@KJNeely Alona is talking about her new show based on a comic book called "Powers"
@allebsupernova "...and I am one of the people...with powers."
@Postalpixxie How was Bobby as stepdad? Alona thinks he would be an awesome stepdad.
@Postalpixxie Jensen taught Chad how to shotgun a beer!
@Naficeh It took Chad 5 times to shotgun the beer in Dark Side of the Moon.
@Naficeh What would happen if Chad was god?? A lot of ladies. ;)
@bree__black Ash as God is a scary thought for Chad and Alona.
@KJNeely "I'm hoping the mullet will rise again" -Chad "just the mullet on it's own?"
@ratherastory Alona is a fan of the Backstreet Boys.
@allebsupernova "Jensen did it. He picked me up." "He's JENSEN."
@KJNeely How Chad wants Ash to come back is to kick the door down kill the bad guy, do a hair swoop w the mullet and leave "then I would pick up Alona" *acts out carrying her* "I'm no that heavy!"
@ratherastory Alona wants Jo to come back but with no memories.
@KJNeely it was Alonas real voice when she sang in #Leverage
@bree__black Alona took fan reaction into account before Jo's return in S5. Made her more centered.
@ratherastory Alona thinks of Jo as being more mature & poised now that she knows about the reality of the hunting world.
@SuperntralAngel to alona who smelled better? :P even if jensen smelled better jareds farts cancelled it out!
@saltednburned @ChadLindberg is talking about seeing a ghost while working on a project. "I love ghosts!"
@DearHeartxoxo Yep. He's serious. Creeeeepy experience seeing a woman walking down the street over a minute and a half.
@DearHeartxoxo Alona didnt believe in ghosts until her G-mother passed away.She was @ her house in Isriel &experienced lights flickering on&off.
@bree__black Alona thinks Jo and Dean were moving towards a sibling relationship, not necessarily a romantic one.
@Postalpixxie The mullet takes a long time to put on. About an hour. Sexy takes time.
@KJNeely In chads audition for Ash he chose to rip his sleeveless flannel shirt open as soon as he sat down
@bree__black Alona points out Chad gets all his jobs by exposing himself.
@ratherastory Alona's first language is Hebrew. She speaks it better than she speaks English.
@ratherastory Playing against the invisible hellhounds is apparently hilarious. You have to act afraid of an X on the camera lens.
@Naficeh Alona about hellhounds: Ohh! It's a doggy! *cute puppy voice*
@KJNeely Apparently Chad shot his whole first ep being psychic and they had to reshoot it cuz it wasn't working with the character
@ratherastory Ash should have his own show: "Ashland"
@saltednburned Fan: "Why are you wearing nailpolish?" to @ChadLindberg "hands are boring"
@ratherastory "My Big Break" is apparently available on Amazon now, for anyone who's interested.
@saltednburned Alona started acting at 6 years old in Israel."My first job was Veronica Mars"
@ratherastory Alona: acting never stops being a struggle, you're always worried that this is your last job.
@saltednburned "Hollywood is hard. We could go a long while without a job. Don't recommend it unless it is 110% who you are." - Chad Lindberg
@ratherastory Alona is going back to Israel to film there for a while. She did another show there last year.
@Postalpixxie If they could airlift Jo and Ash to another show what would it be. Lost or Hells Kitchen.
@ratherastory Certain things in life need to remain unsaid rather than have them be on YouTube after the con, according to Alona.
@saltednburned Chad said "Vampires are always sexy but I'd like to see Vampire Sven have his own web series." And then does the voice.
@ratherastory Alona is just finding out about Sven the uncool vampire. Her expression is priceless.
@ratherastory David Duchovny had to jump in the mud in X-Files to save Chad's character. Apparently he was burping curry between takes.
@ratherastory Alona didn't quite have enough time to work on her knife skills before "No Exit" & there were a bunch of unsuccessful takes.
@ratherastory Alona wanted to be a veterinarian before she became an actress & volunteered at her vet's.
@Naficeh Chad wanted to be a cop like his dad. But now he wants to be a ghost investigator. :P
@ratherastory Chad has apparently been in contact with the Ghost Hunters & they're tentatively planning an episode together.
@ratherastory If they were in Changing Channels, Jo would be in Breaking Bad & Chad would be in The Bachelor.
@Postalpixxie: - - - @ratherastory: - Chad just hopped off the stage. @DearHeartxoxo - - - - - - - VIDEO
Chad Lindberg filming the audience: COLIN LAWRENCE (Reggie Hull of Free to Be You and Me and Jason of Faith)
@bree__black Colin: "Jared's a big man."
@bree__black Colin has thought two dudes were good looking. Hugh Jackman and Jared. "Where do they make these guys?"
@cake_slave Aww Colin Lawrence has a guy crush on Jared....and told his wife
@bree__black "I knew what I needed to know. Which is that he's the star and I'm not."
@bree__black Colin quizzing fans. "What episode? What was my character's name? What shirt was I wearing?"
@bree__black Colin impressed by fan knowledge.
@bree__black Colin calls reaper "little ghosty thing."
@bree__black Colin had cut scene in Faith with reaper chase.
@bree__black Colin fell into acting accidentally. Also loves Shrek 4
@bree__black Colin's fave role is Battlestar Gallactica.
@bree__black Colin stays mum about whether or not in he's in S7. Zips his lips.
@bree__black Colin prefers film to Tv roles.
@_GwendolynD_ Richard S Jr. Is on stage. 'Anyone's first convention?' cheers. 'No one then?'
@Naficeh Matt and Sebastian are flying in on the same flight.
@ratherastory Matt Cohen will be wearing tight pants for karaoke.
@ratherastory Richard on how Matt & Sebastian can recognise each other: just look for the two guys wearing overly-tight v-neck shirts.
@ratherastory Richard is currently working on a civil war miniseries. Will go into production sometime next year. No studio picked yet.
@bree__black Richard: "I don't want any more dudes here. I like the ratio of 700 to 1."
@ratherastory Richard says it was awesome to wear Rawley Fingers' moustache, and also felt really significant. It was almost as fun as wearing the porn moustache.
@ratherastory Richard is busy traumatising some poor fan who was too shy to come to the mic & sent her friend. All eyes on her.
@bree__black Richard will come sit on your lap if you try to get your friends to ask your question for you. And then he'll drag you on stage. No shyness allowed.
@ratherastory Richard's theory is that Gabriel's vessel is actually the Trickster he's impersonating. Gabe keeps him locked in a box somewhere
@Postalpixxie Richard favorite Trickster trick is the anal probing! lol
@ratherastory If Richard could play any trick on the J's, he'd make them short with Jersey accents.
@ratherastory Richard's first job was a short-lived Sat. Morning sitcom called Running the Halls, & he celebrated by buying a pair of shoes.
@_GwendolynD_ 'I was so excited to be walking upright. I was thrilled. You know as a creature. '
@ratherastory Richard actually called up Jeremy Carver to ask about Gabriel & what they were going for with the character.
@bree__black Richard: Carver told him "Yeah, we don't really go by the Bible."
@ratherastory Richard and Jeremy Carver are actually neighbours, but Richard never knew that before Season 3.
@ratherastory Richard says the best part of Changing Channels was being able to play two characters in the same episode.
@ratherastory Richard is convinced that many great actors have something intrinsic to themselves that comes out in all their characters.
@bree__black Richard fangirling Gary Oldman. And calls Misha "radically funny."
@KJNeely Fan asking about open water 2 ...Fan: "cute butt by the way" Richard: "Did you just say I had a cute butt?" haha
@ratherastory "Open Water II" was shot in Malta, half in the ocean, half on a specially-built set.
@ratherastory Richard is a scuba diver.
@ratherastory Richard just spilled his tea trying to demonstrate just how hard it was to tread water and deliver his lines during filming.
@ratherastory He says they all got stung by jellyfish during filming.
@bree__black pepsi thrilled with SPN fandom, which they didn't know existed. "Who the hell is Gabriel?"
@LisaMack324: - Girl: was to scared to ask a question so Richard went all the way to her seat to make her ask - - MISHA'S CRUISE
@bree__black Misha instructing us to moon passing boats.
@bree__black "is that person looking at me because they know who I am, or are they just a freak?"
@bree__black Misha teaching economics.
@bree__black awww misha showing off baby pics.
@bree__black "I wonder if they'll let me steer."
@bree__black fans: "....blowup Cas!" Misha: "what?!"
@bree__black Misha just drank a bag of vodka and did not enjoy it.
@bree__black Favours questions about accents as icebreaker.
@SpnJoviGirl Misha cruise finally had my chance to say hello and shake his hand. Asked him how his bday was and what his son got him
@SpnJoviGirl He said the little shit didnt get him anything. Lmao.
@Postalpixxie: - - - - - -'s Meet and Greet: @rachaelvaughn: He bought us coffee in Vancouver. SATURDAY
RUSS HAMILTON (Location Manager for Supernatural)
@bree__black 7x03 filmed downtown east side Van and was the most difficult location to shoot because of shutting it down. Russ Hamilton panel.
@ratherastory Russ has a big green binder with all the locations in it. They go back to about 90% of their locations.
@allebsupernova "You have no idea how badly people wanna touch this f-cking binder."
@ratherastory The best location for Russ is the studio, because then he can just sit at his desk & surf porn.
@bree__black Jared's mansion location is a favourite location. The art in there actually belonged to the owner.
@_GwendolynD_ Next year on location tour, Jared's Mansion might be on the tour.
@ratherastory Worst problem on a location was a burst water main that almost ruined the new hardwood floors of the owner who was trying to sell.
@bree__black an epi takes 8 days to shoot and 8 to prep, and they scout before that for locations. Sometimes it's down to the wire.
@ratherastory Shoots rarely happen in the valley b/c travel time cuts into shooting time.
@ratherastory Russ on why he wanted to be a location manager: "When I got out of prison, they said 'You need a job!'"
@bree__black Russ became a location manager because it's challenging, but he loves his job every single day.
@ratherastory Russ would like it known that he is not wearing the same shirt as Thursday, because he works hard on his wardrobe
@ratherastory The nature of the show means they don't shoot downtown often, as much as they would like to.
@bree__black Fan is now acting as Russ' agent because she said he should get a raise.
@bree__black At SPN wrap parties people throw mailboxes through windows.
@ratherastory Wrap party story: Russ has a tequila suitcase that he called the "Mexican Assassin." He got everyone else drunk & enjoyed the show.
@saltednburned: STEVEN WILLIAMS (Rufus Turner)
@bree__black Steven Williams making his own introduction. V impressive coat. Thanking fans now.
@WinchesterBros Steven Williams is checking the age of the crowd, because profanity is a stupid concept and he may blurt things out. BEST.
@_GwendolynD_ Steven declaring how much he loves panels.
@bree__black SW doesn't know any more than we do about Rufus backstory.
@ratherastory Steven is really interested in knowing if Rufus is going to come back, and wants to know the back story with Bobby.
@_GwendolynD_ Rufus' perfect heaven. Harmony and lots of beautiful women. But just getting to Heaven is great other than the other place.
@ratherastory Steven's favourite person in show business was Kim Manners, who directed him in 21 Jump Street & X-Files, & brought him in to SPN.
@_GwendolynD_ 'I thought he'd be a retired hunter that would be a go to guy for information.'
@WinchesterBros Steven Williams was watching an SPN rerun and realized Dean Winchester is a sadistic killer, a homicidal maniac!
@aliciatrigg Steven Williams did ridiculous shit during his death scene, like twitching and saying 'holy shit! What was that?'
@KJNeely Steven: "I'm such a wonderful actor, and an amazingly nice person to be around..." "I'm surprised they killed me so soon!" LOL
@bree__black Sarcastically, "I'm always surprised when they kill me so quickly." Artistically disappointed when he dies bc of missed potential.
@ratherastory It's fun that dead is not really dead in SPN.
@bree__black Wants a fan campaign to bring Rufus back.
@_GwendolynD_ 'I did not know a regular hunter's burial is a cremation. Knowing that...there are possibilities!'
@ratherastory SW is now invested in the show & watches it, whereas he didn't before.
@ratherastory SW celebrated his first good gig by buying a bunch of cowboy hats. He can't tell us the other thing he did to celebrate b/c he'd get arrested. ;)
@ratherastory SW was released from The Equaliser, but it was fortuitous b/c the audition for 21 Jump Street came up soon after.
@ratherastory SW & Mitch Pileggi choreographed their own fight scene in the elevator in X-Files, b/c there was a directorial change.
@ratherastory SW says there's still controversy about who won the fight, but he thinks the guy with the gun wins.
@bree__black SW didn't know Rufus is Jewish. Hilarious reaction. "How did I miss that?!"
@ratherastory Rufus' favourite swearword would be m-f, because it feels good in your mouth and is good for making faces.
@bree__black Kim wasn't the kind of guy who gave advice. He works with solid actors so there was no need. Difference between direction and advice
@saltednburned Steven loves Barbara Streisand. Up & coming artist Steven loves is Kevon Smith ... Mick Jagger auditioned this musician.
@bree__black How did you get into acting? "Just a stroke of bad luck."
@ratherastory SW worked selling ladies' apparel, & was told by ad exec & model clients that he had the physique to be a model.
@ratherastory SW started out in modelling in order to pick up women, and fell into acting by accident as a favour to a friend.
@ratherastory SW says there are no actors like Chicago actors.
@Postalpixxie: - CORIN NEMEC (Christian Campbell)
@ratherastory If Colin went to a convention for anyone it would be for Stephen Hawking or someone similar.
@bree__black lead actors set the vibe for the set, according to Corin. Some are laid back like Stargate and SPN and some more uptight.
@bree__black Corin likes how SPN actors occasionally mess up a take on purpose.
@ratherastory Christian & Dean rubbed each other the wrong way. There was a whole lot of rubbing.
@aliciatrigg 'We would've loaned each other boxer shorts' if christian wasn't possessed and got along with dean
@KJNeely Corins reading script, Vamp breaks his neck and he's like "Noooo!" then when he saw that he pops back as a demon he's like "yesss!"
@bree__black Corin was glad he was a demon because he spent his whole run hoping not to die.
@ratherastory Talking about The Stand. 108+ speaking roles for the movie. He really got to stretch his wings as an actor.
@ratherastory Stephen King often giggles to himself. He was wondering about the odds of one of The Stand's actors dying in a plane crash.
@bree__black Corin might have made different choices if he knew he was a demon the whole time. Been more of an asshole.
@bree__black "I was probably the nicest demon on the show. I was a jolly good demon."
@ratherastory When he was 12, on a major film set, Jeff Bridges told him that he should do everything possible to make the crew's day shorter.
@bree__black Corin makes sure to hang his wardrobe after a shoot to save the crew time. Surprisingly few actors do.
@ratherastory Colin's teasing a girl who has written down her questions. "Hang on, I have the answer written down here somewhere."
@ratherastory Corin once got into trouble at karaoke for rapping the Beach Boys. Someone took their karaoke very seriously.
@SuperntralAngel To Corin: can u rap anything? "I can wrap a present!"
@ratherastory He's not going to rap for us b/c it would end up on YouTube & it would look like he was taking himself seriously.
@_GwendolynD_ 'What's adulthood? Is that an area me town I should avoid? Sounds scary!'
@KJNeely Corin Nemic's = Super awesome "I get SUPER awesome!?!"
@ratherastory Acting was a personal choice from the start, his family supported him, & he made a point of always taking acting classes.
@ratherastory That's what helped keep him grounded from being a child actor to being an adult in the entertainment industry.
@ratherastory The difference between SPN & SG-1 conventions is that Chris Judge is at the latter & there are cardboard stargate cut-outs.
@bree__black Hardcore Star Trek conventions scare Corin. Stargate and SPN ones are both great.
@ratherastory Trekkies give all conventions a bad name by bring scary, getting drunk & talking Klingon while he's trying to get his breakfast.
@ratherastory Colin never realised there were many kinds of Spocks.
@aliciatrigg Corin went to a Star Trek convention and a Klingon attacked him and actually started wrestling him
@ratherastory Colin came across Sam Jones playing his guitar for Klingons in a hottub at a convention. "They've enslaved Flash Gordon!"
@ratherastory Colin is working on a few projects: "Besties," "Nuclear Family," "Sand Sharks" (a 'massive epic with a huge budget')
@ratherastory Colin's listing off the movies he was in that were unintentionally funny.
@_GwendolynD_ 'Then i did a film 333...which is the ugly cousin of Satan, I guess.'
@ratherastory Colin would have wanted to play a shapeshifter if he wasn't a demon.
@KJNeely LOL the host backstage called into the microphone: "Corin.. Corin" Corin: "yes god?"
@_GwendolynD_ Corin empties water bottle, answers a fan, returns to his chair & 'Whoa!' surprised by new bottle that appeared on chair. :)
@ratherastory Longest shoot ever was Operation Dumbo Drop, which was 5 months in Thailand. Thai mafia threatened to hold the actors hostage for ransom, so they pulled the plug & filmed the rest in Florida.
@KJNeely Matt cohen already shaking his ass on stage.. It hasn't even been a minute!! Lol :P
@ratherastory MC says last night was the best time he's ever had at a con. "That's because you got to grab Sebastian's crotch."
@_GwendolynD_ 'Seb was whipping people with with his sperm whale. He's nuts. No pun intended.' -R
@ratherastory Someone brought an inflatable duck raft at Seb's request. "So you're going to sit there during the whole panel blowing on a duck?"
@ratherastory Richard & Matt went shopping together for their 60s karaoke outfits.
@ratherastory Matt just called Richard his wife!
@ratherastory A woman ran up to them b/c she thought Matt was gorgeous, insisted on a photo, then showed Matt a pic of her bare ass on her phone.
@_GwendolynD_ 'I just had to look her in the eye and say -would you have some respect for my wife please!-' -Matt
@ratherastory Matt hasn't been approached for Divine, but he would love to be part of it. He supports all things SPN.
@ratherastory Richard is imitating Sebastian: "Oh, yeah, crowd! I think I'll paint on a shirt and join in!"
@allebsupernova "I know what you're gonna ask. If Matt wasn't an actor, would he be a pastry chef?"
@ratherastory Richard wouldn't want to be a stand-up comic b/c it's such a difficult profession.
@_GwendolynD_ 'You're the ruggedly handsome, misunderstood what?' Richard on Matt's 90210 character
@ratherastory Richard found the necklace he always wears for 1$ at a thrift store at an early job.
@ratherastory He bought it with his best friend who died of cancer, so he wears it in hus memory, too.
@ratherastory Matt & Richard just met in the middle of the room & hugged.
@aliciatrigg 'Clearly that's a man with a sexy secret' richard about matt
@_GwendolynD_ 'you can't hit on me. We're brothers.' Richard on what Gab and Michael's talk now would be like. Matt: Apparently you haven't read fanfiction out there...
@ratherastory "We don't need to play Motley Crüe with Chad Lindberg on stage!" in response to if they'd consider changing decades for karaoke.
@ratherastory Richard just did the most hysterical impression of Sebastian stage diving.
@ratherastory Sebastian is the "please touch me as much as you can" type of stage diver.
@ratherastory Richard got invited to J&J's trailer after Tall Tales but got the trailer wrong & ended up face-to-face w/Jared's dogs.
@_GwendolynD_ 'Those things are big. Like...they're ratio appropriate for Jared.' -Richard
@_GwendolynD_ 'I was wondering if Seb would payfor the dry cleaning on my whale hat?' R: I have to tell you, your whale is pregnant.'
@ratherastory Richard came to acting through the theatre, but L.A. isn't a theatre town.
@ratherastory Matt would love to move to London for 5 years & act.
@ratherastory Matt was in his elementary production of Wizard of Oz & was one of the "little people" singing the Lollipop Guild.
@ratherastory Fangirl who does musical theatre is up on stage performing an abbreviated Summer Lovin' with Matt.
@aliciatrigg Richard and Matt are making people sing their questions
@_GwendolynD_ 'be careful if you say you love the stage. Do you love the stage? ... Come on up!' - Matt and Richard
@allebsupernova "...and I happen to washing a horse." "So that's what the kids are calling it these days."
@ratherastory It's actually a web series called "Cowboy Up" in which he plays a transgender sherrif named Bitsy.
@ratherastory Richard says that he was surprised & sad when he read the script when he died.
@_GwendolynD_ Richard states Gabe is his Fav tv char and how it's awesome that both he and Matt both have had chance to play 2 chars in 1 epis
@allebsupernova "Isn't there a duck you should be blowing right now?"
@ratherastory Matt is being serious. So they dimmed the lights & Richard is singing.
@ratherastory Matt was raised by his father alone & he is the single most important person in his life.
@ratherastory Matt accidentally forgot his father's birthday this year for the first time & feels terrible about it.
@ratherastory Panel's done and we're not going to hear the story of "the proposal."
@Postalpixxie: - It's Matts turn to get his close up! - - - - - - - - - - Tail-end of a demo of father's day shoots, pretending a kid is your son. @MartiniHoudini: - @heather03nmg: VIDEO
"What would your characters say to each other?" the karaoke party.'s and Jared's dogs. SEBASTIAN ROCHE
@aliciatrigg Seb rode in on a inflatable duck.
@aliciatrigg Chad and Richard crashing Seb's panel already!
@ratherastory Seb doesn't remember anything about stage-diving except that someone grabbed his cock.
@_GwendolynD_ 'when you stage dive. Thrust your pelvis. The hands go up.' -Seb
@ratherastory Seb watched Jack Layton's funeral & wad very impressed by him as a statement.
@ratherastory Seb loves his kilt esp. when he's not wearing any underwear.
@ratherastory Seb spent his summer rock climbing.
@ratherastory Seb has declared the panel to be X-rated.
@ratherastory Balthazar's wings weren't visible when he died, so there's always a chance he'll be back.
@bree__black Seb wants a fan campaign for his return too.
@_GwendolynD_ SR - i abandoned supernatural but i'll still be on CW. I'm going to be on the Vampire Diaries. [spoilers for another show]
@WinchesterBros .@sebroche will slip into random accents at the drop of a hat.
@ratherastory The plush sperm whale from karaoke has made a reappearance. Seb seems unwilling to pay the dry cleaning bill.
@ratherastory "I am the krill commander!"
@_GwendolynD_ SR - I brought my thong to Vancouver. The leopard print one.
@_GwendolynD_ SR- Why do i always bring it back to sex? Too many women here!
@bree__black Never sit in the front row of a Seb Roche panel. He will tickle you. Or stage dive on you.
@ratherastory Seb loves working in Canada. Both crews on Fringe and SPN are really welcoming & laid-back & treated him well.
@_GwendolynD_ SR - Between Jared and Jensen grabbing my crotch while I'm doing a scene... No , it's a lot me fun on set.
@ratherastory Seb says Joshua Jackson is a very kind & generous person. He may have stalked him a bit.
@ratherastory Seb nearly faceplanted trying to sit on the unstable stage stairs. He's now sitting on the duck's head.
@aliciatrigg 'I'm not THAT drunk' seb
@ratherastory Seb just sang the Lumberjack Song from Monty Python.
@ratherastory Seb is sharing a totally incoherent "theory" about why Balthazar changed his mind, complete with wacky cockney accent.
@bree__black SR "Cassie's a bit of a pussy really. He's a fucking Columbo angel." impressions all around. His Cas is in love with Dean.
@ratherastory And now Seb is talking about himself in the third person.
@ratherastory The duck is deflating. "You'd deflate too if someone sat on your head."
@aliciatrigg Seb is a booty man
@bree__black "Balthazar is gay. He likes big strapping lads."
@ratherastory Seb: "Basically I don't have a theory, I just do what I'm told."
@_GwendolynD_ SR - Sorry. I'm going crazy.
@ratherastory Seb is staying up on stage because it's a position of power and he likes it.
@bree__black All tweets about SR should be taken with a grain of salt, he's talking crazy, even for him.
@ratherastory Seb is doing his U2 impression now. Elevation. :D
@ratherastory Most difficult scene: Seb tried to do a serious scene with Jensen while Jared creeped up & grabbed Jensen's crotch from behind.
@bree__black SR likes talking about Jensen's "nether regions." says Jensen is hung like a horse. "Erase that!"
@ratherastory Seb just humped the duck then kicked it aside.
@allebsupernova "Do you think..." "...that Cas is secretly in love with me?"
@ratherastory Seb: "Everyone is in love with me."
@ratherastory Jim Michaels just said it was great to have Seb on the show.
@Naficeh The inflatable duck is a whore according to Sebastian.
@ratherastory Fangirl wrote a song for Seb (or Balthasar). Filk set to Hey There, Delilah. And now Seb is riding the duck again.
@ratherastory When Balthazar died he went to where the party was: vodka martinis & girl with fake tits.
@_GwendolynD_ SR - Oh i'm really torn. I'm an angel...but i'm a naughty angel. And where do naughty angels go?
@ratherastory Misha is here & asking a convoluted question about how awesome Cas is in a bad English accent.
@ratherastory Seb threw the duck at Misha, they pretended to make out, and then Misha goosed him.
@ratherastory Now they're playing hide and seek in the curtains.
@DearHeartxoxo: - - - - - - - - Misha and Seb playing hide-and-seek - Sebastian messing with the teleprompter thingy - @ratherastory: @sebroche riding the duck @heather03nmg: Sebastian riding the duck - Sebastian and Jim Michaels - Misha and Sebastian hugging/humping @BirthBuff: MISHA COLLINS
@_GwendolynD_ misha crashes SR . 'What did he do to my duck?'
@ratherastory Seb just got the screen to display "I'm a badder ass angel than you."
@WinchesterBros If Castiel were confronted with the original God, @mishacollins... Cannot give a straight answer.
@ratherastory Somehow a question about God turned into an answer about Cas being sexually attracted to himself & making out with himself
@ratherastory Not surprisingly, Misha is not giving out spankings as he said in his birthday tweet.
@_GwendolynD_ MC - Why did you spend four hours blowing up a duck? No reason. I just wanted to see you do it.
@ratherastory Misha is signing the duck now. "Cliff, I want to give you my big dick," with 'dick' crossed out & replaced with 'duck.'
@ratherastory Misha really enjoyed the French Mistake, because of all the levels of inside jokes.
@ratherastory Misha has just realised that going on after Seb means all his questions turn dirty and sexual.
@dmerwrock @mishacollins: I'm about to cut [the left] side off. The spanking, touching. Note to self: Don't go on after [Sebastian Roche].
@DearHeartxoxo 3 Things Misha couldn't live without. Tea. Running.....and Porn.
@ratherastory Someone just asked for a demonstration of Misha's role in Nip/Tuck. He refused to self-fellate on-stage.
@ratherastory Misha made a marble bowl for his brother as a wedding gift.
@ratherastory Misha has a hard time watching SPN because it scares him.
@ratherastory Misha just knocked over his chair...
@_GwendolynD_ MC -'s get having Jared's foot in your crotch. It makes coming to work everyday ... (Trails off)
@ratherastory Castiel & God used to be lovers & had a torrid relationship. That's why Cas keeps getting brought back. "He earned it!"
@allebsupernova "God a very brutal lover."
@dmerwrock Misha (after fan says he can't blame dirty turn to answer on left side): I can do whatever I want. Ha ha! Suck it.
@WinchesterBros .@mishacollins is discussing his gaseous, noxious response to jarred minced garlic.
@ratherastory Misha once farted on a plane & the guy behind him fainted.
@ratherastory It happened twice! And then paramedics had to come get the guy off the plane as a precaution. Utterly humiliating.
@ratherastory If Misha could be any magical creature & have sex with any other, he'd be a Moosekateer having sex with a. Minion.
@_GwendolynD_ MC - Seb is a bad influence. I didn't need to tell that story. You didn't need to ask that question.
@pipsipirate "How many children are here anyway? There was never any academic potential for this convention."
@ratherastory Cas' outfit is never going to change. Cas' injuries heal themselves, but his clothes stay damaged until the next ep.
@WinchesterBros .@mishacollins has stopped fantasizing about Castiel having a wardrobe change. The constant disappointment is painful.
@ratherastory Misha thinks Jimmy is still locked in there.
@ratherastory Cas should send alimony checks to Amelia, or maybe come by & pretend to be Jimmy for a while.
@aliciatrigg What Misha doesn't like about Cas: 'he's not great with women.'
@ratherastory Misha's being insincerely sorry about making someone cry at the end if Season 6.
@WinchesterBros Misha is aware of the Save Castiel campaign, but doesn't know if it would even work.
@ratherastory Misha is playing a game of chicken with a girl trying to ask a question about Cas' motives in Caged Heat. Pretty sure he won.
@dmerwrock Misha: She really thought she was gonna get me to answer a question. I tricked her.
@ratherastory The crew used to torment the camera operator, Brad, by texting him while he was filming.
@ratherastory Jared sometime used tweezers to pluck Brad's ear hair while filming. Apparently it's hilarious, b/c Brad's face changes colour.
@aliciatrigg Tumblr came up in convo. Misha asked what it is
@ratherastory Misha doesn't want to be a total douchebag on Twitter, just a little bit of a douchebag
@ratherastory Misha's Mom follows him on Twitter.
@DearHeartxoxo: - - - - - - - Misha riding the duck - autographed duck - - @sebroche: Hee hee!!! :) VIDEO
Misha Collins Fart Story SUNDAY
@ratherastory Serge Lalumiere is going to be stopping by!!!
@ratherastory Jared just compared himself to a wet dog. And Jensen accused him of going through menopause.
@ratherastory Jared is gleefully asking who dropped Chad during karaoke.
@ratherastory "Who was on the boat?" *half the room cheers* "So it was a big boat!"
@ratherastory Jensen took Danneel on a kayak tour a couple of weeks ago.
@ratherastory Brian Buckley got asked at customs to prove he knows Jared by showing them the phone number in his phone.
@ratherastory Jensen thanked all the people who travelled here because he and Jared know how hard it is to travel.
@ratherastory The Warhol paintings of Jared & Genevieve will be going up for auction as soon as Legal Affairs releases them.
@ratherastory Jared & Jensen swiped a whole bunch of little souvenirs from a recent set after they broke it down.
@ratherastory Story behind the ducks: they hang them at low-hanging places on set so that the tall people know to "duck" & not hurt themselves.
@ratherastory Jensen has just threatened to take down the inflatable duck with his pocket knife.
@ratherastory They filmed episode 3 first so Jensen could direct. He said it was actually harder this time around.
@ratherastory Because of what Jensen learned last year directing, he had that much more to think about this year.
@pipsipirate Jensen talking about his experiences directing. Says it was more difficult. Crew members in audience confirming he did a good job.
@ratherastory "Jared knows I'm going to take care of him (as a director) because we take care of each other" as a matter if course.
@ratherastory J&J watch each other's backs all the time, whether they're both acting or Jensen is directing.
@ratherastory Jensen: as a director you have to think about all the characters, the lighting, the movement, etc. which is much more challenging.
@ratherastory Jared is making fun of how Sam & Dean are made to run during the anime. He was shown the clip by Genevieve.
@ratherastory: - - - - - - - Jared laughing over picture of inflatable duck. - - - - CHRIS HEYERDAHL (Alastair)
@ratherastory CH is on, joking that we're all going to leave right after his panel.
@ratherastory He just flew in from Calgary where he was working on Hell On Wheels with Colm Meaney (I hope I spelled that right).
@ratherastory CH just spoke Norwegian, no idea what he said, sorry.
@bree__black In Alistair voice, on Dean: "There's something so wonderful about being penetrated by a man.By his blade, I mean, by a man's blade."
@ratherastory They used sugar rather than salt for the scene in which Alastair was being tortured by Dean.
@ratherastory Singing Fred Astaire was in the script, but the dancing was CH's idea.
@ratherastory CH: "If you saw Jensen walk into a room, wouldn't you sing I'm in Heaven?"
@ratherastory CH just sang a few bars of I'm in Heaven for us. He keeps slipping in & out of Alastair's voice.
@ratherastory CH: The SPN fans are more mature than the Twilight ones
@ratherastory CH practices voices in the mirror.
@ratherastory CH based his voice & performance on the previous Alastair & let it inspire him.
@ratherastory Working off a green screen (like in Sanctuary) is a bit more challenging than working on a practical set like SPN.
@ratherastory CH really enjoys playing bad guys, and has for a long time.
@ratherastory CH is currently wrapping himself in the banner...
@ratherastory "I'd really like to play with Dean again." CH really seems to like Dean/Jensen.
@_GwendolynD_ 'I don't think i'd want to be any other character than Alastair' - Christopher
@bree__black "Playing the Demon is just, obviously, so much fun."
@ratherastory CH when asked if the boys played pranks on him: "They wouldn't dare."
@ratherastory Alastair wouldn't want to be King of Hell because there are too many responsibilities & he's all about having fun.
@bree__black Alastair/Yellow Eyes shippers in the house. CH appears to be one of them. G string removal war for King of Hell title.
@_GwendolynD_ how he would defeat Yellow Eyes would include Twister, got oil poured on them, leopard and tiger print thongs. 1st naked loses
@ratherastory Sasquatch make-up takes at least 3 hours, so he has to show up around 3:00 & the room turns into a toxic wasteland.
@ratherastory Removing make-up takes an hour. "There's a lot of oil involved."
@ratherastory CH is a huge fan of Ralph Fiennes. Thinks he did an amazing job as Voldemort.
@ratherastory CH enjoys not having any hair at all. It actually feels great.
@pipsipirate "Being bald on Sanctuary is quite high-maintenance. I have a clause in my contract that someone shaves me everyday." - Heyerdahl
@ratherastory CH: It would be really cool if Alastair gave a tour of Hell, like in Dante's Inferno.
@pipsipirate Heyerdahl now sitting in the pool of rubber ducks on the floor, declares he'll do the rest of the panel from there.
@ratherastory CH had already seen some of the show before playing Alastair but the ep with the other Alastair hadn't aired yet.
@ratherastory CH has DVD dates with his wife, but doesn't like to watch SPN because she keeps going on about how cute the boys are.
@pipsipirate "Are you guys familiar with The Youtubes?" - Christopher Heyerdahl, talking about Jensen's Eye of The Tiger video.
@ratherastory CH just wrapped up with his impression of Jensen doing his Eye of the Tiger/air guitar thing.
@ratherastory: - - JENSEN AND JARED
@ratherastory Jensen is objecting to the choice of song "You've Got A Friend In Me."
@ratherastory Jared is stumbling all over his words. It's adorable. Jensen: "You're really having a day, aren't you?"
@aliciatrigg Jared apologizes for seb and misha 'I'm just kidding'
@ratherastory A teeny little girl just asked what they do when they're not doing their movies.
@ratherastory Jared spends time with his wife. J&J encouraged her to go to bed early, do her homework & brush her teeth. So cute.
@ratherastory When asked what episode they relate to personally: for Jared it's more of a general feeling rather than one ep. Jensen's answer is "the whole Western episode."
@ratherastory Ladouceur is the Iron Man of SPN. He dodges bullets. "He's our Jedi."
@WinchesterBros Jared and Jensen are graciously introducing and commending the crew in the audience.
@aliciatrigg What do you think about Jared? Jensen: 'stupid.'
@ratherastory Jensen just scolded the mics for being bad. "Bad mics!"
@WinchesterBros The mics are making funny noises. Jared: "Do you have a tamborine in your esophagus?"
@ratherastory Jensen thinks a lot about the edits on his shots when he's planning them.
@aliciatrigg Jared throws down his chair to show that he is masculine
@ratherastory Having the characters do less "manly" things is a good way to add layers to them. It's why Jensen loves the comedic aspects of Dean
@ratherastory "If you want to make them cry you have to make them laugh."
@ratherastory Having people watch them perform sometimes interferes with the laser focus needed to do their job. But it's very flattering.
@pipsipirate Re: The Riot: "Well I love my new flatscreen. But seriously, it was unfortunate but it's not what this city is about." - Jensen
@ratherastory Jensen: it was sad because Vancouver is a really great place. Jared: it was a few bad apples who made the whole place look bad.
@WinchesterBros Regarding hockey: Jensen doesn't get the whole skating on water with a stick thing.
@nottheribbons Jared's been nicer to Misha now that Misha is a father. Jensen says he has no idea who Misha Collins is.
@gypsy_sunday Jared texted misha happy bday late at nite & next morning got txt back "man that sucks. You were the first to text me."
@ratherastory Jared: they probably have to drench the blow-up duck in bleach after Sebastian was done with it.
@ratherastory Jensen is pretending to snore during a question directed to Jared.
@aliciatrigg Jared: 'I wear makeup for a living, I'm not a dangerous guy.'
@pipsipirate Jensen thinks we love Jared more than him because Jared's on twitter.
@ratherastory Jared felt a little picked on when he got stopped by customs & immigration, and his Twitter family made him feel welcome again.
@ratherastory Kim Manners compared getting a regular acting gig to being handed the key to a secret club.
@ratherastory Jared bought a TV to celebrate his gig on Gilmore Girls.
@WinchesterBros Fan: "what acting job made you think you could do this?" JP: "Days of Our Lives." JA: "Me too! That's so weird..."
@ratherastory Jensen just slashed the ever-loving hell out of the inflatable duck with his pocket knife and kicked it off the stage! O_O
@aliciatrigg Jared: 'dean vs duck. Dean wins'
@aliciatrigg Jensen about duck: 'it smelled like seb' jared: 'you might want to wash your knife.'
@ratherastory Jensen's first gig was DooL. His mother on the show told him to know his lines & stay out of her light.
@ratherastory She also said she wouldn't let him re-sign b/c he was going places.
@ratherastory Jensen bought himself a new truck to celebrate.
@ratherastory Acting with a baby is hard. Youjust react to the baby. "Because you can't direct a baby... unless it's Jared."
@ratherastory Jensen was stuck in the Impala for an hour with a baby & made a tent over it to keep it cool b/c it was really hot.
@ratherastory Most intense scene to film as brothers: the Hell speech in Season 4. Jensen: "I had to walk that one off."
@ratherastory Jared on a book called "Stumbling on Happiness": there is no such thing as a fake emotion.
@ratherastory Jared: Your body doesn't know the difference when you're acting & when you're genuinely sad.
@ratherastory Favourite book of Jared's is The Great Gatsby, and he's a fan of Jon Krakauer.
@aliciatrigg Jensen is reading a book about the Dallas Cowboys
@ratherastory Jensen's father does VoiceOver work for a living.
@ratherastory The VoiceOver community is very tightly-knit & hard to break into.
@ratherastory Synching up the words & lip movements for the anime was difficult & a lot of work compared to English animation.
@ratherastory It's at the director's discretion how long the demon smoke takes during an exorcism.
@aliciatrigg Jared studied Latin in school
@ratherastory Jensen just said a sarcastic: "Good for you!" to someone who memorised the exorcism. :)
@ratherastory Jensen doesn't think there is a happily ever after for Sam & Dean. Best case scenario they die and go out with a bang.
@ratherastory Jensen thinks they should come back in 10 years to do a movie that tanks.
@ratherastory Jared's directorial debut would be a Jane Fonda-style fitness video.
@WinchesterBros Jensen Ackles in the gym teacher garb doing an '80s style workout video. It just may happen...
@ratherastory People brought more ducks. Jared: "Don't put them near Jensen, he'll stab them."
@ratherastory They're all very optimistic about Season 8.
@LoveJeter02 Glad that's not me scene...Jensen says the Japanese game show. Jared... The genital herpes scene
@ratherastory Jared is a little discomfited that the "genital herpes" line has been edited online so that it no longer comes off as a joke.
@gypsy_sunday "pudding" was originally sam's line but jared said dean would say it better
@LoveJeter02 #Vancon letter Dean wrote in Point of no return...Jensen thinks it was in the script and not something he made up
@ratherastory The show feels like one long episode to Jensen.
@ratherastory J&J are really appreciative of their Japanese fans & have made extra recordings to show it, esp. in light of recent events.
@ratherastory Jensen puts peanut butter on his pancakes.
@ratherastory Jared to Jensen: "I want to hear you say I eat chalk!"
@ratherastory Jensen just called Jared a food disposal.
@ratherastory Jared eats the tails off his coconut shrimp.
@pipsipirate Gen took their deep fryer away from Jared after he deep fried a Kit-Kat bar and a Cupcake.
@ratherastory Jensen: "Don't mess with Texas, we will deep-fry anything!"
@pipsipirate Jensen brought up the show 'My Strange Addiction', Jared would consider eating a couch if it was deep fried.
@ratherastory Most awkward moment on set for Jared was seeing Jensen in the gym teacher outfit.
@ratherastory Jensen's awkward moment was in the beginning with Misha, b/c Misha wasn't breaking character at first.
@WinchesterBros Jensen's first thought on Misha: "is he gonna keep talking like that?"
@DearHeartxoxo: - - - - JENSEN KILLED THE DUCK! - - - - - - - - - @pipsipirate: - - Jensen just killed the giant inflatable duck that @mishacollins left here. With a knife. @Postalpixxie: - GUY BEE (Director for Supernatural)
@ratherastory Guy Norman Bee is making shadow puppets behind the screen.
@ratherastory .@guynormanbee is reminiscing about slightly drunken karaoke. 'Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.'
@bree__black Guy Norman Bee thanks us " from the bottom of everything."
@bree__black Ha ha GNB says they should add "hellatus" to Webster's.
@ratherastory The shot of "Sam" riding across the screen [in Frontierland] is actually stock footage.
@ratherastory GNB thinks there should be a DVD box set of just the gag reel.
@ratherastory GNB got to work with Frank Oz, who's one of his heroes. Oz is nice & laid back & plays with a yo-yo all day.
@ratherastory GNB also admires Ridley Scott & Terry Gilliam, among others.
@ratherastory The hardest part of being a director is being responsible for everyone.
@ratherastory It's hard to have Jared Padelecki there: "What do I do? Don't waste my time, I have Words With Friends to play!"
@ratherastory Often shows require a "kitchen sink" approach to footage, which will then get narrowed down to 41 minutes.
@ratherastory It can be frustrating as a director to have J&J playing pranks & making people laugh, but it's a good way to let off steam.
@Naficeh Guy Bee: "Then you get Jensen who's amazing at all he does..."
@ratherastory GNB loves the word "gank." Also, "Posse Magnet."
@ratherastory Which episodes a guest director will direct is the luck of the draw.
@ratherastory GNB saw the gun fight scene first in the script & assumed it would be a dream sequence & that Dean was fighting himself.
@ratherastory The directors of different episodes don't really talk to each other b/c if conflicting schedules.
@ratherastory It's sometimes difficult to stick to the motif of a show when the producers insist on it. It can be confining.
@ratherastory Generally shows will encourage him to put his own stamp on it.
@ratherastory It's rare to have too little footage, but when it happens they schedule an extra scene to be shot during later episodes.
@ratherastory There are some scenes that GNB isn't sure how to shoot. It happened in 7.03 but they felt their way through & it turned out well.
@ratherastory GNB often wishes for a bigger budgets during action sequences.
@ratherastory GNB says he works best under pressure.
@ratherastory Some of the best lighting/shots are obtained by shooting quickly when the natural light is right.
@ratherastory GNB does a lot of drawing at home. Nothing professional, but he enjoys it.
@ratherastory Discussing continuity problems now in a more general way & how they're prevented.
@ratherastory Being a director is like being the conductor of an orchestra.
@DearHeartxoxo: - SPOILERS
[Misha's panel] @bree__black spoiler. We see Cas' heaven in 7x01 and it's boring.
[J2 breakfast] @bree__black #vancon Spoiler. J2 practically confirm Bobby's house set broken down.
[J2 breakfast] @pipsipirate "Any Buffy fans here?" [cheers] "It's over. Let it go." - Jensen (After talking about filming with James Marsters)
[J2 breakfast] @ratherastory The actors from Buffy used to call the show "Buffy the Weekend Slayer."
[J2 panel] @ratherastory Jared is hopeful that Season 7 won't be too heartbreaking.
[Guy Bee panel] @ratherastory GNB is being tantalising about 7.02. It's funny & scary & he says it came out really close to what he wanted.
[Guy Bee panel] @bree__black #vancon not really a spoiler. A scene in 7x02/3 ends in a beautiful pool of light.
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