Apr 10, 2011 18:58


Friday Cocktail Party
La Dolce Vita tour with Jared

Roman Holiday tour with Misha, Richard Speight Jr. and Mark Sheppard etc.

15:15-15:55 - Mark Sheppard and Sebastian Roché
@janiedean mark says neil gaimain is his new bff & loves spn, seb will show himself in speedos on twitter

CatVonAwesome Best part tho had to be Mark Sheppard saying Neil Gaiman is a fan of Supernatural & loves that Kripke rips him off!

@janiedean seb is showing off his italian and is not happy that his criminal minds part got cut

@galain Mark and Seb are talking about Chris Kane

@galain Mark says that Neil Gaiman is a SPN fan

@janiedean mark is raving about kissing the guy on spn and jim as well apparently jim used tongue

@galain Seb auditioned for Gabe, Lucy, Crowley and finally Baltalhazar

@janiedean apparently mark's son wrote the scene in leverage where eliot beats sterling

@janiedean richard crashed the panel to ask when we'll see balty naked now hes on stage

@janiedean seb got asked to speak with a scottish accent, he blathers about wearing a kilt, mark misses firefly

@janiedean that pic of misha & seb with crafty signs was made on spot, crafty was written to say where food was

@janiedean mark says he was queen elizabeth first, seb says he was some girl on a horse




Photo Set from various panels

15:55-16:35 - Richard Speight Jr.
@janiedean richard is walking through rows asking people if it's their first con and answering stuff

@galain R. is speaking directly into the camera "this feels a lot like 1984"

@janiedean r richard is talking about norway and talking in norwegian, now he's back on stage

@janiedean Richard doesn't think Gabriel will be back but he doesn't know for sure

@FiercelyNormal I asked Richard what it's like working with Snoop Dog. He's taller than Jared but Jared win in a fight against stoned Snoop

@janiedean he's talking about the pepsi commercial and about the porn at the end of 5x19, apparently it was weird

@janiedean if he could come back he'd like to be the trickster gabe had taken the spot of but he'd love to be back

17:05-17:45 - Chad Lindberg
@ginevra17 Ash's hair were actually hair extentions

@galain There's an inappropriate way to be grabby, according to Chad

@galain Chad has a breast cancer awereness tattoo, he got it when his mom got better from cancer




18:05-18:45 - Rob Benedict




Photo Set from various panels



Photo set with Jensen


10:05-50 - Misha Collins
@galain Misha would like a SPN musical ep where Dean and Sam are in drag

@galain Shitty day music for Misha: Peaches. And he sang a bit. It's the only music that calms West down

@janiedean apparently west can only sleeps with peaches songs, also he was asked who'd play dean sam & cas in an hollywood moviie. he said dakota fanning for dean, kate moss for cas, renee zellweger for sam

@janiedean he interpreted a question as whether cas' junk is bigger than his own

@galain "like Cas, I have no personal space and I make people uncomfortable" and he's offstage, leanin into the girl who asked the question

@janiedean cas would drive a toyota corolla station wagon and he'd name it chariot

@FiercelyNormal Misha missed cocktail party cuz he was "trying to put a baby to sleep...I failed"

@galain Misha's fake-crying 'cause a girl said his fighting scenes were funny, not macho

@FiercelyNormal Misha says Cas is not emotional and wouldn't cry aka no Woobie Cas lol

@galain Do you prefer Jensen or Jared? Either, cuz he has to work with them

@galains Misha's talking about how he would school Chuck Norris, treating him like a child, making him to his homework

@janiedean he took off his jersey, said he just had two shirts on, then he said do you think I'm sebastian?

@FiercelyNormal Misha fought to wear a "flamboyant sweater" in the French mistake

@FiercelyNormal Some girls asked misha to say something random in a British accent and he turned around and asked a British fan to say it

@galain Misha was arrested once because he climbed up the roof of a bank to read and somebody was robbing the bank

@janiedean said he was arrested once because he was reading watership down on the roof of a bank during a robbery

@sgirl18 misha is talking about the many times he spend in a jail cell lol

@FiercelyNormal Misha hid a bag of weed in his little brother's underwear lol

@galain Misha says it's incredibly creepy that fandom has his first theatre performance (think kid!Misha with trench coat)

@galain That play was The Foreigner, btw, and he had a British accent

@FiercelyNormal People coming in from jared's photo op and misha is taunting them for missing his panel

@galain Jensen is crashin Misha's panel

@FiercelyNormal Jensen just creeped on misha and he said the audience kept quiet cuz they are "obedient for him"

@FiercelyNormal Jensen just called misha "cute like a Teddy bear" and now misha is creeping on him "an angel standing over him"




Photo Set from various panels

10:50-11:35 - Jensen Ackles
@janiedean jen's fav ep is the pilot but recently he really liked the meta ep, he's talking about mbv now

@FiercelyNormal Jensen says the SPN crew has been together longer than almost any show

@FiercelyNormal Jensen failed on April fools, forgot to prank anyone

@janiedean He's sad he didn't manage to prank anyone with jared for april's fools, next year he'll make people cry

@FiercelyNormal Now he's acting out kripke pitching the bad acting part of the French mistake

@FiercelyNormal He says look out for French mistake gag reel they played at the wrap party. He just imitated jared doing the hand thing

@janiedean he says that the bad acting scene in french mistake was a lot of fun, at some point misha was cracking so hard he got off set

@FiercelyNormal Dean's greatest fear is Sam being hurt awww

@galain Dean is most afraid of what could happen to Sam and of bad stuff happening to people he loves

@FiercelyNormal Jensen wants to be more like "badass dean"

@FiercelyNormal He's doing hand puppets to show the delay on the video behind him and it's cracking him up. He's in a super good mood

@galain J was okay playing Dean playing Jensen, but not playing himself

@FiercelyNormal Going to Scotland this year to visit danneel's family

@FiercelyNormal Guy asked who he would marry out of all the guest stars and he said he "wouldn't touch that question with a ten foot pole"

@FiercelyNormal Hardest episode this year is hard to choose cuz the season feels like one long episode

@galain Two-part season finale, part one is more Dean and part two is more Sam

@FiercelyNormal Someone asked him how he does the Single Manly Tear lol. One trick is blowing menthol in your eye, but only used it once

@janiedean got asked how he does the single tear, he doesn't use menthol and he doesn't know precisely how he manages

@FiercelyNormal Crew calls it the OPT, one perfect tear

@FiercelyNormal just asked to say "son of a bitch" and he says it's hard to get into character without Jared there lol

@galain Wouldn't sing show tunes in a musical ep.Wouldn't go as far as Glee.

@FiercelyNormal SPN musical would suck cuz dean can't sing. And he says kripke would prob make him sing superiors

@janiedean impalas on set aren't as good as they look, he'd liked to own one but he's crap at mantaining classic cars

@FiercelyNormal Jared crashed,speaking fake italian and brought him a stuffed animal and is acting like a ventriloquist dummy lol wat?

@misha_bawlins jensen and jared doing puppet theater with a toy zebra

@FiercelyNormal Matching black button downs and scruff

@galain They are naming the plushes, Jensen's zebra is Bart, Jared's giraffe is Longneck, I think

@galain Jared says Jensen would like to go on a road trip with his father, Jared with his mom




11:35-12:20 - Jared Padalecki
@FiercelyNormal He's sweating and complaining how hot it is so people are telling him to take off his shirt

@FiercelyNormal First draft of body swap epi had Sam disco dancing and grabbing chicks. Originally supposed to switch with old short plumber dude

@FiercelyNormal He hopes they do a Sam and dean body swap epi

@galain Girl just gave Jared a fan, he kept fanning his shirt and he undid a button

@galain Still does "hi, I'm Jared from Texas" from last year

@FiercelyNormal Says they were worried that kripke would make them kiss during the french mistake. Said misha and Sebastian would do it instead lol

@FiercelyNormal Girl wants to know why Sam doesn't have "sexually ambiguous" crowley's hand print

@FiercelyNormal Spoiler: we'll find out how he really got out of hell at the end of the season

@FiercelyNormal Telling how misha was pissed he won big at the word game because he's big and dumb and didn't go to college lol

@FiercelyNormal Misha dumped 89,000 coins in his trailer and Sadie refused to walk on them and got confused

@galain Misha drove around with the coins in the car, cause he didn't have time to move them

@janiedean he's saying that in S3 they wanted to have sam in hell and hell being like in constantine - says misha is better than keanu reeves

@FiercelyNormal S4 was supposed to start with Sam in Hell looking for Dean

@janiedean also jared is goofing around with a plushie he named francesco - jen has one named bartholomew

@FiercelyNormal S6 harder because they are used to falling back on their " symbiotic" relationship

@galain Jared keeps saying some random words in Italian and then he acts all proud of himself

@FiercelyNormal He says they went away from Sam moving shit with his mind because it was too similar to the Force from Star Wars

@FiercelyNormal Also Sam never mastered his powers cuz Kripke didn't want him too be too all powerful

@janiedean they play pranks on misha while he works, also he drives himself and j2 move his car/hide his keys

@FiercelyNormal J2 make sexy faces at misha to make him break character

@galain J2 got kicked out during a Cas scene cause they kept making Misha laugh

@FiercelyNormal Jared reenacted the awkward arms scene of the "acting" in the French Mistake

@FiercelyNormal Guy dressed as Sam and Jared called him "El Samo"

@FiercelyNormal Having no soul was hard because it was "hard to not treat Jensen like a brother"

@FiercelyNormal They rolled camera and let him start when he was mentally ready to play Sammifer

@FiercelyNormal They did the same thing for Jensen during the monologue in 2.22

@janiedean he found it hard to get into robosam's or luci's headspace, also whenever he speaks italian he goes into spanish



12:30-13:15 - Chad Lindberg and Rob Benedict
@janiedean if rob could be god for one day he'd make himself fly, get ash back to spn & open for pearl jam/jamming w/ eddie vedder

@janiedean chad was actually naked in simon said.

@janiedean if they could meet someone in heaven they'd be michael jackson for chad and james dean for rib

@galain They're talking about having an "Ash&Chuck Road Trip" spin off, where they ride a sidecar!

@galain They'd love to work with Scorsese, the Cohen brothers and Spielberg (last one is Chad)



15:10-15:55 - Sebastian Roche
@galain Seb's standing in chairs, walking around, just did Richard's impression

@galain Seb lived on a boat from ages 12 to 18

@janiedean he thinks fandom is amazing and he feels welcome, now he's saying he loves rock climbing in summer

@janiedean he just imitated jensen being dean LOL also once they made him crack up bc jared groped jen who kept a straight face

@janiedean apparently once he stood in his underwear in front of jen who stood unfazed as usual lol

@janiedean btw balthy is his fav of his current characters, also he didn't get pranked on set first day, he's doing a jared impression now

@janiedean also he's like, jared and jen are very pretty and I don't like guys but if I was gay I'd fuck them

@janiedean he knows english, french, some italian and spanish + choice of swear words in others, also he says he's 1/2 french, from the waist down

@janiedean question: what would happen if gabe and balthy had an ep together? They'd turn everyone into women

@galain A funny ep for Srb: J2 as women, as well as the rest of the cast "Mishette"

@janiedean he said that he'd love to have sean penn on spn, and he's very glad he's not a con virgin anymore


16:40-17:25 - Jared and Jensen
la_byby Jared is counting money in italian that con people give him. Remember the Misha thing?

@FiercelyNormal Now he's trying to count them in italian but can't get past UNO. Jen said to throw coins at Jared

@FiercelyNormal Jared is rubbing the stuffed giraffe on his sweaty neck.

@janiedean oh dear they're moving the plushies around and jared is cuddling and kissing his giraffe

@FiercelyNormal Jensen would like to be on CSI Miami to have david caruso's paycheck and not have to be able to act

@janiedean ohmy jared just did the csi miami thing after jen said that david caruso can't act

@FiercelyNormal Jensen said if he met Sam he would say "you look just like my friend Jared"

@FiercelyNormal Jen says "driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole" set the tone of the brothers' relationship

@FiercelyNormal Some chick just asked Jensen why he always plays jackasses . He said she should learn to phrase her questions better lol

@FiercelyNormal Misha just crashed. He's asking how it is to work with misha Collins in a Russian accent

@janiedean misha crashed panel, asked in a weird accent how working with a person as awesome as him made them grow up

@FiercelyNormal Lmao Jensen asked where he's from and he said "India russia" and Jensen said he hears they have unattractive people there

@janiedean also he said he came from indorussia, country famous for goatsheep at which jen commented awesome cheese

@FiercelyNormal they are fucking with the time delay video behind them, dancing and doing synchronized hand puppets

@FiercelyNormal Jensen just called what they were doing "shenanigans"

@galain Jensen spoke French

@janiedean they're basically bullshitting their way around this panel omg

@FiercelyNormal Girl whimpered when they said hello and Jensen said that's how Jared greets him in the morning

@galain Jared reacts like a fangirl every morning when he sees Jensen

@ginevra17 Jared's favourite season is S4, Jensen's is S1

@FiercelyNormal Jensen says season 1 was his face cuz everyone was excited and hungry and thinking about what could be

@galain Jensen is speaking with a Russian accent

@FiercelyNormal Girl asked what changed between them after 6 hrs and Jensen said nothing and did the whimper thing again

@FiercelyNormal Kripke pulled them aside in s1 and told them the show could go a long time but it depended on the two of them and their relationship

@galain Jensen's advice to Dean: take a vacation

@galain Jared's advice to Sam: stay in the hotel room and don't make demon deals

@janiedean they're singing happy birthday to someone and everyone sang along, now they're giving props to travel in texas

@galain Jensen spoke with a Texan accent

@FiercelyNormal Jared would cast Jensen in Twilight as Bella and Jen would cast Jared in an artsy version of the beiber story

@galain Jensen says he would play Bella, cause "the other guy is even more feminine"

@FiercelyNormal Jensen said that to do the bad acting scene they thought about how misha would do it

jennytesta Jensen says they have off days but he'll never let Jared fall too far and vice versa

@FiercelyNormal Jensen says cons are great when there is respect between the actor and fans

@galain J2 is raving on about how awesome spn fans are, especially compared to the twilight fandom

@FiercelyNormal Girl asked why the handprint was missing in the Lisa dream sex scene. Jensen's fave reason was they just forgot about it






Photo Set from various panels

Photo set

17:25-18:10 - Richard Speight Jr. and Mark Sheppard
@ratherastory Richard and Mark got everyone to move up to the expensive seats, since Misha's 1st photo op was happening.

@ratherastory Richard also gave out candy, and somehow came away with more candy in a little bag. Mark threatened to send him back out for cash.

@FiercelyNormal Mark put the stuffed zebra on the chair to represent Richard while he was in the audience then put it in inappropriate positions

@FiercelyNormal Richard's imitation of Sebastian is to unbutton his shirt

@FiercelyNormal Mark faking a Southern accent. Richard: You sound like you want to bang me

@FiercelyNormal Mark re:Jensen's directing "He's scary good at it"

@FiercelyNormal Misha crashing the panel

@FiercelyNormal Misha's talking about the underwear Richard convinced the fans to send him.Misha says some of the ladies' underwear are a bit tight

@FiercelyNormal Misha asked Mark who has the softer tongue - Jim or Sebastian.

@FiercelyNormal Richard: Jared is offensively tall. Mark: On set, they call Jensen the small one




10:00-10:45 - Misha Collins and Sebastian Roché
@FiercelyNormal Improv question, misha says they improv the sex scenes but they cut them out. Now Seb singing I want your Sex

@FiercelyNormal Seb just grabbed Misha's ass

@FiercelyNormal Guy says his name is Max E (for evil) and now they are calling him Maxi pad. They are fucking with this poor kid lmao

@FiercelyNormal Seb inspired by Benny Hill and Misha by Elmer Fudd

@FiercelyNormal Guy says he's been watching Seb since he was twelve. Seb: "that's when i was doing gay porn

@FiercelyNormal Misha says the Charmed girls were monsters but Alyssa Milano slipped him tongue

@FiercelyNormal Seb says they need to stop the guy or else he'd go on and on cuz " today's a heavy flow day"

@janiedean omg seb kissed misha on the cheek and they're giving each other water and seb groped misha twice

@FiercelyNormal Misha jealous of seb's "boundless energy" since he went to bed at 5 am, He went dancing salsa in town

@FiercelyNormal Misha brags he was the first angel on show and set ground rules that they were serious. Then "fun angels" came on and he's jealous

@FiercelyNormal Wants a ménage a douze too

@FiercelyNormal Misha translates some girls question as "what would balty do to calm down Cas. Seb would give him a big "wing hug"

@ginevra17 Sebastian just tried to hug Misha, but Misha went away XD

@FiercelyNormal Girl that insulted misha yesterday back up and misha mocks her. Seb tells her to insult him cuz he likes it

@FiercelyNormal Girl asked about project with priest outfit and he says he's really a priest ( his other job)...Seb says he's really a stripper

@FiercelyNormal Dude called them "Jared and Jensen" so now they are imitating them

@FiercelyNormal Misha says seb's ears are clogged with vodka. Seb says he has maxi pads in them

@FiercelyNormal Guy asks question in Italian and misha starts answering about republicans in congress instead of getting it translated

@FiercelyNormal Seb now singing Single Ladies in response to Misha asking him if he's ever hit a douze. Now Seb is beat boxing

@FiercelyNormal Omg none of these questioners speak English. The guys are fucking with everyone

@FiercelyNormal It's a free for all . People are yelling out things from the audience. Now Seb is on one knee proposing to Misha in Italian

@FiercelyNormal Misha just threw a glass at a girl. It was Seb's and he warned her against touching his body fluids

@FiercelyNormal Question about Balthazar's faces: lion, horse, canary with small wings. Misha says balty's are dick Cheney and a muffin

@FiercelyNormal Balthy would win in a fight by kicking Cas in the balls

@FiercelyNormal Question in French: misha answers by talking about Obama instead

@FiercelyNormal Where do angels go when they die? Misha: wal-mart

@FiercelyNormal Misha says this panel is exhausting him

@FiercelyNormal How did Cas/Bal meet? Seb: at wal mart buying maxi pads and talking about Obama

@FiercelyNormal Misha: at flying school, Cas was a kiss ass, they went to college together then Cas became a fluffier and Balthy arranged flowers

@FiercelyNormal Jensen crashing behind the screen. Richard doing hand puppets behind the screen. Jensen just crashed, asking question

@FiercelyNormal Seb is yelling sonovabitch at Jensen. Now Jen doing Balthy and Bobby impressions

@FiercelyNormal Jensen kicked them off stage. looks like he's still in a great mood!




Photo Set from various panels

10:50-11:35 - Jensen Ackles
@FiercelyNormal People yelling from audience. Jensen asks if this is the Jerry springer show and tells everyone to shut up lol

@FiercelyNormal Girl asks him how Dean would Want to die "in a pile of women" pause "yeah, that would work for him" lol

@FiercelyNormal Says "Jared's not here is he?" and girl yells "misha!" and Jensen makes face and goes "misha, really?" lol

@FiercelyNormal Jensen "I don't think Dean can sustain a relationship outside of hunting. It makes him vulnerable"

@FiercelyNormal And he's already vulnerable in his relationship with Sam

@FiercelyNormal Girl worried the brother storyline won't interact with the angel storyline. He assures her he will work with Misha again

@galain Jensen speaking Italian, learned the difference between salute and saluto. Even better than French

@FiercelyNormal Dean ashamed of Sam's hair "you don't see military guys walking around with Beiber hair"

@misha_bawlins Jensen said Sam has Justin Bieber hair. 'I can say it cos he's not here today. Sucker!'

@FiercelyNormal When show ends he's taking 6 months off. Does not think show is ending soon

@FiercelyNormal Says TV is just as good as movies for him in the future

@FiercelyNormal Tv and movies are like rock and blues, different but both awesome

@FiercelyNormal Girl talking about Clif and the fake social network sites.

@galain Jensen doesn't know which one is Cliff's twitter.

@FiercelyNormal Jensen is tempted to get an official twitter just to establish which ones are fake. Then never use it

@FiercelyNormal Telling story about meeting Danneel's friend who is a nun at the vatican last year

@FiercelyNormal They had lunch under the pic of Michael slaying Lucifer in the private room in the basilica

@FiercelyNormal Telling story about stunt in S4 where they jumped out of window. Freaked them out

@FiercelyNormal First take messed up and he forced the director to extend the shoot and redo the scene to get it right

@FiercelyNormal Wants to redo Butch Cassidy with Jared or something with Jared in drag

@FiercelyNormal If he directed Jared In a movie he would have him play a character in a coma the whole time

@FiercelyNormal He also wants Jared to stop wearing boots with heels since he's already like 6'9" lol

@FiercelyNormal How was it making love with Anna? "earth shattering, heavenly"

@FiercelyNormal Just imitated the boom operator checking them out during sex scenes

@FiercelyNormal Girl complimenting him on his acting not just his "pretty face" he smiled and laughed at that. Just said "mom is that you??"

@FiercelyNormal Who would he sell his soul for? He says his wife. Reminding him of an old country song

@FiercelyNormal Btw the country song Jensen referred to re: Danneel was Don't Take the Girl by Tim McGraw

@FiercelyNormal Who would he want on SPN. Crowd suggests David Caruso

@FiercelyNormal Jensen would get Anthony Hopkins, Sean Connery and Johnny Depp to play in spn



Photo Set from various panels

15:10 - Richard Speight Jr. and Mark Sheppard
@FiercelyNormal Richard says the crowd is bigger today so "Jensen must not be doing anything"

@FiercelyNormal Richard is coming to the back of the room again, bringing snacks. Handing out red bulls

@FiercelyNormal Now they are both in the audience "Oprah gone wrong"

@FiercelyNormal Lmao Maxi Pad is asking a question and Mark told him to spit out

@FiercelyNormal Fuck yeah Mark said his fave character is Romo Lampkin,

@FiercelyNormal Richard telling a story and mark bored so he fell asleep in the audience

@janiedean gabe's four true form heads are george, john, paul and ringo

@FiercelyNormal Richard is sitting in the audience so he's a disembodied voice half the time

@FiercelyNormal Richard filmed Open Water 2 and had to spend the whole movie tredding water. There was an outbreak of jellyfish during filming

@janiedean richard is kissing people and sitting down and mark's fav ep that he shot was weekend at bobby'

@FiercelyNormal Richard said Gabe is bummed that God let him die lol "he's got some 'splainin to do"

@FiercelyNormal Mark mocking the awful interpreter

@janiedean richard's favorite shows are 30 rock, judge judy & justified - I think the 2nd was a joke

@FiercelyNormal Another question about kissing Jim and Mark can't figure out the fascination with that

@FiercelyNormal Richard says Gabe, Crowley and Balthazar would have their own cooking show and then give the boys a thorough massage

@ginevra17 Mark recited Shakespeare, Richard doesn't kiss boys, Crowley is from Essex and Mark too XD

@FiercelyNormal Someone asked Richard how many boys he's kissed onscreen and says this isn't Glee

@janiedean mark got asked which other spn guy he'd like to kiss and said richard, also he's stalking a cameraman

@FiercelyNormal Video guy filming back of richard's head "can you see where my toupee ends?"

@FiercelyNormal Mark is creepily harassing the video guy lol

@FiercelyNormal Now he's making this poor guy video while walking backwards around the whole room

@FiercelyNormal Mark his petting his hellhound

@janiedean omg they brought fans on stage to dance on eye of the tiger

@FiercelyNormal The panel has turned into karaoke

16:25-17:10 - Jensne Ackles and Misha Collins
@FiercelyNormal Misha hugging stuffed rhino to give to whoever he likes best. Jensen takes it lol

@FiercelyNormal Misha says its nice to sit with Jensen and not have to talk . Cue awkward silence lol

@FiercelyNormal Misha's first impression of j2: thought they would be cool and realized that was false

@FiercelyNormal Spoiler: just mentioned panic room in finale

@FiercelyNormal Jared crawled into scene and put his hand up jensen's leg and gripped it until Jensen kicked him in the face

@FiercelyNormal Jared likes to grab jensen's balls during scenes, per Misha

@FiercelyNormal Jensen makes sexy faces at Misha and he cracks. Misha said it would take a tazer to make Jensen crack

@FiercelyNormal Misha says if he were cas he could teleport, fly and see through women's clothing. Jensen said he wouldn't have the desire if he was

@FiercelyNormal Misha just pulled a girl up on stage

@galain They're bringing a girl onstage to act out a scene from when harry met sally. Sally's misha!

@FiercelyNormal The girl who asked them to do it got the rhino

@FiercelyNormal Maxi Pad played the high pitched scream from Yellow Fever and Misha said he sounds castrated

@FiercelyNormal They are suggesting ways for the people always at the front of the line to save time: leave cardboard cut outs of themselves

@FiercelyNormal They can't remember any scenes together to pick a fave. People yelling out scenes

@FiercelyNormal Jensen finally picks first scene cuz after that he stopped paying attn. Then he did the "raised you from perdition" line

@FiercelyNormal Jensen says to forgive them because it's late in the day and Misha is coked out of his mind lol

@janiedean jen&jim beaver were shocked at the cas voice - jen said misha'll get surgery to vocal chords

@galain Cas in his day off would do housekeeping

@FiercelyNormal Misha would tell Cas to buy new clothes, Jensen suggests men's warehouse

@FiercelyNormal Jensen says Cas' white dress shirt is so stretched out it's loose on Clif

@FiercelyNormal Girl asks if Jen wants to do european films, Jen says yes, M asks if that's a euphemism for gay porn, J says his answer is still yes

@FiercelyNormal Misha says he can't play the president cuz all TV and movie presidents are black or women

Funny wrap party moments: Misha starts answering and Jensen is pretending to tweet it

@FiercelyNormal Crew guy bust out good tequila at front door and one dude got so drunk they tried to pick up a vending machine and throw it

@FiercelyNormal Day player crew guy tried to get Jen to drink some random drink without realizing it was him and was mortified "oh it's YOU"

@FiercelyNormal They just made a pact to not listen to this girl trying to make them dance, to save whatever dignity they have left

@FiercelyNormal Jensen asked Kripke about the Samulet and Kripke said he was tired of thinking about it so got rid of it BUT Sam was still in the room

@FiercelyNormal Jensen thinks the Samulet should have been the key to get him out of hell

@FiercelyNormal Jensen just called him "Mish"

@galain They're auctioning Misha's scripts, Jensen's surprised Misha has no notes on his scripts

@FiercelyNormal They are bidding themselves though

@janiedean they read from the script of the truth ep and misha was reading the busty girl at the bar, sadly over now



there was a lot of stuff to code, so please tell me if I missed covering up something!

Not a lot of videos as of yet, so for future updates on fan convention reports and media, check Superwiki!


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