them.
[Kirk] : Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them... *captain*.
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : Two Klingon warbirds have entered the Neutral Zone and are locking weapons on us.
[Kirk] : That's okay.
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : That's okay?'
[Kirk] : Yeah, don't worry about it.

[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : Three more Klingon warbirds decloaking and locking onto our ship. I don't suppose this is a problem either.
[Simulator Tactical Officer] :[Kirk] : Alert Medical bay to receive *all* crew members from the damaged ship.
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : And how do you expect us to rescue them when we're surrounded by Klingons, captain?
[Kirk] : Alert Medical.
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] :[Kirk] : I understand.
Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : Well, should we - oh, I dunno - fire back?
[Kirk] : Naw.
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : Of course not.
[Kirk] : Hmm. Arm photons, prepare to fire on the Klingon warbirds.
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : Jim, their shields are still up!
[Kirk] : Are they?
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : No... They're not.

[Kirk] : Fire on all enemy ships. One photon each should do it. No sense in wasting ammunition.
[Simulator Tactical Officer] : Aye, sir. Target locked and acquired on all warbirds. Firing.

[Simulator Tactical Officer] : All targets destroyed, sir.
[Kirk] : Begin rescue of the stranded crew. *So,*
[Kirk] : we've managed to eliminate all enemy ships, no one on board was injured and the successful rescue of the Kobayashi Maru crew is... underway.
[Christopher Pike?] : How the hell did that kid beat your test?
[Spock] :I do not know.

And just because these were made of win, I'm adding it to this.


[Admiral Richard Barnett] : Is there anything you would like to say before we begin sir?
[Kirk] : Yes, I believe I have the right to face my accuser directly.

[Admiral Richard Barnett] : This is Commander Spock, he is one of our most *distinguished* graduates. He's programmed the Kobayashi Maru Exam for the last four years.

Lol, I love the close-up on Uhura, and she's like, this is what you get for cheating.

This got resized a little too much, but I really don't care at this moment. I might go back and change it later, but for now it stays like this.

[Spock] : I think you of all people should know that a captain cannot cheat death.
[Kirk] : I of all people.
[Spock] : Your father, Lt. George Kirk assumed command of his vessel before he was killed in action, did he not?
[Kirk] : I don't think you like the fact that I beat your test.


It was kind of sad to watch this part too, for Kirk to be reminded of what he's lost.


[Kirk] : Who was that pointy-eared bastard?
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : I don't know, but I like him.


Again, this is why Karl/McCoy was awesome. He couldn't just leave Kirk being all pathetic standing around like that. Now that's a friend. Lol, and Chris butt looked good in that shot. LMAO.

And this is why Zoe/Uhura is HBIC. Just look at that face. It clearly says "Oh hell no did I just get assigned to the freaking Farragut. Some one has some freaking explaining to do."

And she clearly doesn't take any BS from Spock. It's easy to see who is whipped in this relationship. LMAO.

[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : Commander, a word?
[Spock] : Yes, Lieutenant?
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : Was I not one of your top students?
[Spock] : Indeed you were.
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : And did I not, on multiple occasions, demonstrate an exceptional aural sensitivity *and I quote* 'an unparalleled ability to identify sonic anomalies in subspace transmissions tests?'
[Spock] : Consistently, yes.
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : And while you are well aware of my own qualified desires to serve on the USS Enterprise, I'm assigned to the *Farragut?*
[Spock] : It was an attempt to... avoid the appearance of favoritism.
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : No. I'm assigned to the Enterprise.
[Spock] : Yes, I believe you are.
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : Thank you.


Lol, this scene was kind of priceless.

[Security Officer] : Kirk, James T. He is not cleared for duty aboard the Enterprise.
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : Medical code states the treatment and transport of a patient is to be determined at the discretion of his attending physician. Which is me! So I'm taking Mr. Kirk aboard. Or would *you* like to explain to Captain Pike why the Enterprise warped into a crisis without one of it's senior medical officers?
[Security Officer] : As you were.
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : As *you* were!

[Kirk] : Lightning storm!
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : Ah, Jim, you're awake. How do you feel?

[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : Good God, man!
[Kirk] : What? What the hell is this?
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : Reaction to the vaccine. Dammit! Nurse, I need 50 ccs of Cortizone!

Another priceless moment, brought on the LOLs.

[Kirk] : Uhura! Uhura!
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : Kirk? What are you doing here?
[Kirk] : The message you intercepted from the Klingon prison planet...
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : Oh my God, what's wrong with your hands!
[Kirk] : Who was responsible for the attack and was the ship walullaa?
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : What?
[Kirk] : Whass... whas happening with my mouth?
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : You've got numb-tongue?
[Kirk] : *Nuhtung?*
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : I can fix that!
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : Was the ship what?
[Kirk] : Wallala!
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : What?
[Kirk] : *Womulan!*
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : Romulan? Yes!
[Kirk] : ACK! DAHHIT!

And now it's back to the death glares.

LOL at Christopher Pike's expression that clearly states "WTH is going on here?"




Probably the one time Kirk wish he wasn't right.

I swear I didn't recognize Eric Bana as Nero at first. Insane.

Kirk looks all like WTF and WTH at Nero for talking to Spock. This line makes me love how Spock speaks, all logical and junk.

[Spock] : Pardon me, I do not believe that you and I are acquainted.

[Christopher Pike] : Kirk I'm promoting you to first officer.
[Kirk] : What?
[Spock] : Captain? Please, I apologize, the complexities of human pranks escape me.
[Christopher Pike] : This is not a prank Spock, and I'm not the captain, you are.

[Christopher Pike] : Careful with the ship Spock, she's brand new.

Someone is getting comfortable in the Captain's chair. LOL.

[Kirk] : So what kind of combat training do you have?
[Hikaru Sulu] : Fencing

Kirk is going *you've got to be kidding me*.

Lol, when Chekov goes Kirk has landed, Spock obviously wished it wasn't true. Talk about a sour look on your face LMAO.

[Spock] : They're creating a black hole at the center of Vulcan?
[Chekov] : Yes.
[Spock] : How long does the planet have?
[Chekov] : Minutes sir, minutes.

[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : Can't you beam them out?
[Spock] : I must get them myself.

I think Chekov put it nicely with his comment afterwards. (He always make the best side comments lol).

Just a pretty cap, that is insanely iconic for graphic makers. I love shots like these.

So I skipped the whole going in and saving them part, the caps weren't that great. But these next scenes just made me so sad and heartbroken.

My heart goes out to him. Zachary Quinto did an awesome job here.

Even Kirk doesn't have anything smart to say.

And this is why I'm a Spock/Uhura shipper. And if you noticed, which I thought was really interesting, Uhura does the same action of putting her hands on the sides of Spock's face like his mother at the beginning of the movie when he was getting ready to meet with the council.

[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : I'm sorry - I'm sorry - I'm so sorry.

[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : What do you need?

[Spock] : I need everyone to continue performing admirably.

And now this where they've figured out that Nero is from the future, and that they're living an alternate reality.

Oh snap, trouble on the bridge. Someone has some issues to work out.

But Spock clearly does not work out issues, he simply disposes of them.

And that my friends is how you get rid of the annoying and unwelcomed Mr. Kirk - Spock says after finishing his demonstration. LOL.

And Kirk wakes up to being stranded on a freaking ice planet, that apparently was going to be a desert originally?

Kirk clearly has a look on his face that says *The pointy-eared bastard is gonna pay when I get back on that Enterprise, that I should be captain of!*

After Kirk nearly gets eaten by some deformed monster, he gets thrown in for a loop hole.
[Spock] : James T. Kirk.
[Kirk] : Excuse me?
[Spock] : How did you find me?
[Kirk] : Whoa... how do you know my name?
[Spock] : I have been and always shall be, your friend.

[Kirk] : Wha... Euh... look... I-I don't know you.

[Spock] : I am Spock.
[Kirk] : ...Bullshit.


MIND MELD!!!!!!!

Meanwhile on the ship...

[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : Permission to speak freely, sir?
[Spock] : I welcome it.
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : Do you? OK, then. Are you out of your Vulcan mind? Are you making a logical choice, sending Kirk away? Probably. But, the right one? You know, back home we have a saying: "If you wanna ride in the Kentucky Derby, you don't leave your prized stallion in the stable."
[Spock] : A curious metaphor, doctor, as a stallion must first be broken before it can reach its potential.
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : My God, man, you could at least *act* like it was a hard decision...
[Spock] : I intend to assist in the effort to reestablish communication with Starfleet. However, if crew morale is better served by my roaming the halls weeping, I will gladly defer to your medical expertise. Excuse me.
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] :: Green-blooded hobgoblin...

And this is why I love McCoy. LMAO. And I loved that comment Spock made about whether he should be weeping the halls, that was clearly sarcasm and an indirect insult to McCoy all in one.

Simon Pegg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that guy. He did an excellent job as Scotty.
[Scotty] : You do realize how unacceptable this is.

[Scotty] : And I know exactly what's going on here, ok. Punishment, isn't it? Ongoing. For something that was clearly an accident.

[Spock] : You are, in fact, the Mr. Scott who postulated the theory of transwarp beaming?
[Scotty] : That's what I'm talkin' about! How do you think I wound up here? Had a little debate with my instructor on relativistic physics and how it pertains to subspace travel. He seemed to think that the range of transporting something like a... like a grapefruit was limited to about 100 miles. I told him that I could not only beam a grapefruit from one planet to the adjacent planet in the same system - which is easy, by the way - I could do it with a life form. So, I tested it out on Admiral Archer's prized beagle.

[Kirk] : I know that dog, what happened to it?
[Scotty] : I'll tell you when it reappears... Ahem. I don't know, I do feel guilty about that...


[Spock] : What if I told you that your transwarp theory was correct. That is indeed possible to beam onto a ship that was travelling at warp speed.
[Scotty] : I think that equation would have been discovered I would have heard about it.
[Spock] : The reason you haven't heard about it Mr. Scott, is because you haven't discovered it yet.

[Scotty] : Are you from the future?
[Kirk] : Yea, he is. I'm not.
[Scotty] : Well that's brilliant! Do they still have sandwiches there?


[Kirk] : You're coming with us right?
[Spock] : No Jim, that is not my destiny.
[Kirk] : Your dest... He... The other Spock is not gonna believe me, only you can explain what's happening.
[Spock] : Under no circumstances can he be aware of my existance, you must promise me this.
[Kirk] : You're telling me that I can't tell you that I'm following *your* own orders? Why not? What happens?
[Spock] : Jim this is one where you can not break. To stop Nero, you alone must take command of your ship.
[Kirk] : How? Over your dead body?
[Spock] : Preferably not.

LMAO. Love that last line.

[Kirk] : So you're saying that I have to emotionally compromise you guys?
[Spock] : Jim, I just lost my planet. I can tell you I am emotionally compromised. What you must do is get me to show it.

[Kirk] : You know, traveling through time, changing history... that's cheating.
[Spock] : A trick I learned from an old friend. Live long and prosper.

That part was epic.

LMAO, Kirk is all happy to find out he made it to the Enterprise in one piece, only to find Scotty stuck inside the water valve or whatever that was. LOL.

[Spock] : We are traveling at warp speed. How did you manage to beam aboard this ship?
[Kirk] : You're the genius. You figure it out.
[Spock] : As acting captain of this vessel, I order you to answer the question.
[Kirk] : Well, I'm not telling, Acting Captain.

[Kirk] : What-now that doesn't frustrate you, does it? My lack of cooperation? That doesn't make you angry...

[Spock] : [Spock turns to Scotty] Are you a member of Starfleet?
[Scotty] : Um, yes. Can I get a towel please? (LMAO one of the best lines ever. And it was kind of obvious Zach was trying to keep a straight face after that part)
[Spock] : Under penalty of court martial I order you to explain to me how you were able to beam aboard this ship while traveling at warp.
[Scotty] : Well..
[Kirk] : Don't answer.
[Spock] : You will answer me.

[Scotty] : I rather not take sides.

Smart man.

[Kirk] : What is it with you Spock? Hmm? Your planet was just destroyed, your mother murdered, and you're not even upset.
[Spock] : If you are presuming that these experiences is in any way impede my ability to command this ship you are mistaken.

[Kirk] : And yet you were one that said that fear was necessary for command. Did you see his ship? Did you see what he did?

[Kirk] : Are you afraid or aren't you?
[Spock] : I will not allow you to lecture me about the merits of emotion.
[Kirk] : Then why don't you stop me?

[Spock] : Step away from me Mr. Kirk.
[Kirk] : What is it like not to feel anger, or heartbreak, or the need to stop at nothing to avenge the death of the woman who gave birth to you.
[Spock] : Back away from me.
[Kirk] : You feel nothing! It must not even compute for you!

[Kirk] : You never loved her!

HOLY SHIT. SPOCK GOING BALLISTIC. Kirk obviously pushed someone's buttons. This scene was just INSANE. And haven't you noticed by now, they always go for Kirk's neck?

SHIT, it's getting serious now! It's so freaking tense, you can cut through it with a freaking butter knife.

[Sarek] : Spock

And that's all that it takes.

Spock's father is obviously disappointed. Jeez, I feel so bad for Spock, he's gotten the worst end of the straw for the most part in this movie.

Clearly Kirk is ok.

[Spock] : Doctor I am no longer fit for duty. I hereby relinquish my command based on the fact that I have been emotionally compromised. Please note the time and date in the ship's log.

See, look what you've done Kirk.

Gosh, way too heartbreaking.

And then Scotty is a genius here.

[Scotty] : I like this ship! You know, It's exciting!

[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : Well congratulations Jim. We've got no Captain and no god damned First Officer to replace him.

[Kirk] : Yea, we do.

And Kirk takes his rightful place at his throne, err, captain's chair.

[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : I sure hope you know what you're doing...

[Kirk] : So do I.

[Sarek] : Speak your mind, Spock.
[Spock] : That would be unwise.
[Sarek] : What is necessary is never unwise.

[Spock] : I feel anger for the one who took mother's life. An anger I can not control.

[Sarek] : You asked me once why I married your mother. I married her because I loved her.

Once again, McCoy was pretty awesome here.

Lol everyone's expression here.

The way that Chekov said invisible was pretty cute lol.

Scotty obviously got his towel here lol.

[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : Wait a minute kid. How old are you?
[Chekov] : 17 sir.
[Leonard 'Bones' McCoy] : Oh good, he's 17.
[Spock] : Doctor, Mr. Chekov is correct. I can confirm his telematry. If Mr. Sulu is able to maneuver us into position, I can beam aboard Nero's ship, steal the black hole device and if possible bring back Captain Pike.
[Kirk] : I won't allow you to do that Mr. Spock.

[Spock] : Romulans and Vulcans share a common ancestry. Our cultural similarities will make it easier for me to access the ship's computer to locate the device. Also, my mother was human, which makes Earth the only home I have left.

[Kirk] : I'm coming with you.
[Spock] : I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

[Kirk] : See? We are getting to know each other.

LMAO. Another FTW moment.

Kirk finally acting like a captain here.

LOL @ Spock & Uhura, especially the way Spock has his hands on her hip.

LMAO Kirk's expressions here are priceless.

[Spock] : I will be back.
[Lt. Nyota Uhura] : You better be! I'll be monitoring your frequency.
[Spock] : Thank you, Nyota.

See what you're missing out on Kirk, lol.

LMFAO. No words needed here.

[Kirk] : So her first name's Nyota?
[Spock] : I have no comment on the matter.

CLEARLY, Spock does NOT kiss and tell. LMAO.

YAY! TEAMWORK! I got a sense of Batman and Robin here. LOL.

There's that mindmeld again!

[Spock] : I foresee a complication. The design of this ship is far more advanced than I've anticipated.
[Computer] : Voice imprint and face recognition analysis enabled. Welcome back Ambassador Spock. (LOL)
[Kirk] : Wow, that's weird.

[Spock] : It appears that you have been keeping important information from me.
[Kirk] : You'll be able to fly this thing, right?
[Spock] : Something tells me I already have.
[Kirk] : Good luck.

[Spock] : Jim, the statistical likelihood that our plan will succeed is less than 4.3%
[Kirk] : It'll work.
[Spock] : In the even that I do no return, please tell Lt. Uhura...
[Kirk] : Spock! It'll work.

[Spock] : Fascinating!

So I'm skipping a whole bunch, because I didn't like any of the caps. LOL. Besides, it's not like you don't know what happens.

Again with his neck. What did I tell you?
[Ayel] : Your species is even weaker than I expected. You can't even speak. What?
[Kirk] : I've got your gun.

WHAT. Finally Kirk is able to fight back.


Again, skipping a lot.

Kirk's expression here is the best. He's clearly ecstatic about being successful from that suicide mission.


And this is why they're GQMF's.

Kirk being the logical one, but wait what's this?

[Spock] : Captain, what are you doing?
[Kirk] : Showing them compassion. It may be the only way to earn peace with Romulus. It's logic, Spock, I thought you'd like that.
[Spock] : No, not really. Not this time.


And so clearly they kick their ass and Nero is gone.

Perhaps one of the best lines here is coming up.

[Kirk] : Kirk to engineering, get us out of here Scotty!
[Scotty] : You bet your ass captain!
[Kirk] : Go to maximum warp! Push it!
[Scotty] : I'm giving it all she's got captain!

So much excitement and adrenaline in this scene!

And we all share relief moments on our faces on 1, 2, 3!

That's it. LOL.

Kirk obviously can't believe he just went through all that in like 24hrs.

[Spock] : Father...

[Spock] : I am not our father.


Spock, meet Spock.

[Spock] : There are so few Vulcans left. We cannot afford to ignore each other.

[Spock] : Then why did you send Kirk aboard, when you alone could have explained the truth?
[Spock] : Because you needed each other. I could not deprive you of the revelation of all that you could accomplish together, of a friendship that will define you both in ways you cannot yet realize.

[Spock] : How did you persuade him to keep your secret?
[Spock] : He inferred that universe-ending paradoxes would ensue should he break his promise...
[Spock] : You lied?
[Spock] : Ah... I - I implied.


[Spock] : A gamble.
[Spock] : An act of faith. One I hope that you will repeat in your future in Starfleet.

[Spock] : In the face of extinction, it is only logical that I resign my Starfleet commission and help rebuild our race...

[Spock] : And, yet, you can be in two places at once. I urge you to remain in Starfleet. I have already located a suitable planet in which to establish a Vulcan colony.

[Spock] : Spock, in this case, do yourself a favor: Put aside logic. Do what feels right.

[Spock] : Since my customary farewell would appear oddly self-serving, I shall simply say...
Good luck.

Spock obviously still can't believe WTF just happened. LOL.

So, Kirk finally got his ceremony after all.

[Kirk] : I relieve you sir.
[Christopher Pike] : I am *relieved*.
[Kirk] : Thank you sir.
[Christopher Pike] : Congratulations captain, your father would be proud.

Lol, the double meaning in the relieved part there is pretty awesome.

Awwww, our boy is all grown up. *tear*

[Kirk] : Bones! Buckle up!

McCoy's all like, *great, what have I gotten myself into?* LOL.

Looking good Captain Kirk.

Look who it is!!!!!!

[Spock] : Permission to come onboard Captain?
[Kirk] : Permission granted.

[Spock] : As you have no First Officer, respectfully I would like to submit my candidacy. Should you desire I can provide character references.
[Kirk] : Would be my honor Commander.


[Spock] : Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life-forms and new civilizations; to boldly go where no one has gone before.

And that my friends, is that. I hope you've enjoyed my picspam. All banners and animations were made by me. Credit isis_azariel if you use them. Once again caps are thanks to ariane179254.


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