Three down, one to go.
I think what I've always loved the most about this film was the location work. Been a while since I've seen it, but memory seems to suggest they spend the bulk of it off the ship, and on the planet. One thing that never fails to come to mind is just how bad the special effects have aged in the 15 years since the film was released... Anyway, I think the story is just OK. It's the one that I personally can't defend when critics say it feels like a two-part TV show... Because that's what it feels like to me. It just has nicer outdoor sets and a kick-ass Jerry Goldsmith score on its side.
Anyway, hit the link below for a review of the film, and a much larger and hi-res version of the poster.
Reel Rewind: Star Trek: Insurrection Matt Ferguson's website Previously on ontd_startrek:
Really cool artwork posters for films I to VI, XI and STID 'Star Trek: Generations' poster by Matt Ferguson 'Star Trek: First Contact' poster by Matt Ferguson