Enterprise ret-cons it to a virus that was originally intended as a biological weapon, but accidentally got loose and spread. One of the symptoms was the loss of forehead ridges for a generation or two. So prior to that episode, they have ridges, then they lose them until TMP.
Awesome, it must be covered in the small number of episodes of TNG I haven't seen/haven't watched in years, because I couldn't for the life of me remember.
I haven't seen any Enterprise (not TNG -- massive reading fail on my part!), so that explains why I hadn't caught the explanation in-series. I'm glad they addressed it, though, and I think it's a really cool story line/explanation to finally use!
Is there ever an actual explanation given for the change in Klingon appearance from early Original Series to the films and TNG?
Or is all we get the episode (DS9? Gosh, I can't even remember this.) in which Worf basically says "We don't talk about that."
Thank you!
Augments were Klingons whose DNA was altered so they would appear Human, so they could mix with Terrans and take over, is my recollection of it.
Then terrible things went wrong when the Augments took over a BioWeapons Research lab.
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