TVLINE | How would you say Jo has changed since we last saw her?
Other than being dead? I think that there’s a level of - this is all assumption - but they say when somebody dies, there’s clarity that comes with it, and there’s a different level of comfortability. That uneasiness that people have when they’re alive, from the stories we’ve heard, seems to go away when one is dead because you’re in the spirit world. It’s a completely different world. She’s just relaxed and not angry.
TVLINE | What brings her back?
There is an Egyptian God who finds people who are guilty or feel guilty, have guilt in their hearts, and basically judges them based on this guilt. This Egyptian God puts Dean on trial for his guilt, and one of the things that he [feels] guilty about is me. That I sacrificed myself for them - and him in particular because he knew my feelings.
TVLINE | Speaking of feelings… The last scene before she died was of Dean kissing her. Is that brought up in the episode?
It’s not so much the kiss. The kiss was irrelevant. It wasn’t the point of the scene even then. It was more of a goodbye than a kiss. It was more one person really seeing another and thanking them and appreciating them. For him, at that particular moment, there was no other way to express it but with a kiss. There was that awkward, long silence right before the kiss. It’s because what can one say? The kiss says so much more. So there’s no need to really bring it up. I think what is brought up is just the obvious unsolved, unresolved [feelings]. It’s always brought up whenever Dean and Jo are in the same room.
TVLINE | Does she get a little bit of closure about Dean?
Everybody will have to see it and [decide] for themselves. ‘Cause there are interesting exchanges between them.
TVLINE | What is Dean’s reaction like to seeing her again?
From what I could tell, just surprise. … Imagine somebody you care about that you obviously have guilt issues over and then you see their face. There’s so much you want to say, and I think that’s what you get from him. He wants to say more. And he wants to have a better communication.
TVLINE | Did you get to interact with Sam too or is it just Dean?
It’s both of them. I can’t just do Dean. I have to have a little Sammy.
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